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Zora tradutor Inglês

62 parallel translation
Zora, scientifique ayant expérimenté sur des tribus sur Tiburon.
Zora, who experimented with the body chemistry of subject tribes on Tiburon.
- Alman-zora, tu veux dire?
- Alman-zora, you mean?
Viens, je vais te montrer, tu sentiras, tu les verras mourir, tu entendras leurs cris, qui appellent Ia délivrance.
Today I understand the world better. Come on, I'll show you, Zora. You'll smell it, see them die, hear their cries... cries for deliverance.
Crois-moi, Zora, je me suis donné beaucoup de peine, mais ça ne suffisait pas pour Iui.
I took great pains, but in the end he had to admit he didn't have what it takes.
II n'avait rien d'un souteneur, même si notre argent venait d'autres hommes que je laissais venir avec moi.
Believe me, Zora. He wasn't the type to be a pimp even though our money came from other men with whom I slept.
Raconte encore, Zora, alors je m'endormirai.
Go on, Zora and I'll fall asleep.
Bonjour, je suis Zora Ia Rouge.
Stubborn as a mule.
Madame Zora...
That's what Madame Zora said.
La seule autre personne que Johnny voyait régulièrement était une chiromancienne de Coney Island, Mme Zora.
The only person who Johnny was seeing regularly was a palm reader in Coney Island called Madame Zora.
Je cherche Mme Zora.
I'm looking for Madame Zora.
- Le chanteur? - Oui, de charme. Il venait voir Mme Zora.
- Yeah, he used to visit Madame Zora.
Je cherche à m'informer sur une certaine Mme Zora.
I was inquiring about Madame Zora.
J'ai connu avant-guerre une Mme Zora.
Yeah, I knew her before the war, Madame Zora, you say?
Mme Zora est Margaret Krusemark!
Madame Zora was Margaret Krusemark.
- Je veux dire, mon peintre?
If you hate it, you can return it. Ask for Zora and mention my name.
Demande Zora de ma part.
And that.
Alors, à la santé de Rurik le Damné, conquérant de Wora Fel, libérateur de Vrax.
Then let us salute Rurik the Damned conqueror of the Zora Fel, liberator of Vrax.
Que faites-vous de W.E.B. Du Bois, Zora Hurston, Langston Hughes,
So the process failed to reverse itself. Are you telling me I'm going to be this bloody tall for the rest of my life?
Une universitaire analyse... les romans de Zora Neale Hurston.
Someone from the university discussing the novels of, I believe, Zora Neale Hurston.
Servir à nouveau l'organisation est pour moi un réel honneur.
Returning from Panther Zora's side, It is indeed an honour.
- Zora, c'est toi?
- Zora, is that you?
Le plus difficile pour moi fut de le dire à Mme Zora.
One of the hardest things for me was telling Zora, his mother.
Moi au moins, je ne suis pas comique de seconde zone, Zora.
Yeah, well, at least I'm not a second-rate comedian, Zora.
Merci, Zora.
Thanks, Zora.
Je crois que tu m'as menti, Zora.
I think you've been lying to me, Zora.
Tu peux garder les rollers, Zora.
You can keep the rollerblades, Zora.
Bon, nous suivons Zora Carmichaels et Bart.
All right, we are trailing Zora Charmichaels and Bart Bookman.
"La militante Zora Carmichaels tuée dans un bar d'Hermosa." Pour être honnête on cherche uniquement les nègres.
To be honest... we're just looking out for the niggers.
Zora, pour la dernière fois, c'est une entreprise respectable et je gagne bien ma vie.
Zora, for the last time, this is a respectable business, and I make good money.
Ne commence pas, Zora.
Zora, don't start.
Bon après-midi, Zora.
Afternoon, Zora.
Zora, j'ai besoin de ta confiance.
Zora, I just need for you to trust me.
Si je ne me fais pas tuer d'abord, Zora va me quitter pour vrai.
If I don't get killed first, Zora gonna leave me for real this time.
Zora, je sais ce que tu penses, mais ça n'a rien à voir.
Zora, I know. But it ain't what it look like.
Zora, attends!
Zora, wait!
Zora, ça peut se passer autrement.
Zora, no need to be like that.
Allez, Zora.
Come on, Zora.
Zora, 20 kebabs avec des oignons! - Et deux bierres!
Give us 20 kebabs, with onions.
Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen...
Zora Neale Hurston, Countee Cullen- -
Zora Suleman, en direct de Trafalgar Square.
Zora Suleman reporting from Trafalgar Square.
Zora Smith?
Zora Smith?
Je pense que sa femme et ses autres femmes, l'ont tué.
Zora, I think his wife and those other women, they killed him.
Je suis désolé, Zora.
I'm sorry, Zora.
- Je m'appelle Zora.
- My name's Zora.
- Zora.
- Zora.
Zora! Kahless!
Oui, très triste.
Yes, Zora, it's a very sad dream.
AIIons-nous-en, Zora, je t'en prie!
Let's go, Zora.
Des suggestions?
What about W.E.B. Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes,
Zora, entrez donc!
Zora, come into the house!

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