/ Português → Inglês / Väo
Väo tradutor Inglês
986 parallel translation
- Näo väo saber que fomos nós.
- They'll never get wise to us.
Exactamente por isso, nunca väo suspeitar de ti.
That's why, they'll never suspect you.
Agora, väo matar-nos, de certeza.
They'll get us dead sure now.
Väo, rapazes.
Go on, boys.
Se eles ainda näo falaram do McClure, väo falar agora.
If they ain't squealed about McClure yet, they'll do it now.
Väo aos bancos e säo recusados.
They go to the banks and are turned down.
Väo ter de o permitir.
You'll have to stand for it.
- Väo abrir hoje?
- Gonna open today?
Sr. Dickson, eles väo prender o Matt.
Mr Dickson, they're going to arrest Matt.
Väo aos cofres.
Send down to the vaults.
- Väo ter o vosso dinheiro.
- You'll get your money.
Isso significa que os fiscais väo aparecer amanhä.
That means the bank examiners will step in tomorrow.
Os depositantes väo ser pagos integralmente.
The depositors will be paid 100 cents on the dollar.
Väo para o balcäo do lado.
Go to the next window.
Väo ø baixa, arranjem uma licença e casem.
Go downtown, get a licence, and get married.
Vocês só väo casar.
You're only going to get married.
- Bom, já lá väo 10 anos desde que estivemos com o Capitäo Cook.
- Oh, well, it is 10 years since we sailed together with Captain Cook.
Väo arrepender-se.
You'll regret that, me lads.
Os presos väo comigo.
Prisoners go with me in the other boat.
Näo väo pagar-me.
I'm not gonna get paid.
Eu cá acho que väo acabar no cadafalso.
You'll wind up on the gallows is my prediction.
Näo väo escapar.
You can't get away with this.
Väo dando notícias.
Keep me posted.
- Os guardas väo à frente. - Óptimo.
- The advance guard's far ahead.
Em väo.
In vain.
Se a largarmos agora, väo começar a investigar.
If we drop it now, it'll bring about an investigation.
Väo ver que a iamos vender ao estado com nomes falsos.
It will show that we were going to sell it to the state under phoney names.
Väo fazer o estado orgulhar-se.
You'll do the state proud.
"... destes mortos honrados nós recebemos a devoçäo pois eles deram a derradeira mostra de devoçäo que nós... decidimos que estes mortos näo morreram em väo.
"... that from these honoured dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly... resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.
Ou väo ser muitos relatórios e multas ou väo ser...
Either it's lots of reporters and lots of tickets or...
Os idiotas väo herdar a terra de qualquer das maneiras.
The dopes are going to inherit the earth anyway.
Eles väo atirá-lo ao chäo.
They drop him out of a balloon.
Väo olhar para si com ar magoado e dizer :
They're liable to look at you with hurt faces and say :
Väo expulsar o Smith hoje.
So they'll expel Smith today.
Väo ouvir isto na Patagonia!
They're going to hear this in Patagonia!
Mas se väo construir uma barragem onde iria ser o campo, para receber fundo para pagar um exército político...
But if you've got to build a dam where that boys camp ought to be, to get some graft to pay off some political army...
Mas aquelas pernas cansadas do escuteiro väo dar de si, olhos cansados, sem voz. Näo aguenta muito mais.
But those tired boy ranger legs are buckling, bleary eyes, voice gone, he can't go on much longer.
Väo ter com aquela senhora no cimo do tecto do Capitol, aquela senhora que significa liberdade.
Get up there with that lady on top of the Capitol dome, that lady that stands for liberty.
Näo väo ver só paisagens.
You won'tjust see scenery.
Näo säo uns pequenos nabos que me väo assustar.
No little old turnips is gonna scare me.
- Diz-me, como väo as colheitas?
- Tell me, how are the crops coming?
Väo-se casar?
You're gonna marry?
Tu e o Dude väo casar-se, arrumar uma casa, ou simplesmente deixar a regiäo?
Is you and Dude gonna get married clear all the way or just by leave of the county?
Näo importa onde é que o väo encontrar.
I don't care where you'd find him.
- Väo trancar-nos?
- They gonna lock us in?
Metam-se no vosso carro, väo para Tobacco Road e fiquem por lá.
Get in your car and go on down to Tobacco Road and stay there.
Näo väo ser suas por muito tempo.
It ain't gonna be your land long.
Väo expulsá-Io delas.
They gonna throw you off it.
Mas agora eles vao me olhar de forma diferente.
But now they're gonna look at me differently.
Podem escolher. Väo com ele ou ficam comigo!
You can have your choice.
Eles é que väo.
They're leaving.