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Translate.vc / Francês → Russo / Raised

Raised tradutor Russo

12 parallel translation
Born and raised in South Detroit
* Родившийся и выросший в Южном Детройте *
Born and raised in South Detroit
Рожденный и выросший в Южном Детройте
Elle a été bien élevée.
She was raised right.
Tu es un garçon qui a été élevé par une toxico à la meth', qui a voulu te faire croire que tu étais une fille Parce qu'elle détestait les hommes.
You're a boy who was raised by a jacked-up meth head of a mom, who made you think you were a girl because she hates men.
Born and raised in South Detroit
* Рожденный и выросший в Южном Детройте *
♪ The right side of the tracks, she was born and raised ♪ ♪ In a great big old house, full of butlers and maids ♪ ♪ She says, "Baby, everything is all right ♪"
* Она родилась и выросла на правильной стороне дороги * * в большом старом доме, полном дворецких и служанок * * она говорит, "Детка, все в порядке" *
♪ Designed and directed by his raised right hand. ♪
В этой жалкой земле все шепчут о нем - Но кровавая рука скрыта под плащом.
Il a levé les mains et frappé la table sur laquelle ils mangeaient.
He raised his hand and hit the table they were eating on.
Elle était tous les jours en pétard.
She raised hell every day of her life.
A grandi dans le sud de la Virginie, a laissé tomber ses études de L2.
Raised in southwest Virginia, dropped out of high school his sophomore year.
Tu n'as pas trouvé ça louche qu'il commence à passer du temps avec toi quand l'âge pour consommer de l'alcool augmente?
It hasn't dawned on you that he only started spending time with you when the drinking age was raised?
Yoshinori Hishinuma Couleurs : Reiko Iwasawa Photographie :
100 ) } kono chichi ni hagukumishi mono wa jigoku no harakara { \ 3cHFFFFFF \ 1cH410E6E } Those raised by her milk are the brethren of hell 100 ) } mokushi no in { \ 3cHFFFFFF \ 1cH410E6E } A seal of revelation

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