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13 parallel translation
# She gave me my hat And she showed me the door
Şapkamı verdi bana ve gösterdi bana kapıyı
Mais je dois admettre que ces ordres seraient plus faciles à suivre... Si les Yankees avaient montré de la charité quand ils étaient en Virginie.
But I must admit those orders would be easier to follow had the Yankees showed charity when they were in Virginia.
C'est super que tu sois passée.
I'm really glad you showed up, Janey.
Est-ce qu'il y avait des cahiers de notes qui démontraient ses plans... de complot pour commettre autre chose... que d'humilier Tsutomu Shimomura... que n'importe quel idiot qui avait rencontré Tsutomu Shimomura aurait pu lui dire... que ce n'était pas une personne à qui se frotter.
Are there any notebooks that showed he had plans... to conspire to commit any particular thing... other than humiliating Tsutomu Shimomura... which any idiot who's ever met Shimomura could have told him... this was not the guy to mess with.
L'homme apparut soudain sur le chemin de Brandon.
He showed up suddenly in front of Brandon...
Quand il est arrivé j'ai crût qu'il parlait une autre langue, mais il s'avère qu'il a simplement repris de la came.
When he showed up I thought he was speaking in tongues, but turns out he's just back on the stuff.
# She showed me very nice... #
Muhtemelen 70 katlı bir binayı tasarlayan en genç insana! She showed me very nice...
Je lui ai jamais montré.
Ona hiç Never showed it to him.
Et tu m'as montré que, peut-être quelqu'un pourrait se soucier de moi.
And you showed me that maybe somebody could care about me.
You showed it to me.
Sen gösterdin.
Like he was dignified He showed me what it was to cry
* Delicesine sevdiğim o erkek olamadın ama *
Tu m'as fait rêver.
You showed me some gren pastures swetheart.
Traduit Par Lucas7545 ( voleur qui s'approprie le travail des autres ) ♪ you showed up at my door today ♪ ♪ an inglorious surprise ♪
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