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Translate.vc / Português → Inglês / Lárga

Lárga tradutor Inglês

14,832 parallel translation
- Derek, larga-me.
- Derek, let go.
Let go!
Let go of us!
Disse ao tribunal que tinha de içar os prisioneiros pelo pescoço e voltar a largá-los.
Yet you've told the court that you had to pull prisoners up by the neck and drop them again, haven't you?
Mas voltava a largá-los, para os pescoços partirem, não?
But you dropped them again so that their necks would break cleanly, didn't you?
Ergueu os prisioneiros e voltou a largá-los, para morrerem.
You physically raised the prisoners and then dropped them again so that they would die.
Da mesma forma, ao erguer um prisioneiro e ao largá-lo, partindo-lhe o pescoço, não foi a mão do executor a responsável pela morte, certo?
So, by the same token, when you hauled a prisoner up dropped him down, and his neck broke, it was not the executioner's hand that did the killing, was it?
Don't touch him!
Larga-o, Antoine! És doido ou quê? !
Let him go, you fucking psycho!
Está bem, larga-me.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. All right, okay, let go.
Agora larga o escudo.
Now, put the shield down.
- Get off! - Whoa! Whoa!
Pode largá-lo no chão.
You can just drop it on the floor for now.
Larga essa arma!
Hey, drop that gun!
- Don't move!
- Jack! - Larga!
Get the hell off me.
Yo, get off me, man!
- Larga-me!
- Get your hands off of me.
- Larga-me!
! Get off of me!
- Larga-me!
- Get off of me!
Let go of me!
Get your hands off me!
Larga o telemóvel.
Drop the phone.
Larga o telemóvel!
Drop your phone!
Larga a arma!
Drop the gun!
Drop it!
Sameen, por favor, larga.
Sameen, please, let go.
Drop it.
Prairie, larga.
Prairie, let go. Prairie.
Let me go!
Larga dois pacotes.
Drop two packs.
Larga isso, Beowulf!
Leave it, Beowulf!
Leave it!
Larga-me, cabrão.
Get the fuck off, you cunt.
- Larga-me!
- Let go of me!
- Larga-me. - Vamos dar uma volta.
- Let's take a walk.
Mamã, larga o presunto.
Mom, stop.
Larga-a, meu!
Let go of her, man!
Larga isso.
Put it down.
Vamos largá-las na escola?
Wanna let'em off in school?
Anda cá! Larga-me, seu caralho.
- Get off me, you fucking...
Peggy, larga-a!
Peggy, let go!
Larga o cabelo!
Let go of my hair!
Larga isso!
Put that down!
No, let go of me!
Já te disse, larga isso!
I told you, go!
Get off!
Larga, seu gato malvado!
Get off, you mengie cat!
Just put her down.
Larga-a, está bem?
Just put her down, all right?

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