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Mcnally tradutor Inglês

281 parallel translation
Por aqui, Randy McNally, vou explicar-lhe.
Come over here, Rand McNally, and I'll explain this to you.
Avise que o comboio está pronto.
Tell Colonel McNally the train's ready.
Digam ao Coronel McNally que o comboio está pronto.
Tell Colonel McNally the train is ready.
Coronel McNally, aqui!
Colonel McNally, over here.
Este é o meu amigo Cord McNally.
I'd like you to meet my friend Cord McNally.
E o Coronel McNally.
And this is Colonel McNally.
- Obrigado, Sr. Não importa.
- Thank you, Mr Doesn't Matter. - McNally.
- McNally. Até à vista.
I'll be seeing you.
- Cord McNally.
- Cord McNally.
McNally, dê-lhe uma pelo Tuscarora!
McNally, give him one for Tuscarora.
Calma, Coronel McNally. São amigos.
It's all right, Colonel McNally, they're friends.
Sr. McNally, faz com que eu me sinta tão...
Mr McNally, you make a person feel...
Anima-te, McNally.
Lighten up, McNally.
John Kungle jogava basebol com o filho... a quem chamavam Richard McNally.
John Kungle played ball with the young man... who was known here in Florida City as Richard McNally.
- Hey, McNally, Quero uma cópia dessa foto.
- Hey, McNally, I want a copy of that shot.
Daqui fala o Mcnally.
Inspector McNally.
- Yes. Detective McNally.
Ainda me lembro do Dave McNally naquele monte em 1966.
I still remember Dave McNally on that mound in'66.
Maggie Conlan... da Assistência Social.
Maggie Conlan, erm, I'm Kevin McNally from Social Services. - This is my colleague.
Portanto, por exemplo, na Argentina ou Rand McNally, toda a água corre ao contrário?
So down there in, say, Argentina or Rand McNally, all their water runs backwards?
Em Rand McNally, usam chapéus nos pés e os hambúrgueres comem pessoas.
In fact, in Rand McNally, they wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people. - Cool.
Ele atacou o McNally com um machado!
Lieutenant, come on. This place, it could've been anything. He attacked McNally with a fucking ax.
Vamos tratar de arranjar maneira de sair daqui.
McNally, help me get a count. Let's figure a way out of here.
Ficas tu, McNally.
McNally, you're staying.
Sam, preciso que venhas cá falar com Nancy McNally sobre uma carta que o Presidente era para assinar.
Sam, I need you to come here and speak to Nancy McNally about a letter the president was supposed to sign.
Falaste com a Nancy McNally?
I wanted to see if you talked to Nancy McNally.
Falaste com a Nancy McNally?
You talked to Nancy McNally?
A Nancy McNally, o Bill Hutchinson, o Conselho, estão a tratar disso.
Nancy McNally, Bill Hutchinson, the White House Council, they're on it.
- Ele vai reunir-se com o McNally?
- Is he meeting with McNally?
O Terrence McNally já vos conhece?
Does Terrence McNally know about you two?
Fala a Dra. Nancy McNally, conselheira de segurança nacional.
This is Dr. Nancy McNally, national security advisor.
- A Nancy McNally está aqui.
- Nancy McNally's in your office.
Vou ser o primeiro cara saindo daqui desde que Jimmy McNally foi à Disney World.
I'll be the first guy to leave here since Jimmy McNally went to Disney World.
McNally, ouves as mesmas histórias que eu.
McNally, you hear the same stories I do.
Vá lá, McNally.
Come on, McNally.
- Nancy McNally tem novo assessor o Jack Reese.
- Nancy McNally has a new military aide named Jack Reese.
Tem os Secretários Hutchinson e Berryhill, o director Kato, o presidente Fitzwallace, e a Dra. McNally.
You have Secretaries Hutchinson and Berryhill, Director Kato Chairman Fitzwallace and Dr. McNally.
Gabinete de Nancy McNally.
Nancy McNally's office.
Nancy McNally tem novo assessor, o Jack Reese. Já falámos. Pergunta-lhe se gosta de mim.
Nancy McNally has a new military aide, Jack Reese and we've talked and I want you to ask if he likes me.
A Nancy McNally está a chamar por si.
Nancy McNally's calling for you.
Tenho a certeza que está na ala da Dra. McNally.
I'm sure you're over in Dr. McNally's wing.
É o novo militar da Nancy McNally.
He's Nancy McNally's new man in uniform.
Ligue ao Fitzwallace, à Nancy McNally e avise os membros do NFC que preciso deles.
Charlie. Get me Fitzwallace, Nancy McNally and let the senior members of the NFC know I need them.
Se os árabes estão zangados connosco, devemos estar a agir bem.
Well, if the Arabs are mad at us, we must be doing something right. Dr. McNally?
- A Dra. McNally está no gabinete?
- Is Dr. McNally in her office?
Tenho de ver a Nancy McNally.
I need to stop at Nancy McNally's.
Nancy McNally está à espera, e ela já tomou banho.
Nancy McNally is waiting, and she's already had her bath.
Nancy McNally tem novo assessor, o Jack Reese.
Nancy McNally has a new military aide named Jack Reese.
- Não, Sr. McNally.
- No, Mr McNally.
Estão aqui, McNally!
Here they are, McNally. All the stuff we were lookin'for.
Como quiseres, McNally.
Whatever McNally.

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