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Graham tradutor Inglês

2,427 parallel translation
Emergências apenas, Graham.
Only emergencies, Graham.
Desculpe-me, Graham.
Oh, I'm sorry, Graham. What happened?
Graham, viste o Simon?
Hey, Graham, have you seen Simon?
O Dr. Tarzi pode estar fora de Kandahar, mas liga e vê o quanto rápido, ele pode chegar.
Graham. - Dr. Tarzi may be out of Kandahar, but call him, see how fast he can get here.
- Uma sala de operações livre?
Graham, do we have a free O.R.?
Acredita, posso entrar e sair em menos de 5 min.
Believe me, Graham. I can get her in and out in under five.
- Graham, tens a lista?
Graham, you got the list?
Graham, contacta os centros médicos no Afeganistão, a frente de combate e etc.
Graham, get on to the other coalition m. T.F.S in Afghanistan- - bastion, etcetera.
- E trás o Graham também.
And bring Graham in on this as well.
Graham, acho que o Simon esconde a vodka onde ninguém consegue encontrá-la.
Graham, I suppose Simon has hidden his vodka where no one can ever find it.
Obrigado, Graham.
Thanks, Graham.
- Só emergências, Graham.
Only emergencies, Graham.
Excelente, Graham!
Bravo, Graham!
Até tu, Graham?
Et tu, Graham?
Não sigas esse caminho, Graham.
Don't go there, Graham.
Graham. Yeah.
- Graham, espera.
Graham, wait.
- Graham.
Graham, pronto para ires?
Graham, you feel like putting on your P.A.'s hat?
O Graham está à sua procura, agora.
Graham's out looking for him right now.
Zack Estrin, Graham Roland e Gabe Trokey.
Zack Estrin, Graham Roland, and Gabe Trokey.
Sabes que mais, Graham?
You know what, Graham?
O uso de bolachas e de chocolate não será usado contra vocês em tribunal.
Any use of Graham crackers and chocolate will not be used against you in a court of law.
- Soldado Graham Barford.
Private Graham Barford.
Podemos falar sobre isso depois, certo?
Hey, Graham, we can talk about this later, okay?
Esteve com o Graham Barford.
You were with Graham Barford.
O que aconteceu contigo, o Graham e o sargento Gleed?
So what happened with you and Graham and Sergeant Gleed?
Graham, o Henry fugiu outra vez.
- Right. - Graham, Henry's run away again.
O Price e o Graham foram baleados!
Hurry! Price and Graham have been shot!
O Graham está em chamas.
Graham's on fire.
Chamava-se Graham Randall.
His name's Graham Randall.
Preciso da ficha do Graham.
I'll need Graham's records.
- Sim! Tenho a ficha da condicional do Graham.
Got Graham's Bureau of Probation records.
A mãe do Graham Randall está aqui.
Graham Randall's mother's here.
5 mil doláres era demasiado para eu pagar. Mas o Graham disse que estava tudo bem.
You know, $ 5,000 was just too much for me to raise but Graham said he was okay.
O Graham disse que um anjo vinha com a fiança.
Graham said an angel would be coming by with his bail.
Apareceu à minha porta uma hora depois do Graham me ligar... com um envelope cheio de dinheiro.
He showed up at my door about an hour after Graham called with an envelope full of money.
Sabe porque é que o Graham... tinha um livro de Direito com ele?
Do you know why Graham had a law book with him?
Todos foram tirados perto da morte. Antes de morrerem. O Graham Randall era uma mula, a contrabandear um balão cheio de dentes humanos.
Before they died Graham Randall was a mule smuggling out a balloon full of human teeth?
A Maura encontrou-os nos intestinos do Graham.
Maura found them in Graham's intestines.
Há algo que coloque o Graham com o Hoyt?
Did you find anything that put Graham near Hoyt?
Não esfaqueou o Graham Randall.
He didn't stab Graham Randall.
O Graham era aprendiz do Hoyt? Não sei.
- Think Graham was Hoyt's apprentice?
Investigamos o homicídio do Graham de manhã.
We'll tackle Graham's murder in the morning.
A mesma para onde o Graham Randall ia no outono.
The same college where our victim was headed to this fall.
Investigar o Graham, ficar longe do Hoyt.
Work on Graham, stay away from Hoyt.
A amostra do Jacob veremos se os dentes que o Graham contrabandeou da cadeia são dos Wilsons.
Swab will tell whether the teeth Graham smuggled out belong to the Wilsons. Yeah.
- O que é, Graham?
What is it, Graham?
- Graham, eu não...
Graham, I don't...

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