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Reservations tradutor Inglês

955 parallel translation
Haverá tanta gente que seremos obrigados a recusar montes de pessoas.
"If there is another hotel in Cocoanut Beach, cancel our reservations." I knew it. It was too good.
Helen, enquanto estiver na baixa, pare e reserve... a suíte nupcial no Berengaria, que parte na pròxima semana.
Helen, while you're downtown, stop in and make reservations for the bridal suite on the Berengaria, sailing next week.
Reserve três lugares no primeiro comboio para Mandrake Falls.
Make three train reservations to Mandrake Falls.
Prepara a minha conta e faz as reservas.
Prepare my bill and make reservations- -
Reservas para o almoço, por favor.
Reservations for lunch, please.
Moscovo fez-nos reservas lá.
Moscow made our reservations there.
- Fez reserva?
- Have you any reservations?
Faça as reservas no Aquitania, apanharemos o comboio das 12 : 30 para Cherbourg.
Get reservations on the Aquitania, and we'll take the 12 : 30 train for Cherbourg.
A temporada vai começar no norte. ... todos os ricaços já fizeram suas reservas.
The visiting season is starting up north and all the big shots have been making reservations.
Faremos reservas para as crianças.
We'll make reservations for the children.
Boa noite.
Have you reservations?
- É melhor fazer duas reservas. - Duas?
- Better make that two reservations.
Isto é, com reservas.
That is, with reservations.
Primeira coisa, é melhor cancelares as resevas no avião.
First thing, of course, we better cancel your plane reservations.
- Tinham reserva.
- They had reservations.
- As nossas reservas.
- Our reservations.
Fiz reservas para Ziegfeld Follies.
I made reservations for the Ziegfeld Follies.
Faça as reservas no Aquitania, apanharemos o comboio das 12 : 30 para Cherbourg.
Get reservations on the Aquitania, and we'll take the 1 2.. 30 train for Cherbourg.
Eles tinham muitas restrições antes disso.
Well, they had reservations long before this.
E se eu chamasse 75 pessoas diferentes e fizesse 75 reservas e, em seguida, no último minuto houvesse 75 dores de cabeça e não poderiam ir?
What if I called as 75 different people and made 75 reservations and then at the last minute got 75 headaches and couldn't make it?
Quem serei agora? Diga, escute, Ethel, por que você não vai para baixo e faz reservas no seu telefone?
Say, listen, Ethel, why don't you go down and make reservations on your phone?
Abrimos o livro para reservas há duas horas, e estamos completamente, completamente esgotados.
We opened the book for reservations two hours ago, and we are completely, completely sold out.
Bonjour, mademoîselle. Têm reserva?
Have you reservations?
- Telegrafámos a fazer a reserva.
- We wired for reservations.
Quero fazer a reserva.
I want reservations.
Não há reservas.
There are no reservations.
"Bom, faz as reservas de avião de imediato."
"Okay, get plane reservations right away."
Fizemos reservas para o comboio e liguei para o tio George, dizendo que ele receberia uma "sobrinha". Então juntamos o nosso dinheiro.
We made train reservations and wired Uncle George to brace himself for a niece... and then we began to get our finances together.
Posso fazer reserva para a próxima diligência?
Can I make reservations on the first stage East?
Já fiz uma reserva de avião para amanhã.
I've already made plane reservations to fly up in the morning.
- Não. Compra os bilhetes de avião.
Just make the plane reservations.
Mas já fiz uma reserva no melhor lugar.
But I've already got reservations at the local nightspot and everything.
Vince, deveria me ter perguntado.
Vince, you should have made reservations with me.
Pergunto-me se Shorty confirmou as passagens de avião.
I wonder if Shorty checked those airline reservations.
Temos um lugar no vôo das 5h30 se Sua Majestade quiser ir embora.
We're holding reservations to Paris if her Majesty intends leaving?
Ridículo, terem feito reservas no navio.
It's ridiculous having boat reservations.
Cancele a minha reserva de avião para hoje à noite, Menina Brown.
Cancel my plane reservations for tonight, will you, Miss Brown?
Ligue-me com reservas aéreas, por favor.
Get me air reservations, please.
Espero que tenham feito reserva.
I hope you have made reservations.
Segundo Lucy, para a próxima lua de mel... gostaria de fazer reserva em um bom deserto.
Lucy said for our next honeymoon she'd like to make reservations at a good desert.
Pensei que tivesses reservas sobre os deuses.
I thought you had reservations about the gods.
Marcar passagens e acomodação para a ilha de Kauai.
Plane reservations and hotel accommodations at Kauai.
Fui eu mesma que fiz as reservas.
I made the reservations myself.
- Temos uma reserva.
- We got reservations.
Fizeste as nossas reservas?
That reminds me, did you make our reservations?
- Verifique nas suas reservas.
- Look through your reservations.
Fez as minhas reservas para o jantar?
You made my dinner reservations?
Quanto menores forem as reservas, mais fáceis são de guardar.
The smaller the reservations, the easier they are to guard.
Quero confirmar as reservas.
I just wanted to make sure about our reservations.
Dk., uma reserva para três.
Alrighty, reservations for three.
Nao percebo...
Excuse me, gentlemen. We had reservations.

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