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Daryl tradutor Inglês

919 parallel translation
Eles têm o carro do pai do Daryl!
They got Daryl's dad's car!
- Temos o Danny, o Daryl...
We got Danny, we got Daryl...
O Daryl não fazia mal a uma mosca.
No. Daryl, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
Não, sabe, o Daryl é mais um político, como o pai.
No, you see, Daryl... he's more of a politician... like his father.
- Daryl, que fizeste?
- Daryl, what have you done?
- Chamo-me Daryl.
My name is Daryl.
Daryl, esta é a Elaine.
- Hi. - Daryl, this is Elaine.
- Gosto em conhecer-te.
Nice to meet you, Daryl.
Muito bem, de uma coisa podes estar certo : Alguém anda à tua procura e nós vamos ter notícias desse alguém.
One thing you can be sure of, Daryl, is that, somewhere, somebody is looking for you and we'll hear from them.
- Dá-me licença por um momento.
Excuse me a moment, Daryl.
Bem, vais passar aqui uma ou duas noites.
Well... You're just gonna spend a night or two here, Daryl.
- Estamos felizes por estares connosco.
We're really happy to have you with us, Daryl.
- É óptimo ter-te cá, Daryl.
Andy. It's really great to have you here, Daryl.
Eh, Daryl, apanha.
Hey, Daryl. Catch.
Querido, vem cá!
Daryl, sweetheart, can you come down here a minute?
Daryl Richardson.
Daryl Richardson.
- Acho que o Daryl talvez goste...
- Oh, well, I think Daryl might...
Deus! Daryl?
É outra parte do jogo.
OK, Daryl.
Pronto, Daryl, aí vai.
OK, Daryl, here it comes.
Vou lançar com mais força, para ir mais rápida.
Daryl, I'm gonna throw a little bit harder this time, OK? So it'll be traveling a little bit faster.
Daryl, Turtle.
Daryl... Turtle, come here.
O Andy pede segredo ao Daryl e, depois, vem contar-me.
- How can you trust a man like Andy? He makes Daryl swear an oath of secrecy, then he comes in and tells me.
- O Turtle diz que tem uma grande...
But Turtle says it's because he has the biggest... Daryl.
- Há qualquer coisa no Daryl...
Well is there something about Daryl that's a little?
- Não, o computador do banco avariou.
No, the bank computer messed up again, Daryl.
- Daryl, traz o meu cartão, está bem?
- Hey, Daryl, grab my card, would you?
- Tens o teu trabalho feito, Daryl.
You got your work cut out for you, Daryl. Just do what I said, OK?
- Tens de te mexer!
- Touch them all, Daryl!
Exacto, Daryl.
That's right, Daryl. We haven't.
Tenho andado a querer fazer-te o meu discurso sobre os adultos.
Daryl, I been meaning to give you my speech about grownups. It's a great speech.
- Daryl, que se passa?
Daryl, what's going on?
- Não fales assim com o Andy.
- Daryl, don't talk to Andy like that. Kiss my ass.
Daryl, volta aqui!
Daryl, come back here!
O Andy quer tanto ganhar que talvez o faça mesmo.
Andy wants to win so badly, he'd probably do it too. Daryl.
Daryl, os teus pais adoram-te e são os teus verdadeiros pais. Andam à tua procura há meses e querem que voltes para eles.
Daryl, your parents love you, and they're your real parents and they've been looking for you for months.
- O Daryl está bem?
Daryl is quite all right?
- O Daryl é um jovem fabuloso.
Daryl is a tremendous young man.
A minha mulher e eu agradecemos a bondade que tiveram com o Daryl.
My wife and I would like to thank you for all the kindness you've shown Daryl. Oh, it wasn't hard.
- Daryl.
Daryl's upstairs.
O Daryl está lá em cima.
I'll go get him.
Vou chamá-lo.
Adoro o Daryl.
I love Daryl.
Daryl, anda, vamos!
Daryl, come on, let's go!
- Vá lá, Daryl!
And listen, just come around easy on the ball, OK?
Tens de correr, Daryl!
You have to run, Daryl!
Daryl, ganhámos!
Daryl! Daryl, we won!
- Daryl?

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