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Manfred tradutor Inglês

125 parallel translation
Sim, ela e o Manfred vieram por uma semana.
- Did you see Frau Rommel? - Yes, she came to stay a week, she and Manfred. - Well, I hope...
- Bom dia, Sra. Rommel. Manfred.
- Good morning, Frau Rommel, Manfred.
Manfred Rommel... e Dr. Karl Strolin.
Manfred Rommel... and Dr. Karl Strolin.
Mas na remota possibilidade de que façam, já pensou no que aconteceria à Lucy e ao Manfred?
But in the remote possibility that they did... have you ever considered what might become of Lucie and Manfred?
E se algo acontecesse, você saberia que as vidas de Lucy e Manfred estariam seguras nas mãos carinhosas e gentis daquele bando de patriotas que o cercam.
And if something did happen unpredictably... you'd still have the comfort of knowing that the lives of Lucie and Manfred... would be safe and snug in the soft, gentle, tender hands... of that brave little band of patriots he's gathered around him.
- Meu filho Manfred e capitão Aldinger.
This is my son Manfred and Captain Aldinger.
Eu não sei.
- I don't know. You and Manfred will be all right.
Você e Manfred ficarão bem.
They've assured me of that.
E o Sr. Manfred Montague.
And Mr. Manfred Montague.
O Coronel von Holstein exige explicações antes da corrida.
Colonel Baron Manfred Von Holstein demands satisfaction before the race.
Conhece o Professor Hengstrom da Academia das Ciências?
Oh, Professor Manfred, you know Professor Hengstrom, don't you? Swedish Academy of Science?
Tem de agradecer ao Manfred.
You must thank Manfred, Professor.
Ele tem um argumento único :
Professor Manfred has a unique line in argument.
Cuidado, o Manfred.
Careful. Manfred.
Três minutos bastam para matar a qualquer mortal mas Ulric permanecerá submerso uma hora inteira... - Dr. Emil Manfred.
Three minutes is enough to kill any mere mortal... but Ulric will remain underwater for a full hour... as verified by the eminent Dr. Manfred Mann.
Obrigado, Dr. Manfred.
Thank you, Dr. Manfred.
Uma coisa devo dizer sobre o Dr. Manfred.
That's one thing I'll say for old Doc Manfred.
Queria dedicar esta morte à memória do Dr. Emil Manfred, o meu querido amigo que tivesse desejado que continuasse- -
I'd like to dedicate this death... to the memory of Dr. Emil Manfred, my dear friend... who would have wanted me to continue...
Este é o Padre Manfred.
This is father Manfred.
O Cortez e o seu amiguinho Manfred.
- Cortez, and his little pal Manfred.
Capitão, o Manfred está pronto para avançar.
Captain, Manfred is all set to go.
Vá lá, Manfred, não me decepciones.
Come on, Manfred. Don't let me down, boy.
Vá lá, Manfred, vamos embora.
Come on, Manfred. Let's go.
Cortez, leva o Manfred daqui, paga-lhe um copo.
Cortez, get Manfred out of here. - Buy him a drink.
Eu e o Manfred não fomos convidados.
- Manfred and I weren't invited.
Hitler foi ajudado a chegar ao poder pelas circunstâncias económicas e pelo apoio e mau julgamento de outros.
Gerda Bernhardt's brother Manfred was one of more than 5,000 children who suffered as a result of this policy.
Havia alguns membros das SA que tinham namoradas judias. E por isso, muitos judeus alemães pensavam : "Oh, bem, não vai ser assim tão mau."
The official record of deaths at Aplerbeck lists Manfred Bernhardt as dying of measles on June 3rd.
Já falámos sobre a sua filha, Manfred!
We've already spoken about your daughter, Manfred!
Para começar, ele era Jack Manfred.
To begin with, he was Jack Manfred.
- Jack Manfred.
- Jack Manfred.
O seu nome é Manfred Powell.
His name is Manfred Powell.
- Manfred Powell, QC.
- Manfred Powell, QC.
- Silvio Manfred Dante?
- Silvio Manfred Dante?
- Manfred.
- Manfred.
- Que horror.
- Manfred? Yuck.
Chegavas-te para lá um bocado?
Manfred? Could you scooch over a drop?
- Manfred, e não sou teu amigo.
- Manfred, and I'm not your friend.
Se andas à procura dos humanos, estás a perder o teu tempo.
Fine, Manfred. If you're lookin'for the humans, you're wastin'your time.
- O Manfred tem-no.
- Manfred has him.
Tens de cuidar do Manfred e do Sid.
You have to take care of Manfred and Sid.
- Manfred Richter!
- Manfred Richter!
O Manfred Richter descobriu tudo.
Manfred Richter found out about it.
Daqui fala o Manfred Dargis.
Hobbs. This is Manfred Dargis here.
Tira as mãos do defunto, maníaco homicida!
Hands off the stiff, manfred manslaughter!
- Já contou ao Manfred?
- Have you told Manfred yet?
Obrigado, Manfred.
Well, thank you, Manfred.
Deixa lá o Manfred.
Forget about Manfred.
" Médico Manfred Xang,
" Manfred Xang, MD,
Não nos podem odiar a todos. " Foi de partir o coração.
Manfred Bernhardt was murdered because he was not wanted in the Nazi's perfect state.
Sr. Manfred?
- Mr. Manfred?

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