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Won tradutor Inglês

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Comparé à ça, Matthew Beeman ne sera pas si important.
Compared to this, Matthew beeman won't seem so important.
Si on n'arrête pas ça, beaucoup de gens vont souffrir.
If we stop this, then a lot of people won't have to suffer.
Je n'aurai plus à traîner à l'église avec lui et...
That I won't have to hang out with them at the church all the time and...
Ses parents le trouveront avant.
How do you know he won't hit an artery accidentally?
Je fais des courses d'obstacles depuis cinq ans, et j'ai gagné presque toutes les courses européennes.
I have been running obstacle courses for five years now and have won almost every European race with my team.
Ces deux premiers parcours vous montrent bien que conquérir The Beast ne sera pas facile.
These first two runs go to show you conquering the Beast, well, it won't be easy.
Donne-moi juste 20 minutes d'avance, comme ça, tu seras couverte, tu n'auras pas de problème.
Just give me a 20 minute head start, that way, you'll be covered, you won't get in trouble.
Je ne la toucherai plus.
I won't touch her, man.
En construisant cet Internet peer-to-peer, le paradoxe qu'on va rencontrer est que les gens ne participeront que si la qualité est supérieure. La qualité ne sera supérieure que si...
So, in building this peer-to-peer Internet, the paradox that we're up against is that people won't want to participate until the quality is high, and the quality won't be high until, um... and the quality won't be high
Tant pis pour lui, il ne sera pas assis en face d'une personne aussi charmante que vous.
His loss. He won't be... sitting across from someone as charming as yourself this afternoon, will he?
Les conséquences? On est allés en finale. - On a gagné.
What it meant to the company was that we went to the finals, and we won.
On a gagné grâce à la tech.
We won because of the tech, remember?
Je leur ferai pas l'honneur de le répéter, mais prends des précautions.
No, no, I won't dignify it by repeating it. I'm just saying you should take precautions.
Ça n'arrivera plus, je te le jure.
Jared, this won't happen again. I swear.
C'est pas un HooliPhone.
'Cause it won't. It's not a HooliPhone.
T'as pas fini de causer des embouteillages, canon comme t'es.
Well, look, it won't be the last time you stop traffic, huh? Little hottie.
Il ne nous aidera pas.
He won't help us.
Je ne veux pas.
- I won't.
Si vous ne voulez pas le réparer ou le sauver, alors laissez-nous essayer.
If you can't fix it or won't save it, then let us try.
Vous avez gagné.
You won.
Dis lui comme tu me l'as dit et dans ce cas là, tu n'iras pas en prison tout seul.
Tell her like you told me because then you won't be in prison alone.
Elle refuse de me dire ce que Rachel lui a fait.
She won't even tell me what Rachel did to her, and I'm meant to send her back there.
Je me laisserai pas évincer par Nona Walker.
I made this fair what it is today, and I won't be sidelined by Nona Walker.
Elle ne démarre pas.
Yeah, it won't start.
Ses diplômes n'influeront pas sur le prix.
But her qualification won't make any difference to the price.
Courir ne suffira pas à te faire maigrir.
You won't lose weight just by jogging.
Et crois moi, tu perdras du poids sans même essayer.
And once in there... you won't need to make an effort to lose weight.
Pour qu'il fasse une autre crise et qu'il en meure?
Just say it... He'll get another heart-attack... and maybe this time he won't make it.
Ils ne trouveront pas mieux que moi dans la région.
And anyway, they won't find anyone better than me in UP.
Le proprio demande 2 million cash et 1,5 million en chèque.
The owner wants 2 million in cash and 1.5 million in cheque... he won't budge from his demands.
Ton sarcasme ne me fera pas changer d'avis.
Sarcasm won't change our decision, papa.
Commence par en mettre moins dans tes cheveux!
Then stop rubbing so much oil on your hair... and it won't dry so soon.
Si je tombe enceinte avant le mariage, il ne te mettra pas dehors?
If you get me pregnant before our wedding... won't he throw you out?
Je vais pas l'épouser mais je lui trouverai un mari.
I won't marry her, but... I will find a husband for her.
Je pense avoir trouvé.
But I guess we won't need one now.
Calme toi, la police ne fera rien.
The police won't do anything. Calm down.
Papa n'acceptera pas de mariage sans dot.
Father won't agree to this alliance without a dowry.
C'est une mauvaise idée.
It won't be right.
Si tu l'es... Terre ou ciel... Ce sera du pareil au même.
Then it won't matter whether you're on the ground or in the air.
Tu t'en sortiras pas comme ça!
You won't get away with this.
Ca n'arrivera plus.
It won't happen again.
I won't.
Les jupes, c'est pas fait pour toi.
You won't look good in a skirt.
- Je reste pas.
I won't stay here.
J'ai pas besoin de ta pitié.
I don't need your charity, I won't stay with you.
No, I won't go.
Plus besoin de dormir dans mon petit salon.
You won't have to sleep... in my small hall anymore.
Tu vas en avoir besoin à l'entrée.
You won't get entry in the club. I'll keep it.
Mais dans quelques années, il ne vous appartiendra plus de décider.
At this age, the transition would be a very difficult one for them... but in a few years, it won't be your decision to make anymore.
- Non.
- No, you won't.
Nous n'approuverons pas.
We won't approve it.

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