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Jakes tradutor Inglês

150 parallel translation
Sabes algo com muita papelada, que leva os soldados da cavalaria a pensar que nós do Serviço de Inteligência, somos uns colegiais e que só estamos a brincar com o inimigo.
Sorts of things make lighthorsemen think the English intelligence officer like bunch of school boys playing wizard jakes on the enemies
Dois Jakes.
Two Jakes.
Este é o John Jakes.
This is John Jakes.
Srta. Jakes...
Miss Jakes...
- Mas você me supera com Janice Jakes.
- But you beat me with Janice Jakes.
Doors tem um contrato com Janice Jakes. Ela é como a rainha dos sonhos.
Doors has a contract with Janice Jakes, she's like the Queen of dream.
Nós temos que nos associar neste assunto com Janice Jakes.
We must partner of that Janice Jake's diddle.
Janice Jakes lhe disse alguma coisa?
Did Janice Jakes give you anything?
Tenho que fazer o que ele manda Srta. Jakes.
I'd do what he says Miss Jakes.
Janice Jakes era a instigadora de sonhos.
Janice Jakes was the dream stalker.
Janice Jakes está na cadeia, então é impossível que ela fizesse o pedido.
Janice Jakes is in jail, so she sure wasn't able to place the order.
Mas teve problemas com a sequela, "O Caso da Mulher Infiel"?
But you had problems with the sequel, The Two Jakes?
Sargento Jakes... tire as algemas.
Sergeant Jakes... uncuff him.
E eu olhei nos olhos do Jake e eu não vi isso lá.
And I looked into jakes'eyes, and I just didn't see it there.
Sou a Dra. Smith, esta é a Dra. Jakes.
I'm Dr. Smith. This is Dr. Jakes.
Se meu sobrenome Jakes ficasse famoso... todos dariam crédito a meu avô.
If I made the name Jakes worthwhile... people would think it was because of my grandfather.
O sanitário está ocupado.
The jakes is occupied.
O sanitário está ocupado, e vai estar por algum tempo.
Well, the jakes is occupied. Will be for some time.
T.D. Jakes.
T.D. Jakes.
Jakes! Jakes!
Do Jake! É culpa do Jake!
It is Jakes error.
O Jakes é da alfândega.
Oh, and Jakes. Jakes is customs.
Então, Jakes.
Yo, Jakes.
Fora ficar de olho na gripe aviária, não é?
Wow! Yeah, you also gotta watch out for the bird flu, right, Jakes?
- Dale Jakes.
- Dale Jakes.
Parabéns, Jakes.
Congratulations, Jakes.
- Chamavam-no'Jakes Maluco'.
They called him crazy Jakes.
E o Jakes é da alfândega.
Oh, and Jakes is customs.
Jakes, tenho panquecas com o teu nome.
Jakes, got a couple of flapjacks with your name on'em, bro.
Até logo, Jakes.
- Aah! Shh... - Later on, Jakes.
O Jakes facturou, mil balas perfurantes.
Jakes just scored a thousand armor-piercing bullets.
Pedimos emprestadas as balas do Jakes e vendemos a um dos homens do Bello.
So we borrow the bullets from Jakes and sell them to one of Bello's guys.
Diz ao Jakes.
Tell Jakes.
Jakes, posso perguntar uma coisa?
Hey, Jakes, can I ask you something?
Jakes, vá lá.
Jakes, come on, man.
- Aqui como o'Jakes Maluco'.
Like crazy Jakes here.
Jakes, mais alguém precisa de recargas?
Jakes, anybody else need a re-up?
O Jakes tem as suas balas de volta, e estás a dever-lhe.
Jakes gets his bullets back, plus a little slave labor from you.
O Jakes facturou mil balas perfurantes.
Jakes just scored 1,000 armor-piercing bullets.
- Jakes, vem cá'soldamanhã'.
Jakes. Come here, sunshine.
O Jakes disse que o viu no armazém hoje.
Jakes said he saw him at the warehouse today.
O Jakes acabou de apanhar mil balas perfurantes.
Jakes just scored 1,000 armor-piercing bullets.
Jakes, amo-te, meu.
Jakes, I love you, man.
Estou a tentar coisas novas, Jakes.
I'm into trying new things, Jakes. - Yeah?
Já que o Jakes não está, posso roubar detergente.
Oh, yeah? And now that Jakes is out on his job, I can steal his detergent.
Sargento Jakes, prenda-o.
Sergeant Jakes, arrest him.
A "peganhenta" funciona como refrigerante.
The gooery jakes out the coolant.
Pseudónimo'Jakes Maluco'.
Hold up!
Vá lá!
Alias crazy Jakes. Come on.
- Vá lá, Jakes!
- Come on, Jakes!
- Jakes?

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