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Translate.vc / Francês → Russo / Wearing

Wearing tradutor Russo

30 parallel translation
Portant l'odeur des laboratoires
♪ Wearing smeIIs from Iaboratories
I don t want to teach a class wondering why a girl is wearing my perfume.
... не хочу на лекции думать, почему от кого-то пахнет моими духами?
Je me rappelle que je ne pouvais pas sortir jouer avec mes amis... sans porter de masque.
I also remember что мне не разрешали выходить наружу играть с моими друзьями... ... that I wasn't allowed to go outdoors to play with my friends без марлевой маски. ... without wearing a mask.
You all, everybody you all, everybody acting like it s stupid people wearing expensive clothes you all, everybody
You all, everybody you all, everybody acting like it's stupid people wearing expensive clothes you all, everybody
Tu avais un t-shirt de la fac de l'Oregon.
You were wearing a u of o t-shirt.
Je ne me vois pas porter ça tous les jours.
I can't see myself wearing that, like every day, you know.
♪ Faded photographs from our foolish years ♪ ♪ We made plans, but they re wearing thin ♪
* ¬ ыцветшие фотографии беззаботных лет * * ћы строили планы, но они были нелепы *
I don t care if they re wearing an HPD uniform or not- - nobody gets in to see her.
Мне все равно одеты ли они в форму полиции или нет.. никто до нее не доберется.
♪ Who cares what they re wearing ♪
* Плевать, что там носят *
Récitant les cotations boursieres en jupe?
Reciting stock quotes and wearing a skirt?
Deep in the jeans she s wearing
* Облегают джинсы ее попку *
Elle porte un débardeur et une minijupe donc...
She's wearing a tank top and a miniskirt, so...
Le gamin porte le Claddagh d'un homme bien plus grand que lui
That kid's wearing a Claddagh for a much bigger man.
Un peu usé jusqu'à la corde.
Wearing a bit thin.
Sinon il le mettra encore.
He'd only goon wearing it if it's in the house.
♪ what if you were wearing a sun dress ♪
♪ Что, если бы на тебе был сарафан ♪
Tu n'es qu'un petit garçon. Comment pourrais-tu comprendre?
We matched Cordero's DNA samples with the clothes Rupa Nair was wearing.
Mon Dieu, qu'est ce que tu porte?
My God, what are you wearing?
J'ai une photo de maman portant son sac à dos à la remise de diplôme de sa classe de langage des signes.
I have a picture of Mom wearing the backpack at her sign language class graduation.
Pourquoi tu portes ça?
Why are you wearing that?
Super, maintenant on porte du maquillage.
Perfect. Now we're wearing makeup.
J'ai un gars qui porte un masque de ski.
Ben : I've got a man wearing a ski mask.
Elle porte un bracelet?
Is she wearing a bracelet?
Betty Wright portait un bracelet d'alerte médicale l'identifiant comme donneuse d'organes.
That's right. Betty Wright was wearing a medic alert bracelet identifying her as an organ donor.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle porte?
What is she wearing?
Non, vous ne pouvez pas car je porte un short de danse.
No, you can't, because I'm wearing dance shorts.
Portant l'odeur des laboratoires
Носим зимние пальто. ♪ Wearing smeIIs from Iaboratories
Men express fondness for men... men express fondness for men... the boy wearing the bride s gown... a mom s dream has been shattered.
Парень в одежде невесты. Разбил вдребезги мамины мечты.
Ma tenue de Scottie Pippens.
What the heck are you wearing, dude?
- T'as vu ce que tu portes?
( Laughing ) - What are you wearing, dude?

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