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Woodie tradutor Inglês

30 parallel translation
Miam-miam, bon à manger!
Yummy, yummy. Foodie, woodie.
# Still making half pipe hand plants look pretty # ln the woodie with the friandises for the Jacks and Jills
# Still making half pipe hand plants look pretty # ln the woodie with the goodies for the Jacks and Jills
C'est juste que je veux qu'un quelconque mec voit mon vagin.
Just don't want some dude looking at my woodie.
Te regarde le vagin?
Keane up your woodie...
Je trouve ça bizarre, et j'ai pas envie qu'un gars regarde mon vagin.
I think it's wired and I don't want some dude looking at my woodie.
Un jour, j'ai vu un homme garé devant la maison dans une Woody marron.
There was a man once, parked out in front of the house in a brown woodie.
Woodie ne va pas finir comme ça, pas sous notre garde.
Woody's not going out like that, not on our watch.
ARTHUR : Pardonne moi, Woodie.
Forgive me, Woodie.
WOODIE : C'est un nez qui saigne, sir.
It's only a bloody nose, sir.
WOODIE : Sir Arthur, si je peux me permettre,
Sir Arthur, if I may be so bold.
J'ai écouté son histoire, Woodie, et je l'ai cru.
I heard him tell his story, Woodie and I believed it.
- Woodie!
~ Woodie.
Ne perdons pas espoir si vite, Woodie.
Let's not abandon hope quite so fast, Woodie.
- Donne-moi la clé, pour l'amour de Dieu, Woodie.
~ Just give me the key for God's sake, Woodie.
Allons Woodie, je veux rendre visite à Harry Bostock, un camarade de classe de George.
Woodie, come on. I want to pay a visit to Harry Bostock, ~ an old school friend of George's.
- Courage, Woodie!
~ Buck up, Woodie.
10 shillings et 6 pences, Woodie.
10 shillings and sixpence, Woodie.
As-tu soif, Woodie?
Are you thirsty, Woodie?
Quand la raison, Woodie, est laissé en arrière, les vertus d'un homme deviennent ses défauts.
When reason, Woodie, gets left behind, a man's virtues become faults.
Non Woodie.
No, Woodie.
Ce n'est pas le moment de perdre notre sang-froid, Woodie.
This is no time to lose our nerve, Woodie.
- Il a purgé sa peine, Woodie.
~ He's served his sentence, Woodie.
Pourquoi ne pas demander à Woodie d'organiser quelque chose?
Why don't you ask Woodie to arrange something?
Woodie m'a déjà envoyé à Coventry.
Woodie's already sent me to Coventry.
Il faudrait que Woodie se rappelle où se situe ses intérêts.
Then Woodie needs to remember which side his bread is buttered.
Viens, Woodie.
Come on, Woodie.
Il a en revanche une Woodie.
But he does have a woodie.
On aurait juste pu rapprocher la voiture.
We could've just brought the woodie closer.
Dis "foufoune" comme un adulte.
- Just say "woodie" like a grownup.

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