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Milwaukee tradutor Inglês

419 parallel translation
Ela casou-se com um cervejeiro de Milwaukee.
She married a brewer from Milwaukee.
Mas eu sabia antes de eu vir aqui... a partir de Milwaukee.
But I knew her before she came over here from Milwaukee.
Viemos de Milwaukee... para uma pescaria de alto mar.
Five of us come down here for the deep-sea fishing. All the way from Milwaukee.
Hotel Central, Milwaukee.
Hotel Central, Milwaukee.
Edward Bass, Hotel Central, Milwaukee.
Bass. Edward Bass. Hotel Central, Milwaukee.
Deixei a escola, fui para Milwaukee, tornei-me secretária... numa fábrica.
So I quit school, went to Milwaukee, became a secretary in a brewery.
Enviaram o telegrama de Milwaukee.
They forwarded the telegram from Milwaukee.
Ele está em Milwaukee.
He's in Milwaukee.
Use esse, e os Franceses não a deixarão voltar a Milwaukee.
Wear that and the Frenchmen will never let you go back to Milwaukee.
Lutei em Milwaukee, St. Louis, Cincinnati, e vou voltar.
I wrestled in Milwaukee and Saint Louis, in Cincinnati.
- Abrem uma cervejeira em milwaukee?
- They open a brewery in Milwaukee. - Yes.
- Sim. - O amor que fez milwaukee famosa.
The love that made Milwaukee famous.
" Recebemos mensagens do SS Viking antes do sinal ser interrompido.
"U.S.S. Milwaukee got radio bearing on S.S. Viking before signal stopped."
Procedemos com a localização.
"Milwaukee proceeded at once to location."
Dois marinheiros do Viking foram resgatados no mar.
"Two seamen from Viking rescued from sea by Milwaukee."
Toda a tripulação do navio Milwaukee já sabe.
The entire crew of the cruiser Milwaukee knows about these things now.
Sim, mas o Milwaukee ficará no mar até esta crise ser resolvida.
They know, but the Milwaukee will be kept at sea until this is resolved.
Milwaukee, no Wisconsin.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My uncle.
Wilitz É mestre de explosivos, E viveu em Milwaukee há alguns anos.
Wilitz is a master of explosives, and lived in Milwaukee for some years.
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Do seu primo de Milwaukee?
What was his name, your cousin from Milwaukee?
Cá está uma. Foi quando o meu primo veio cá, do Milwaukee.
Here was one That's when my cousins were out here from Milwaukee
Milwaukee derrotou aos Royals 4 a 3.
St. Louis, 6, the Giants, 4.
Mathilda a nazi de Milwake.
Matilda the Hun from Milwaukee!
Vamos a Milwaukee no sábado.
Matter of fact, we're flying to Milwaukee on Saturday for a week.
Milwaukee, Estados Unidos 1977. Era um grande dia para a Escola da Quarta Rua.
It was a great day for the 4th street school.
Como foi que escolheu Milwaukee?
How come you picked Milwaukee?
Uma prenda da tua irmã em Milwaukee.
A gift from your sister in Milwaukee.
Em 1977... Golda Meir voltou à sua escola primária em Milwaukee.
In 1977 Golda Meir returned to her grammar school in Milwaukee.
Pode acreditar que isto podia acontecer à pequena Golda Mabovich... de Kiev, depois Pinsk, e depois Milwaukee.
Can you believe that this could happen to the little Golda Mabovich from Kiev, than Pinsk, than Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Talvez tenhas que voar até New York... e dali, viajar até Milwaukee.
You might have to fly to New York and then go to Milwaukee from there.
Sound Check.
SHANK HALL Milwaukee, Wisconsin
SHANK HALL Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Testing! Test, test, test.
Já ouviu falar do Milwaukee Daily Moon, Truman?
Truman, you ever heard of the Milwaukee Daily Moon?
Há umas grandes e gordas contas do Milwaukee. Conheces alguém grande e gordo do Milwaukee, Peg?
Know anybody big and fat from Milwaukee, Peg?
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Milwaukee...
- A Milwaukee.
Where? Milwaukee.
Tu e os miúdos vão lá estar. Mas a malta de Milwaukee...
You and the kids are going to be there.
Por favor, Peg, isso não.
Not the Wanker wagon from Milwaukee. Peg, please, not that.
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Milwaukee.
Mandei a vossa mãe ao Calças e Cassetes do Bob em Milwaukee.
I sent your mother to Bob's Betas and Bell Bottoms in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Um 757 para Milwaukee?
A 757 to Milwaukee?
- Milwaukee!
- Milwaukee!
- Milwaukee.
- Milwaukee.
Bingo de St. Stefanski em Milwaukee.
St Stefanski's bingo hall at Milwaukee.
Até uma perfuradora em Milwaukee.
Even rode a jackhammer in Milwaukee.
Tem os olhos muito juntos.
Vamos lá ver...
Well, there's some big, fat bills from Milwaukee. "

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