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Waterloo tradutor Inglês

330 parallel translation
Comme Napoléon avant Austerlitz ou avant Waterloo.
Like Napoleon before Austerlitz, or before Waterloo.
- À Waterloo.
To Waterloo.
Je vais l'avoir comme Grant a gagné à Waterloo ou je ne sais quoi.
Say, I'm going to take him like Graham took Waterloo... or whatever he took.
Waterloo Bridge, en 1931, puis Frankenstein, la même année.
Waterloo Bridge in 1931, and then Frankenstein that same year.
Nous sommes à Five Forks. Sheridan est encore à 20 miles. Hors de question de l'attendre.
We're before Waterloo with Sheridan 20 miles away... but we can't wait for that now.
La femme du marchand a perdu son père à Waterloo... et son frère est infirme depuis la bataille de Nouvelle-Orléans.
The merchant's wife lost her father at Waterloo... and her brother was crippled for life in the fighting outside New Orleans.
de waterpolo, de football ou de tea?
Waterloo, football or tea?
C'est au nom de la grande armée en souvenir de Waterloo et en prévision de Ste-Hélène que je viens vous dire adieu ou plutôt...
"In the name of the Grande Armée, " in memory of Waterloo and heralding St Helena, "I come to say farewell or rather..."
Sire, en souvenir de Waterloo et en prévision de Ste-Hélène, je viens vous dire adieu.
In the name of the Grande Armée, in memory of Waterloo and heralding St Helena, I come to say farewell, or rather adieu!
Son dos raconte La bataille de Waterloo
On her back is the Battle of Waterloo
C'est la meilleure nouvelle depuis Waterloo.
That's the most heartening piece of news since the Battle of Waterloo!
Gare de Waterloo...
Waterloo Station. Yes, sir.
Prenez le pont de Waterloo.
Go by way of Waterloo Bridge, will you? Waterloo Bridge, sir?
- Going where? - To Waterloo Station.
Waterloo Station, driver.
Ce sera sa bataille de Waterloo.
This battle will be his Waterloo.
Je compatis. Mais je suis baronnet, chef d'orchestre et grâce à nous, l'Angleterre reste à l'heure.
I see Well, you have my deepest sympathy, August but I am a baronet, I am a bandleader and my family's product has kept England on time since Waterloo
Maintenant je sais à quoi pensait Napoléon avant Waterloo.
Now I know what Napoleon felt like before Waterloo.
Mon père avait pour ami, le capitaine Humberstone Lyon, un Ecossais, vétéran de Waterloo.
One of the strangers took my My father's friends was Captain Lyon, He was a Scottish man, a veteran of Waterloo.
Les cornemuses sous la mitraille, comme à Waterloo...
There's nothing like the pipes for war.i remember Waterloo.
C'est la date de la bataille de Waterloo.
That's the date of the Battle of Waterloo.
à Waterloo et quand il a dit.. .. qu'en amour, la seule victoire était la fuite.
at Waterloo, and when he said, "The only victory in love is to flee."
C'est la bataille de Waterloo.
It's the Battle of Waterloo.
"Waterloo, Waterloo, morne plaine."
"Waterloo, Waterloo, mournful plain."
Il y a eu une bataille à Waterloo.
"There has been a battle at Waterloo."
- On ne meurt pas pour un petit Waterloo.
We don't die because of a small Waterloo.
D'habitude, c'est Napoléon au soir de Waterloo... mais maintenant, c'est Rivoli.
Usually, you're Napoleon after the Battle of Waterloo. Now it's more like after Rivoli.
À West Point, notre instructeur a dit que la charge de la 14e Cavalerie à Round Mountain restera dans l'histoire comme la cavalerie du Gal Blücher, le soir de Waterloo.
At the Point, our instructor told us... the 14th Confederate Cavalry's charge at Round Mountain... will go down in history with Gen. Blücher's cavalry action... the evening at Waterloo.
Regardez-les, on dirait 3 soeurs.
He used to be a soldier, a sergeant at Waterloo. "
- D'accord, montrez-moi ma chambre.
Sergeant of Waterloo.
- "Au sergent de Waterloo".
You are keeping the daughter of a so-called Fantine.
- Les Thénardier, eux aussi, étaient à Waterloo.
It seems to be going badly for the Emperor. Each of these lines is a regiment?
Il ne faut pas vous laisser prendre. Moi, je suis fichu.
At Waterloo, a man saved my life.
A Waterloo, un homme m'a sauvé la vie.
And he made only one mistake : to love too much two ingrates, his homeland and myself.
Des lâches qui ont fui, à Waterloo, devant les Anglais et les Prussiens. Tous des traîtres! Je le dis!
Marius, without any money, went to live in a shack, not far from the gate of Italy... not far from the district of the horse market.
"Au sergent de Waterloo". Le sergent, c'est moi.
For us men, the heart talks.
- C'est ainsi que vous nous appelez, Messieurs les riches?
He got his inspiration from my own story. "To the Sergeant of Waterloo." I'm the Sergeant.
Tu te crois malin? Mais tu vas donner ton adresse, mon mignon!
The inn at Montfermeil, with the sign of the Sergeant of Waterloo.
La défaite de Napoléon à Waterloo.
Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.
À mon Waterloo
On to your Waterloo
Comment s'appelait le cheval de Napoléon lors de la bataille de Waterloo?
What was the name of Napoleon's horse at Waterloo?
On est en plein Waterloo!
Heuzheli you do not understand that is a disaster?
Je l'apercevais souvent dans la rue. Au croisement Strand-Waterloo.
I often used to see him standing down there at the traffic lights - the strand-Waterloo intersection.
Les Anglais l'ont-ils dit à Waterloo?
Is that how the British played their cards at Waterloo?
La gare de Waterloo.
Waterloo Station.
Un sergent de Waterloo. "
That's what made me trust them.
.. Marius appris d'un seul coup..
Colonel at Waterloo.
Colonel à Waterloo.
The Thénardiers were also at Waterloo.
- Te voilà Baron, maintenant? !
All cowards who ran away from the English and the Prussians at Waterloo.
L'auberge de Montfermeil à l'enseigne du Sergent de Waterloo.
Take no heed.

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