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Firestone tradutor Inglês

45 parallel translation
Milton, Woolman, Firestone, - MacDonald e Valence!
Milton, Woolman, Firestone, McDonald and Valence.
"Harry's" e a da "Firestone".
- There's a Harry's, a Firestone, a logo.
Olá a todos, sou o Roy Firestone.
Hi, everybody, I'm Roy Firestone.
Wilma, poderias ter casado com Elliot Firestone.
Oh, Wilma. You could've married Elliot Firestone, the man who invented the wheel.
Liga ao Elliot Firestone.
Just call Elliot Firestone.
- Kevin, é o Roy Firestone.
- Kevin, it's Roy Firestone. - Roy's calling.
O Roy Firestone.
Roy Firestone.
O raio do Roy Firestone.
That was Roy freaking Firestone.
- O Harvey Johnson vai de férias e o Roy quer que o substituas no "O Desporto Com O Roy Firestone".
Harvey Johnson's taking a vacation... and Roy wants you to fill in with us on Sportscall with Roy Firestone.
Sou o Roy Firestone, vêem "O Desporto".
I'm Roy Firestone, and this is Sportscall.
- O Roy Firestone?
- Roy Firestone?
Firestone, eliminado.
Flrestone, you're cut. So Is Judge.
Os duendes substituíram-lhe os sapatos por pneus Firestone.
The elves upgraded his shoes to the new Firestone radials.
Onde há fumo, há Firestone.
"Where There's Smoke There's Firestone."
Eu fiz um filme com ele, quando eu estava na Firestone.
That's right. I did a picture with him when I was at Firestone.
- Ele nem sequer chegou acabar o filme. - Eu estava lá na Firestone.
- He didn't even finish the movie.
- Ele têve um esgotamento nervoso.
- I was there at Firestone.
Isto era uma quinta que pertencia à... família Firestone até aos anos 50.
This was all a farm owned by the... Firestone family until the 50's.
Estive no Firestone em 2005 quando meteu a bola no 18º buraco.
I was at Firestone in 2005, when you holed that chip shot on the 18th.
Com licença, Marty, quem está fazer os testes da Firestone, tu ou o Frank?
Excuse me, Marty, who's doing the Firestone comps, you or Frank?
Nós mandamos Firestone para eles no mês passado por causa do conflito com a Goodyear.
We sent them Firestone last month because of our conflict with Goodyear.
E Renee Firestone.
And Renee Firestone.
Shulamith Firestone, foi uma radical feminista que escreveu... um pequeno livro chamado "Dialética do Sexo".
Shulamith Firestone was a radical second-wave feminist who wrote a little book called "The Dialectic of Sex,"
Frederick Firestone do no 2707 na Rua Spencer, Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Frederick Firestone from 2707 Spencer road, Chevy Chase, Maryland.
O Richard Crooks vai estar no "Voice of Firestone".
Richard Crooks is back on the Voice of Firestone.
Não é do Kevin Firestone? Erin Reagan-Boyle Advogada Sênior
Uh, sir, isn't that Kevin Firestone's case?
Firestone é um bom homem.
Firestone's a good man.
Fico lisonjeada, mas não é justo com Firestone.
Sir, I'm flattered, but it's not fair to Firestone.
Deixe Firestone comigo.
I'll handle Firestone.
Mas o problema com o caso do Firestone é que temos duas prostitutas e uma cafetina para depor contra St.
But here's the problem with Firestone's case. We have two hookers and a madam to testify against St. Clair, a churchgoing father of four and the mayor's most trusted associate.
É isso que temos com o acordo que ele fechou com Firestone?
This is what we got for the sweetheart deal he cut with Firestone?
Onde está Kevin Firestone?
Where is Kevin Firestone?
Seu acordo com Kevin Firestone foi retirado.
Your deal with Kevin Firestone, it's off the table.
A última vez que fizeste um discurso assim, perdemos a licitação para a Firestone.
The last time you gave a speech like that, we lost the bid to Firestone.
- Não quero a Dunlop, quero a Firestone.
I don't want Dunlop, I want Firestone.
Adorava ter a Firestone.
I'd love to have Firestone.
- Eu arranjo-te uma reunião.
I'll get you a meeting with Firestone.
Caroline, liga ao James Barton da Firestone Tires.
Caroline, get me James Barton at Firestone Tires.
Pretendo uma reunião com a Firestone.
I'm trying to meet with Firestone.
Mande um divisor chinês para roupas e um belo preservativo vulcanizado da Firestone.
Send up a Chinese dressing screen and one of Firestone's finest vulcanized prophylactics.
Antigos militares, trabalham os dois para a Firestone Security.
Former military, both of them employed by Firestone Security.
Está a ouvir a Hora Firestone, com Richard Crooks, na Rede de Rádio NBC.
You're listening to "The Firestone Hour" with me, Richard Crooks, on the NBC Radio Network.
Chama-se Praia Firestone, mas os locais chamam-lhe Shady Cove.
It's called Firestone Beach, but the locals call it Shady Cove.
- Atenção aos pneus Firestone.
Oh, really?

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