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Carrington tradutor Inglês

248 parallel translation
O Coronel Carrignton está aqui para provar sua boa fé?
Are Col. Carrington and his men here to prove your good faith? - Who told you?
Bom, uma tropa de cavalaria, uma esquadra de intendência... quatro esposas de oficiais incluindo minha mulher e seis jovens.
- One cavalry troop, a squad from the Quartermasters, four officer's wives including Mrs. Carrington and six young ones.
O Coronel não ficou contente com isso. Carrignton evitou uma guerra desde que chegou aqui.
Carrington's been ducking a fight ever since we got out here.
Se acabarmos com esse miseráveis, Carrignton não poderá nos acusar.
If we take care of them Carrington couldn't bring charges against us.
Precisam todos de uma bebida.
Everybody could use a drink. Right, Mrs. Carrington?
John Carrington.
John Carrington.
- Sente-se, sr. Carrington.
- Chair, Mr. Carrington.
Sr. Carrington, já alguma vez se perguntou?
Mr. Carrington, do you ever wonder?
Não, eu não dúvido disso, sr. Carrington.
No, I am sure I have not, Mr. Carrington.
- Mandou chamar-me, sr. Carrington?
- You sent for me, Mr. Carrington?
Termos do negócio, contra pagamento em dinheiro ou letra de crédito para conhecidos..... eu ou do sr. Carrington.
Terms of trade, for cash or good bills of exchange from men known to me or Mr. Carrington.
Oh, e sr. Carrington....
Oh, and Mr. Carrington?
Sou o Michael Carrington.
My name's Michael Carrington.
Por fim, temos connosco um aluno brilhante, vindo de Inglaterra, que dá pelo nome de Michael Carrington.
Last but not least, we are fortunate to have a straight -'A'student all the way from England, by the name of Michael Carrington.
Digam todos "Olá" ao Michael Carrington.
All right, now, all say hello to Michael Carrington.
Olá, Michael Carrington.
Hello, Michael Carrington.
Sou o Michael Carrington.
The name's Michael Carrington.
Ainda te falta dar um salto, motoqueiro Shakespeare Carrington.
Yeah, well, you got one more jump, Mr Cool Rider, Shakespeare, Carrington.
- Abandalhar, Mr. Carrington?
- Trouser - loony, Mr. Carrington?
- Boa noite, Lady Carrington.
- Good night, Lady Carrington.
No terraço inferior, Lady Carrington.
In the inferior terrace, Lady Carrington.
Preferia partilhar uma cama com o Inspector-chefe Japp e três polícias, do que ser parceiro de bridge com a Lady Carrington.
It was preferring to share a bed with it Inspector-chief Japp and three police officers, of what to be a partner of bridge with the Lady Carrington.
É o Sir George Carrington.
He is the Sir George Carrington.
Lady Carrington e Reggie partiram após o pequeno-almoço.
Lady Carrington and Reggie left after the breakfast.
Que raio faz aqui, Carrington?
Which ray does it do here, Carrington?
Como o Honorário Rupert Carrington?
Like Honorary Rupert Carrington?
a Sra. Carrington.
you. Carrington.
Poderia ser o marido da Sra. Carrington?
It might be the husband of the Mrs. Carrington?
A Sra. Carrington disse que tinha assuntos a tratar no comboio e para eu sair com a bagagem e esperar por ela.
Carrington said what it had subjects to negotiate in the train and in order that I leave with the luggage and to hope for her.
O Sr. Halliday disse-me que a Sra. Carrington levava com ela uma mala de viagem azul, com imensas jóias.
You. Halliday said to me what you. Carrington it was taking with her a travel suitcase blue, with immense jewels.
E exactamente 35 minutos após sairmos de Bristol hora essa em que ontem, a Madame Carrington ainda se encontrava com vida.
And exactamente 35 minutes after to go out from Bristol this hour in what yesterday, the Lady Carrington it was still meeting with life.
A questão é, Hastings será a Madame Carrington ainda estava viva nesta paragem?
The question is, Hastings she will be the Lady Carrington was it still alive in this stopping?
Quando soubermos porque é que a Madame Carrington estava tão ansiosa por comprar a última tiragem, descobriremos o motivo pelo qual foi assassinada e quem foi o responsável.
When we will know because the fact is that the Lady Carrington it was so anxious because of buying the last print run, we will discover the motive by which it was murdered and the one who was the person in charge.
- Lamento, mas não, Sr. Carrington.
- Lament, but not, Mr. Carrington.
Já lhe disse que nada sei sobre a morte da Sra. Carrington.
He already told him that I know nothing on the death of the Mrs. Carrington.
Ele queria usar a Sra. Carrington como reserva, caso o plano falhasse...
He wanted to use you. Carrington like reserve, if the plan failed...
Rupert Carrington. "Rising Star".
Rupert Carrington. "Rising Star".
Não tem a ver com o Carrington.
It has not to do with the Carrington.
A sua teoria, Inspector-Chefe, tal como a entendi, é que o Comte de Rochefour tencionava usar a Madame Carrington como reserva.
His theory, Inspector-chief, such as I understood it, the fact is that the Comte de Rochefour it was intending to use the Lady Carrington as reserve.
Porque mataria o Comte para obter as jóias da Madame Carrington?
Because it would kill the Comte to obtain the jewels of the Lady Carrington?
Por outro lado, Hastings, a tua teoria defende que quando Monsieur Carrington descobriu que o cavalo tinha perdido, foi exigir o dinheiro à mulher, para acabar com os corretores e que quando ela recusou, a matou para ficar com as jóias?
On the other side, Hastings, your theory defends what when Monsieur Carrington it discovered what the horse had lost, it demanded the money to the woman, to put an end to the brokers and what when she refused, did it kill it to keep the jewels?
Então explica-me, Hastings, porque será que o Monsieur Carrington continua enfiado no bar, a beber até mais não poder e a tremer de medo daquilo que os corretores lhe possam fazer?
Then it explains me, Hastings, because it will be that the Monsieur Carrington is still put in the bar, drinking up to any more not being able and shuddering of fear of what could the brokers do to him?
Nega qualquer conhecimento, mas no cabide está um casaco igual ao que a Sra. Carrington usava na altura da sua morte.
It denies any knowledge, but in the hanger a coat is equal to what you. Carrington it was using in the height of his death.
Para que quereria Florence Carrington tão desesperadamente aquele jornal?
Why would Florence Carrington like so desperately that newspaper?
Florence Carrington viajava com as suas jóias sozinha e desprotegida no Expresso de Plymouth.
Florence Carrington it was travelling with his jewels alone and left unprotected in the Express of Plymouth.
Monsieur MacKenzie desce para a plataforma, levando consigo não só as jóias, como também a bagagem da Madame Carrington.
Monsieur MacKenzie goes down for the platform, getting a beating with you not only the jewels, I eat also the luggage of the Lady Carrington.
Se alguém tivesse olhado para a carruagem ao sair de Bristol, teria visto a Madame Carrington ainda com vida.
If someone had looked for the carriage while going out from Bristol, he would have seen the Lady Carrington still with life.
A cúmplice do Monsieur MacKenzie foi uma mulher chamada Grace Kidd, que trabalhava para a Madame Carrington sob o nome de Jane Mason.
The accomplice of the Monsieur MacKenzie she was a woman called Grace Kidd, what was working for the Lady Carrington under the name of Jane Mason.
Como a Minnie e o Mickey. A Ginger e o Fred, a Leonora Carrington e o Max Ernst.
How do you know this fish isn't evidence?
Não é, Srª Carrington?
Não. Passa-a a Wrigley.
No, he passes her to carrington.

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