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Bernard tradutor Inglês

1,890 parallel translation
Boa noite, Bernard.
Good night, Bernard.
Bernardo, rei de Itália, sobrinho de Luis I, avô de Lotário II, foi expulso de Itália em 818.
Bernard, King of Italy, Louis I's nephew himself Lothaire II's grandfather... was chased from Italy in 818 A.D.
- Precisamos dos seus dados primeiro.
- We need to start with his specifics, Bernard.
Preciso fatos para elaborar uma teoria.
I need facts, Bernard, to piece together a theory.
Tenho uma pista muito importante, Bernard.
His wife is leaving him. I think I've got a really hot lead, Bernard.
Desculpa, mas estou progredindo.
Bernard, excuse me. But I'm making some progress here.
Bernard, dá-lhes ligação a ambos.
Bernard, give them both a connection.
A ligação voltará a nós.
The connection will come back to us, Bernard.
O que está fazendo?
- What are you doing? - I, um... Bernard...
Bernard, a coisa de desmontar a poesia e isso, mas já fiz.
The dismantling thing with the whole... You know, all the poetry stuff... But I got it.
Não seguir as palavras riquissimas de George Bernard Shaw.
Not stick to the exquisite words of Mr. George Bernard Shaw?
George Bernard Shaw é um excelente argumentista.
George Bernard Shaw is a great playwright.
Como o Sr. George Bernard Shaw uma vez disse...
As Mr. George Bernard Shaw once said...
Bernard L. Barker, envolvido na Baía dos Porcos.
Bernard L. Baker, involved in the Bay of Pigs. But these guys were small potatoes.
O Rolf, o Bernd, eu, a Lizzy, a Gabi e a minha mulher.
Rolf, Bernard, I, Lizzy, Gabi, my wife.
Bernard. Can I have a little chat?
- Ok, Ok, podem ficar.
- All right, all right, they can stay. - Thanks, Bernard!
- Obrigado Bernard!
That's fantastic!
Tive de lavar a do Bernard à parte porque estava muito suja.
I had to wash Bernard's separately because they were a bit dirty.
Bom dia, Bernard.
Morning, Bernard.
Tens uma mala de ferramentas Bernard?
Have you got a multi-tool, Bernard?
Vou para a minha reunião com Bernard Riddle.
I'm off to my Bernard Riddle meeting.
Bernard Riddle?
Bernard Riddle?
Se vamos ser amantes, tens de me chamar Bernard.
If we're gonna be lovers, you must call me Bernard.
Bernard, preciso de te dizer, se estás a planear gastar todo esse dinheiro aqui no Montecito...
Bernard, I have to tell you, if you plan on spending all of that money here at the Montecito...
O Bernard está em Vegas.
Bernard is in Vegas.
Preciso de falar com ele sobre a festa de divórcio do Bernard.
I need to talk to him about Bernard's divorce party.
Bernard, pensaste bem nisto?
Bernard, have you thought this through?
Ele tem razão, Bernard.
She's right, Bernard.
Ao Bernard.
Estou a falar de se despedir do Bernard.
I'm saying, if you wanted to say goodbye to Bernard.
- Bernard?
- Bernard?
- Bernard.
- Bernard.
Bernard, este é o Richard Squire.
Bernard, this is Richard Squire.
Se o meu Bernard fizer o que lhe dissemos e as operações, escuso de me preocupar mais com isto.
If my man Bernard doing it like we said and making them runs... then I don't wanna have to deal with this no more.
Não choramingues, Bernard.
So don't be crying, Bernard.
Quero um Shrek Slurpee, Bernard, e Krispy Kreme.
I want a Shrek Slurpee, Bernard, and some Krispy Kreme.
- Porque tens uma arma, Bernard?
- Why you got a gun, Bernard?
- Não usa os descartáveis do Bernard.
- Bell's not using Bernard's burners.
Basta uma semana com os telefones do Bernard e apanhamo-los a todos, incluindo o Shamrock, envolvidos em processos de conspiração.
A week or so up on Bernard's phones and we'll have everybody, up to and including Shamrock, tangled up in conspiracy counts.
Era por isso que não usava os telemóveis do Bernard.
So that's why he wasn't taking any phones from our man, Bernard, huh?
Bolas, Bernard, não te avisei sobre estes tipos?
Damn, Bernard, didn't I tell you about these guys?
Que merda foi essa, Bernard?
What the fuck did you say, Bernard?
E se vigiarmos o Bernard e a namorada?
Until we see which way this goes... shouldn't we get back on Bernard and his girl?
Púnhamo-los nas prateleiras das lojas e esperávamos que o Bernard aparecesse?
And what then? Stick them on a rack at Baba-whatever and wait for Bernard to show up that day?
Bolas, Bernard, que desconfiança é essa?
Damn, Bernard, why you acting all CIA and shit?
- Bernard?
ultimamente ninguém me liga, Bernard.
Nobody rings me these days, Bernard.
Bernard, era bom que a minha mãe e o meu pai ficassem aqui?
Bernard, will it be all right if my mum and dad stay?
Serás simpático, não é Bernard?
You will be nice, won't you, Bernard? - Quit that!
Bernard, não sejas assim.
Bernard, don't be like this. Help him out. It's just till Sunday.

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