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Sundance tradutor Inglês

251 parallel translation
Não te posso ajudar, Sundance.
I can't help you, Sundance.
Não sabia que eras o Sundance Kid quando disse que estavas a fazer batota.
I didn't know you were the Sundance Kid when I said you were cheatin'.
Olá, Sundance.
Howdy, Sundance.
- O Sundance e eu andámos a ver bancos.
- Sundance and me been checking the banks.
- Sundance, quando acabarmos isto, se ele morrer, és bem-vindo.
- Sundance, when we're done, if he's dead, you're welcome to stay.
O Sundance diz que és muito generoso, adoras investir em férias caras, pagas bebidas a todos, e que és um mau jogador.
Sundance says it's cos you're a soft touch, always taking expensive vacations, buying drinks for everyone, and you're a rotten gambler.
- Baixa a pistola, Sundance.
- Put down the gun, Sundance.
Vá lá, Sundance.
Come on, Sundance.
Tapa-me a boca, Sundance.
Shut me up, Sundance.
Butch e Sundance.
Butch and Sundance.
O Butch e o Sundance.
Butch and Sundance.
O Butch conhece o Sundance?
Butch know Sundance?
Tu e eu, somos como o Butch e o Sundance.
You and me, it's like Butch and Sundance.
Butch e Sundance?
Butch and Sundance?
- Quem são?
- Who are they, Sundance?
- Sundance Kid.
- Sundance Kid.
Podemos lutar ou morrer à fome.
We can fight or they'll starve us, Sundance.
Pronto para uns tirinhos, Sundance?
Up to a little target-shootin', Sundance?
Butch e Sundance :
Butch and Sundance :
estava no meio de uma decisão entre dois dos meus maiores clientes... e tive de sair, porque o Butch Cassidy e o Sundance Kid... queriam dar uma golpada.
There I was in the middle of an arbitration between two of my biggest clients... and I get pulled out because Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid here... want to pull a fast one.
O que acha de carregá-la toda noite, Sundance?
- Like to pick her up every night?
Para foi uma declaração de... estavam em um ponto no que estavam pondo fim a suas respectivas sentenças, e estavam ali uma para a outra, na tradição do Butch Cassidy, e Sundance Kid, só que elas não morreriam em meio de uma chuva de balas.
To me, it was a declaration of... that they were at a point where they were finishing each other's sentences... and they were there for each other in the tradition of Butch Cassidy... except that they didn't get shot down.
Não teria sido grandioso se Butch e Sundance...
Wouldn't that have been great if Butch and Sundance...
Bom, suponho que nesse caso haveriam tido mais raciocine para lhes disparar... se Butch e Sundance Kid se tivesse beijado ao final.
Well, then they would've had more reason to shoot them, I suppose... if Butch and the Sundance Kid had kissed at the end.
- Pronto, Sundance.
- Ready, Sundance.
Para onde queres ir, rapaz? Para onde foram o Butch e o Sundance?
Where did butch and Sundance go?
E o Butch e o Sundance viveram?
You think Butch and Sundance live too?
Esta é Sundance. Somos os piores da gangue.
This is Sundance, we're the Hole In The Sky Gang.
Sundance, corte o sinal.
Sundance, rip out that beacon.
Ganhou o prémio do público, no festival de Sundance.
Won the Audience Award at Sundance.
- Viram "Dois Homens e Um Destino"?
- Like Butch and Sundance!
Mas este ano vou a Sundance.
- But I am going to Sundance this year.
Vocês parecem o Butch e Sundance, a espreitar sobre um penhasco para os rápidos em baixo, a pensar que é melhor não saltar porque podem afogar-se.
You guys are like Butch and Sundance peering over a cliff to the boulder-filled rapids 300 feet below thinking you better not jump because there's a chance you might drown.
Será como naquele filme "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", quando eles vão andar de bicicleta juntos.
It'll be just like that movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" when they go bicycling together.
O Sundance Kid.
- The Sundance Kid.
Fomos como o bucha e estica!
We were like Butch and Sundance!
- Diz isso ao Sundance, delatora.
Save the act for Sundance, you little snitch.
Temos um filme para o Festival de Sundance?
Are we submitting to the sundance film festival?
Nós somos tipo intelectual Butch e Sundance do SGC.
We're sort of like the intellectual Butch and Sundance of the SGC.
Butch e Sundance foram encurralados e mortos pelo exército boliviano.
Butch and Sundance got cornered and killed by the Bolivian army.
Nunca viram uma pandilha como o Butch e o Sundance.
You've never met a pair like Butch and Sundance.
Dois bilhetes para Dols Homens e Um Destino, por favor, senhora.
Two tickets for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, please, missus.
Ele disse dois bilhetes para Dols Homens e Um Destino.
He said two tickets for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Ouve, eu sou o Butch, tu és o Sundance.
Here, I'm Butch, you be Sundance.
Mas eu não quero ser o Sundance.
But I don't want to be Sundance.
Tu és o Sundance e eu sou o Butch.
You're Sundance and I'm Butch.
O cavalo ou o Sundance?
The horse or Sundance?
Se pões as coisas assim, serei o Sundance.
When you put it that way, I'll be Sundance.
Achas que usei dinamite suficiente, Sundance?
Do you think I used enough dynamite there, Sundance?
- Whoa, sundance. - Wait--

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