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Lowery tradutor Inglês

118 parallel translation
O Sr. Lowery já voltou do almoço?
Is Mr Lowery back from lunch?
Lowery, estou cá com uma sede!
Lowery, I am dying of thirst-aroonie.
Gostava de ir para casa depois do banco, tenho uma leve...
Mr Lowery, if you don't mind, I'd like to go right on home after the bank. - I have a slight...
Sim, Sr. Lowery?
- Yes, Mr Lowery.
Não, mas ela à segunda-feira vem sempre um bocadinho atrasada.
No, Mr Lowery, but then she's always a bit late on Monday mornings.
Já telefonei para o trabalho da irmã, a loja de música Music Makers, e ela sabe tanto onde está a Marion como nós.
I called her sister, Mr Lowery, where she works, the Music Makers Music Store, you know, and she doesn't know where Marion is any more than we do.
Joey, o que disseste que ofendeu Tom Lowery?
Joey, what did you say that offended Tom Lowery?
Este fim-de-semana, Susan Lowery de North Braddock... Encontrou uma editora para o seu livro infantil,
This weekend, Susan Lowery of North Braddock... found a publisher for her children's book...
Mrs. Lowery?
Mrs. Lowery?
Mrs. Lowery, ainda continuam haver muitas questões por responder em medicina.
Mrs. Lowery, there are still many unanswered questions in medicine.
- Olá, Mrs. Lowery.
- hello, Mrs. Lowery.
O meu nome é Angie Lowery e preciso de entrar no meu contentor.
My name is Angie Lowery and I need to get into my container.
James Lowery e Tony Tran, Presidente e Director Financeiro, Farmacêutica Alaraph.
James Lowry and Tony Trand, President and Chief financial officer, Aleraf Pharmaceuticals.
Vanessa Denise Lowery.
Vanessa Denise Lowery.
Neal Lowery.
Neal Lowery.
Neal Lowery não mostrou nenhum sintoma de possessão demoníaca.
Neal Lowery didn't show any symptoms of demonic possession.
Neal Lowery era um simples esquizofrénico vivendo uma simples ilusão.
Neal Lowery was a simple schizophrenic living a simple delusion.
O Neal Lowery tinha algum inimigo aqui?
So, did, uh, Neal Lowery have any enemies here?
Neviah, estas pessoas têm algumas perguntas a fazer-te em relação ao Neal Lowery.
Neviah, these people have some questions for you about Neal Lowery.
Sabias que o Neal Lowery está morto?
Did you know that Neal Lowery is dead?
Como era a sua relação com o Neal Lowery?
What was your relationship with Neal Lowery?
Estas parecem ter o mesmo diâmetro que o hematoma no crânio do Neal Lowery.
Those appear to be the same diameter as the bruise on Neal Lowery's skull.
Parece que encontramos o traficante de heroína do Neal Lowery.
Looks like we found Neal Lowery's heroin dealer.
Então o senhor e o Lloyd Robertson trataram do Neal Lowery juntos?
So you and Lloyd Robertson treated Neal Lowery together?
Refere-se ao Neal?
Hmm, was this regarding Neal Lowery or...?
O Neal Lowery estava a receber terapia de choques eléctricos? Não.
Was Neal Lowery receiving shock therapy?
O Neal Lowery morreu electrocutado.
Why? Neal Lowery died from being electrocuted.
As nossas análises indicam que o Neal Lowery suportou um choque prolongado de pelo menos 480 volts.
Our analysis indicates that Neal Lowery endured an extended shock of at least 480 volts.
O Dr. Copeland disse que o Neal Lowery era perito em procurar esconderijos e recantos para se esconder.
Dr. Copeland said that Neal Lowery had a knack for searching out nooks and crannies to hide out in.
E se o Neal Lowery não estivesse a usar as botas com sola de borracha?
What if Neal Lowery wasn't wearing his rubber-soled boots?
O Neal Lowery era canhoto.
Neal Lowery was left-handed.
Sra. Lowery, o que você e a sua família passaram, é quase insuportável.
Mrs. Lowery, what you and your family went through, it's almost unbearable.
Todos nos zangamos com Deus, às vezes, Sra. Lowery.
We all become angry at God sometimes, Mrs. Lowery.
Quatro Anos Depois
Lowery, MONTANA 4 years later
Lowery, estás de partida.
Lowery. You're shipping out.
Agente Especial Lloyd Lowery.
Special Deputy Lloyd Lowery.
Que faca? Vocês são 4, 2 facas estão na mesa, e uma no copo do Lowery, que usaste para mexer o chá.
There are four of you here, two knives are on the table and one's in Lowery's glass'cause he stirred his ice tea with it.
- Explique-se, Lowery.
I'm sending you back to the joint!
- Um culpado adora quando a atenção se foca noutro lugar.
Explain yourself, Lowery. A guilty person loves when the attention shifts away from them to someone else.
- O que estás a fazer, Lowery?
What are you doing, Lowery?
Estou errado, Lowery?
Am I wrong, Lowery?
- Sai já daqui, Lowery, antes que vejas a minha raiva, de perto, outra vez.
- Would you just get the hell out of here, Lowery, before you get another up-close look at my rage issues?
Sou o agente especial Lloyd Lowery. Esta é minha parceira, Julianne Simms. Temos perguntas adicionais para si.
I'm Special Agent Lloyd Lowry, this is my colegue, Julianne Simms, we just have some follow-up questions for you.
Estás fora de ti, Lowery.
You're spinning out, Lowery.
Compra flores Lowery, e deixa-me fora disso.
Come here, just buy her some flowers, Lowery. And keep me out of it.
Eu, ele é o meu colega, Lloyd Lowery.
Ray. He's my colleague, Lloyd Lowery.
Eu sou Lloyd Lowery.
I'm Lloyd Lowery.
- Lowery.
Algema-o, Lowery.
Cuff him, Lowery.
- Tu és pedófilo, Lowery?
You a diaper sniper, Lowery?

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