/ Francês → Inglês / Tristan
Tristan tradutor Inglês
803 parallel translation
Il joue l'ouverture de Tristan et Isolde de Wagner.
They start by playing the overture to Tristan und Isolde by Wagner.
Le Radio Symphony Orchestra va interpréter pour commencer l'ouverture de Tristan et Ysolde de Richard Wagner.
The Radio symphony orchestra brings you the overture from Richard Wagner's opera Tristan and
Tristan et Yseult ont chanté pendant 3 h et demie. Je vous demande juste d'aller devant le maire.
When Tristan falls in love with Isolde, they have to sing for three and a half hours.
- Je m'appelle Tristan, monsieur.
- My name is Tristan, sir.
Tu... tu connais une vieille reine Tristan?
What? You know about the old queen, Tristan?
Pense à ton petit Tristan, l'anniversaire de ton mariage.
Think about little Tristan, your wedding anniversary.
Et Tristan et Iseult.
And Tristan and Iseult.
- Tristan!
- Tristan!
Sire Tristan.
It is Sir Tristan.
Tu me trouves sotte de l'appeler "sire Tristan"?
You think I'm silly when I call him Sir Tristan.
Mademoiselle, sire Tristan vous a-t-il montré le portrait que Basil Hallward a fait de lui?
Miss Vane, has Sir Tristan, as you have so charmingly called him, ever invited you to see the wonderful portrait that Basil Hallward has made of him?
"Sire Tristan" l'appelait ma soeur, à cause de son air de seigneur.
Sir Tristan, my sister called him. Because he was like a knight.
Voilà sire Tristan, ma petite Kate.
This is Sir Tristan, Kate darling.
Autrefois, Lord Henry vous appelait sire Tristan, et cela vous allait.
I heard Lord Henry call you Sir Tristan, and at the time I thought it fit.
Adieu, sire Tristan.
Goodbye, Sir Tristan.
T'as dit "sire Tristan".
- Four drinks. - Sir Tristan, you said.
Et Sire Tristan partit à cheval, cherchant son seul amour.
And Sir Tristan rode forth into the forest, seeking his only love.
Il va jouer une réécriture de l'opéra de Richard Wagner, Tristan et Yseult.
Mr. Boray will play his own transcription of music from Richard Wagner's opera Tristan and Isolde.
Comme ça on mourait ensemble, hein! comme Tristan et Iseult
We could die together like Tristan and Isolde.
Vous sortez de l'Opéra, après avoir entendu Tristan et Yseult.
You're walking out of the opera, leaving to the passionate music of Tristan Undlsolde.
Vous n'aimez pas "Tristan et Isolde"?
Don't you like Tristan and Isolde?
"Tristan et Isolde"?
Tristan and Isolde?
J'ai dû écouter Tristan et Isolde.
I had to hear Tristan und Isolde.
Ah oui! Tristan, La Chevauchée. Oh là la, La Chevauchée!
Tristan, Tannhauser, The Ride of the Valkyries!
Sir Tristan Goldsborough!
Sir Tristan Goldsborough?
Oui, Elwin l'a promise à Tristan Goldsborough.
Yes, it is true. Elwin has promised her to Sir Tristan Goldsborough.
Oui, mais Tristan est une mine d'or.
Yes, but Tristan is a gold mine!
Que ce soit clair, Tristan.
Is that clear, Sir Tristan!
Ce qui m'inquiète, c'est cette histoire entre ton père et Tristan.
- I swear to it. I worry, though, over that story about your Father and Sir Tristan.
Tristan Goldsborough est noble, riche, respecté... et il te rendra certainement heureuse.
Sir Tristan Goldsborough is a nobleman, rich, respected... and he will make you happy.
Tristan Goldsborough, voulez-vous prendre pour légitime épouse...
Sir Tristan Goldsborough, do you take as your lawfully wedded wife,
- Tristan veut que vous rentriez.
- Tristan wants you inside.
Tristan et Iseult adorent l'alligator.
- They thought we'd like to be alone.
- Tristan.
- Tristan.
Comme vous le voyez, Felix et Tristan sont très semblables.
As you can see, Felix and Tristan look very alike.
Tristan se fait appeler Tristan.
Tristan is called Tristan by everyone.
Tristan est si beau.
Tristan's so nice.
- Tristan, ça ira pour aujourd'hui.
- Tristan, that's it for today.
- Ce sera tout, Tristan.
- That will be all, Tristan.
Vous avez entendu Tristan.
You heard Tristan.
Tristan, servez-moi du thé.
Tristan, give me my tea.
Les biens, Tristan.
asset's, Tristan.
Tristan, haïssez-vous toujours Felix?
- Tristan, you still hate our Felix?
Et Tristan est Tristan.
And Tristan is Tristan.
Je suis devenu Tristan, après la compétition de violoncelle de La Hague, il y a trente-deux ans.
I became Tristan, after the big cello competition in The Hague thirty-two years ago.
" Dans quel état tu t'es mis, Tristan.
" What a state you're in, Tristan.
Pourquoi vous appelle-t-on sire Tristan?
- Why are you called Sir Tristan?
Eh ben!
Tristan's Uncle Mark!
You're furious at Tristan. That's great.
Merci, Mme Addams.
Tristan and Isolde love alligator.