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Pickering tradutor Inglês

93 parallel translation
Em cujas profundezas o astrónomo W. H. Pickering, director do Observatório Astronómico de Mandville na Jamaica, acredita ter observado enxames de insectos.
- in its depths the astronomer W. H. Pickering, director of Mandeville Observatory, Jamaica, believes to have observed swarms of insects.
Conhece o Coronel Pickering, o autor de "Sanscrito Falado"?
Do you know Colonel Pickering, the author of Spoken Sanskrit?
Eu sou o Coronel Pickering.
I am Colonel Pickering.
Sabe, Pickering, se não pensar num xelim... como um xelim, mas como percentagem do rendimento desta rapariga... resulta perfeitamente equivalente a... sessenta ou setenta libras de um milionário.
Do you know, Pickering, if you think of a shilling not as a simple shilling, but as a percentage of this girl's income it works out as fully equivalent of 60 or 70 pounds from a millionaire.
Querida Sra. Pearce, meu caro Pickering, não tinha essa intenção.
My dear Mrs. Pearce, my dear Pickering, I had no intention of walking over anybody.
Satisfeito, Pickering?
Are you satisfied, Pickering?
Bem, afinal, Pickering...
Well, after all, Pickering....
Claro que é um patife, Pickering.
Of course he's a blackguard, Pickering.
Sabe, Pickering, este tipo tem um certo dom natural de retórica.
You know, Pickering, this chap's got a certain natural gift of rhetoric.
Sabe, Pickering, se tivéssemos este homem durante três meses... ele poderia escolher entre um assento no Governo ou um púlpito popular em Gales.
You know, Pickering, if we took this man in hand for three months he could choose between a seat in the Cabinet and a popular pulpit in Wales.
Pickering, isto vai ser horrível.
Pickering, this is going to be ghastly.
- Pickering!
- Pickering!
Pickering, não consigo ouvir nada do que ela está a dizer!
Pickering, I can't hear a word the girl is saying!
Estamos a progredir, Pickering.
We're making fine progress, Pickering.
Ouviu, Pickering?
Did you, Pickering?
Eu disse ao Pickering que a devíamos ter levado connosco.
I told Pickering we should have taken her with us.
Coronel Pickering, chegou mesmo a tempo do chá.
Colonel Pickering, you're just in time for tea.
O Pickering e eu estamos nisto de manhã à noite.
Pickering and I are at it from morning till night.
Não haverão cavalos no baile, Pickering.
There'll be no horses at the ball, Pickering.
Disparate, Pickering.
Rubbish, Pickering.
Obrigada, Coronel Pickering.
Thank you, Colonel Pickering.
Menina Eliza Doolittle, Coronel Pickering.
Miss Eliza Doolittle, Colonel Pickering.
A jovem que está com o Coronel Pickering...
The young lady with Colonel Pickering....
Boa noite, Pickering.
Good night, Pickering.
O Coronel Pickering, a Sra. Pearce?
Colonel Pickering, Mrs. Pearce?
De certeza que o Pickering te daria uma.
I'm sure Pickering'd set you up in one.
As roupas pertencem-me ou são do Coronel Pickering?
Do my clothes belong to me or to Colonel Pickering?
Que uso teriam para o Pickering?
What the devil use would they be to Pickering?
Pickering, por amor de Deus, deixe de estar chocado e faça algo.
Pickering, for God's sake, stop being dashed and do something!
Daqui fala o Coronel Pickering.
This is Colonel Pickering speaking.
Pickering, porque não pode uma mulher ser mais como um homem?
Pickering, why can't a woman be more like a man?
Espero que a encontre, Coronel Pickering.
I do hope you find her, Colonel Pickering.
Nunca saberia como se comportam as senhoras e os cavalheiros... se não fosse pelo Coronel Pickering.
It was very difficult. I should never have known how ladies and gentlemen behave if it hadn't been for Colonel Pickering.
Para o Coronel serei sempre a senhora... porque sempre me tratou como tal e sempre tratará.
I'll always be a lady to Colonel Pickering because he always treats me as a lady and always will.
Os meus modos são iguais aos do Coronel Pickering.
My manners are exactly the same as Colonel Pickering's.
Preferias casar com o Pickering?
Would you rather marry Pickering?
E o que sente o Pickering.
And how Pickering feels.
A Liz Pickering?
Liz Pickering?
Se me permite a sugestão, Miss Pickering, o ponche está sem cor.
If I may suggest, Miss Pickering, the punch is pale.
Miss Pickering desce já.
Miss Pickering will be down in a minute, sir.
Sou a Liz Pickering.
I'm Liz Pickering.
Juiz Smails, Dr. Beeper e o Bispo Pickering.
Judge Smails, Smails the Third, Dr. Beeper and Bishop Pickering.
Bispo Pickering, Dr. Beeper. A minha sobrinha, Lacey Underall.
Bishop Pickering, Dr. Beeper, this is my niece, Lacey Underall.
lnvestiguem os antecedentes do Himmelstein.
Have Pickering handle the Petramco deposition... and find that Oklahoma precedent in Himmelstein.
No local, está o Chuck Pickering no helicóptero da Informação da Fox 11.
Live on the scene is Chuck Pickering in the Fox 11 News chopper.
Joan e Peter Pickering.
Joan and Peter Pickering.
Mike Pickering estava certo.
Mike Pickering was right :
Do Cruzamento 5, Aidan Pickering, LNS.
At Junction Five, Aidan Pickering, LNS.
- O nome dele é Art Pickering.
His name is Art Pickering.
O Pickering que trate da audiência preliminar da Tramco.
Tell David it's only a reply brief.
Mike Pickering.
Mike Pickering.

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