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Nighthorse tradutor Inglês

27 parallel translation
Não, até o Jacob "Cavalo da Noite" terminar de construir o casino.
Not until Jacob Nighthorse finishes building his casino.
O Jacob Nighthorse já o vai receber.
Jacob Nighthorse will be out in just a moment.
O Jacob Nighthorse disse-me.
Jacob Nighthorse told me.
Quanto mais o Nighthorse torna isto numa questão política, mais difícil é para nós fazermos o nosso trabalho.
But the more Nighthorse makes this a political issue the harder it is for us to do our job.
Há um interesse aqui, Xerife, mas não é meu.
NIGHTHORSE : There is an angle here, sheriff, but it's not mine.
Branch, vem aqui, o Nighthorse quer falar de política.
Branch. Come in here. Nighthorse wants to talk politics.
O Jacob Nighthorse estava certo.
Jacob Nighthorse was right.
- Bom dia, Xerife.
NIGHTHORSE : Morning, sheriff.
O Hector está sob custódia há 8 horas.
NIGHTHORSE : Hector has been in custody for eight hours.
Jacob "Nighthorse", o que fazes nas minhas terras?
Jacob Nighthorse, what in the hell are you doing on my land?
Eu discuti um plano de acção de segurança com o Jacob Nighthorse.
Now, I've discussed a security action plan with Jacob Nighthorse.
O Jacob Nighthorse paga por alguns anúncios e tu, simplesmente, ignoras o teu velhote?
Jacob Nighthorse pays for a few commercials and you throw the old man under the bus?
Na verdade, agora possuo provas que forçariam o Nighthorse a remover estes restos para então a construção recomeçar. Bom.
Actually I now have the leverage that would force Nighthorse to remove those remains so construction can start back up again.
Ele tinha voltado há alguns meses e aceite a gerência no Casino Cavalo da Noite.
He just moved back a few months ago and accepted a management position at Nighthorse casino.
O David Ridges trabalhava para Jacob Nighthorse.
David Ridges worked for Jacob Nighthorse.
Acho que o Nighthorse mandou o David... sabotar o carro da Cady para... manter os teus eleitores longe das urnas.
I think Nighthorse had David... Sabotage Cady's car to... Keep your voters away from the polls.
Na semana passada, questionei o Nighthorse.
Last week, I confronted Nighthorse about it.
E ele negou.
And Nighthorse denied it.
Achas que o Nighthorse disse ao Ridges que estava atrás dele, e o Ridges se matou?
[Sighs] You think Nighthorse told Ridges that you were onto him, Ridges killed himself?
Também me ocorreu que... o Nighthorse sabia que eu estava atrás dele e matou o Ridges.
It also occurred to me that... Nighthorse knew I was onto him, and he killed Ridges, and did a pretty convincing job of making it look like a suicide.
Como o Nighthorse.
Like Nighthorse.
O que é que o Jacob Nighthorse tem a ver com isto?
What does Jacob Nighthorse have to do with this?
Como foi com o Nighthorse?
How'd it go with Nighthorse?
Atacado por Reggie Nighthorse.
Mauled by Reggie Nighthorse.
Nighthorse fazia-os desaparecer.
Nighthorse made them go away.
Nighthorse não encontra nenhum saque do casino roubado.
Nighthorse doesn't find any of the stolen casino loot.
Só que Kullen era de mais para Nighthorse.
Only Kullen turns out to be more than Nighthorse can handle.

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