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Translate.vc / Francês → Inglês / Ètaient

Ètaient tradutor Inglês

15 parallel translation
Un de ceux qui ètaient restés sur la plage.
He was one of the men we left behind on the beach.
Là où j'ai grandi, à H ] arlem, près de la 125e, ils ètaient d'un côté et nous de l'autre.
Where I was brought up, Harlem near 125th, they were on one side and we were on the other.
Bien sûr, s'ils ètaient Superman.
Sure, with Superman suits.
- ils ètaient là.
- They were here.
- ils ètaient ici.
- They were here.
Hunter a tué Koyo et tous ceux qui ètaient avec lui.
Hunter killed Koyo. And everyone with him.
Le fait qu'ils ètaient noirs?
What, the color angle?
Pas parce qu'ils ètaient noirs, mais à cause de ce qu'ils ètaient.
Not because they were black, but because of who they were.
Parce qu'ils ètaient toujours tenus à l'écart.
Because they were always driven away.
Parce qu'ils ètaient tellement marginaux.
Because they were such outsiders.
J'ai trouvè des gens qui ètaient sur les lieux.
I've lined up some people who were at the scene, as you requested, sir.
Vous avez même entendu ce dernier avouer qu'il voulait les détruire sans se soucier de qui ils ètaient.
You've even heard Colonel Childers'own admission... that his desire was to "waste" them, regardless of who they were.
- Parce que dans ta famille, ils ètaient tous seconds maquereaux. - Pourquoi?
- Why?
S'ils ètaient comédiens, vous exigeriez un traitement de faveur?
If these were theatre performers instead of athletes, would you seek special treatment?
J'ai toujours pensé que s'ils ètaient morts, tout redeviendrait comme avant.
I always thought once they were all dead, things would be like before.

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