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Eduard tradutor Inglês

184 parallel translation
Diretor de Fotografia EDUARD TISSE
Head cinematographer EDUARD TISSE
Director de Fotografia Eduard TISSE
Director of Photography Eduard TISSE
Além disso, Eduard parece já estar a caminho de casa.
Anyway, Edward seems to be heading on home already.
Eduard gosta quando o levo para casa.
Edward likes me to take him home.
Eduard ainda é um bezerro pequeno e bonito mas o fazendeiro falou há pouco que ele mais tarde certamente será um grande boi.
Edward is still a pretty little calf, but the farmer told me recently that he'll surely grow up to be a big ox.
Eu a escrevi em um prado nas montanhas entre capim-treme-treme, bezerros, e um deles chamava-se Eduard.
I wrote it in a mountain meadow, between quaking grass and calves, one of which was called Edward.
Música : Eduard ARTÉMIEV.
Se eu não tivesse encostado, não teria parado no semáforo, nem visto a ambulância... ou ouvido falar de Salomon Tauber ou de Eduard Roschmann.
If I hadn't pulled to the curb I wouldn't have caught the traffic light nor seen the ambulance never have heard of Salomon Tauber or Eduard Roschmann.
O Capitão Eduard Roschmann, o comandante da SS do acampamento.
Captain Eduard Roschmann, the SS Commandant of the camp.
O Capitão Eduard Roschmann.
Captain Eduard Roschmann.
Não queres que investigue nem vá atrás do Eduard Roschmann?
You don't want me to follow it up or to go after Eduard Roschmann?
Roschmann, Eduard.
Roschmann, Eduard.
Tem feito perguntas sobre o Eduard, mas não descobriu nada.
He's been asking questions about Eduard but he's not getting anywhere.
Ficheiro azul.
Roschmann, Eduard. Blue file.
- Refere-se ao Eduard Roschmann, não é?
- You mean Eduard Roschmann, don't you?
O Eduard Roschmann está morto!
Eduard Roschmann is dead!
O meu nome é Peter Miller e o seu é Eduard Roschmann.
My name is Peter Miller, and yours is Eduard Roschmann.
Música - Eduard ARTEMIEV
Music by Eduard ARTEMYEV
Coronel Eduard Seibert, antigo ajudante de Rausch, cérebro da organização Camaradas.
Colonel Eduard Seibert, he's the adjutant to Rausch, the head of the Kamerads organization.
Música Eduard ARTEMIEV
Music : Eduard Artemyev
Eduard Azerianski, engenheiro de provas.
Edward Ozeryansky, research engineer.
Eduard, Robert, Rudolf.
Edward, Robert, Rudolph...
Eduard pediu-me em casamento, e eu aceitei.
Edvard has asked me to marry him. I have accepted his offer with gratitude and joy.
"Eu, Olof Henrik Eduard Vergerus..."
"I, Olof Henrik Edvard Vergerus..."
Eu, Olof Henrik Eduard Vergerus...
I, Olof Henrik Edvard Vergerus...
"eu o recebo, Olof Henrik Eduard Vergerus..."
"Take thee, Olof Henrik Edvard Vergerus..."
eu o recebo, Olof Henrik Eduard Vergerus...
Take thee, Olof Henrik Edvard Vergerus...
Eduard sempre repreende-me, mas não é fácil... admitir que nos tornamos dispensáveis.
Edvard has admonished me a hundred times. But it is not easy to realize that one is superfluous.
Durante a semana e aos domingos. Às 6h, rezamos no gabinete de Eduard.
We gather for prayers in Edvard's study at six.
- Tio Eduard.
- And Uncle Edvard.
- Tio Eduard... nossos primos, tios e tias... Vega, Esther, Maj, Tio Isak.
And Uncle Edvard, my siblings, my cousins and aunts and uncles Uncle Isak and everyone else.
- Boa noite, Tio Eduard.
- Good night, Uncle Edvard.
Tio Eduard nos levou... ao jardim botânico, onde vimos aves e árvores... e aprendemos muita coisa.
Uncle Edvard took us on an outing to see... -... the Botanical Gardens. - We learned about rare flowers.
- Eduard proibiu-me!
- Give me the key!
Príncipe Alfred Eduard Friederich Vincenz Martin Maria von Auersberg.
Prince Alfred Eduard Friederich Vincenz Martin Maria von Auersberg.
Sei que é amiga de Edward Raban.
I understand you're a friend of Eduard Raban.
- Viu o Edward Raban?
Excuse me, have you seen Eduard Raban?
Alguém viu o Edward?
Has anyone here seen Eduard?
Viu o Edward esta noite?
Have you seen Eduard tonight?
Edward Raban?
Eduard Raban?
- Procuro o Edward.
- No I'm trying to find Eduard.
- O Edward.
- Eduard
Fui ao apartamento do Edward.
I went to Eduard's apartment.
- Apartamento do Edward.
- Eduard's apartment.
- O Edward diz que ele é escritor.
- Eduard said he was a writer.
O meu amigo Edward desapareceu.
My friend Eduard has disappeared.
Ele chama-se Edward Raban?
His name is Eduard Raban?
Fotografia de EDUARD TISSÉ
Directed by :

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