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Weathers tradutor Inglês

186 parallel translation
Saíamos fosse qual fosse o tempo, e tornamo-nos, como era nossa intenção, pessoas habituais no rio.
We were out in all weathers, and became, as was our intention, familiar figures on the river.
No alto da montanha acima do palácio, temos o nosso santo... sempre sentado faça o tempo que fizer.
Up on the mountain, above the palace, we have our holy man, who sits there, day in and day out, in all weathers.
Garantido contra todas as condições atmosféricas.
" guaranteed against all weathers.
não temos folhos, nem penas, nem enfeites, nem rendas o mau tempo não se ajusta a roupas muito elegantes
"But you don't dare cry " No flounces, no feathers No frills and furbelows " All winds and all weathers Ain't good for fancy clothes
Fala Miss Weathers, da Health Farm.
Good evening. It's Miss Weathers at Woodmere Health Farm.
Sempre ao ar livre.
Out in all weathers.
Na corrida anual no Alaska, percorrem 160 quilómetros por dia, durante 17 dias, faça o tempo que fizer.
In an annual race across Alaska, They cover 100 miles a day For 17 days in all weathers.
Estes navios estão preparados para enfrentarem a maioria das condições climatéricas.
These ships are massive enough To withstand most weathers.
Betty Weathers.
Betty Weathers.
- Você deve ser o Sr. Weathers.
- You must be Mr. Weathers.
Eu tenho algo aqui para a Sra. Weathers.
I have something here for Mrs. Weathers.
- A Sra. Weathers está em casa?
- Is Mrs. Weathers home?
Você acha que esse é o seu nome real, Stormy Weathers?
You think that's his real name, Stormy Weathers?
Deixada sempre cá fora, faça o tempo que fizer...
Yes. It's stood out in all weathers.
- Começa. Gale Weathers em directo da Polícia de Woodsboro...
Hi, Gale Weathers reporting live from Woodsboro police station...
Gale Weathers, repórter em campo, "Top Story".
Hi. Gale Weathers, field correspondent, "Top Story."
Sei quem é, miss Weathers. - Como vai o olho?
I know who you are, Miss Weathers.
Se me é permitido dizer isto Miss Weathers a senhora é mais bonita em pessoa.
If I may say so, Miss Weathers you are much prettier in person.
Criado por aquela jornalista tablóide Gale Weathers.
Created by that little tabloid twit Gale Weathers.
Aquela miúda do "Top Story"! - Gale Weathers?
It's that chick from "Top Story!" Gale Weathers?
E Gale Weathers?
What about Gale Weathers?
Gale Weathers despede-se.
This is Gale Weathers signing off.
- Eu sou a Gale Weathers... com um testemunho ocular desta espantosa história
Just stay with me. Hi, this is Gale Weathers with an exclusive eyewitness account of this amazing breaking story.
E esta amizade, sobre todas as circunstâncias, sobrevive... intacta às fricções diárias?
And this friendship weathers all circumstance, survives the frictions of daily life completely intact?
O livro da gale Weathers e agora o filme irão repor a verdade sobre o Cotton Weary?
Certainly, with Gale Weathers'book... and now the movie... it's set the record straight for Cotton Weary. One would think.
Miss Weathers, posso pedir-Ihe um minuto?
Uh, could I have a minute? - No.
Sem comentários.
- Miss Weathers, please...
qual é a sua teoria sobre estes crimes?
Do you think these murders are connected to Sidney Prescott? Miss Weathers, what's your feeling about this?
GaIe Weathers, autora de "Os Crimes de Woodsboro" ;
Gale Weathers, author of The Woodsboro Murders.
Sidney, olha, a gale Weathers.
- Sidney, look. It's Gale Weathers. - What?
Na cena da conferência de imprensa baseada no Livro de Gale Weathers, brevemente um grande filme com Gale Weathers.
Star of the Gale Weathers press conference, based on the book by Gale Weathers. Soon to be a major motion picture starring Gale Weathers.
- Sim, calcula que sei ler.
- Oh, yes, I do read, Miss Weathers.
Não vim cá escrever nenhum livro mas para ajudar a Sid.
I'm not here to write a book, Miss Weathers. I'm here to help Sid.
- Porque não a gale Weathers?
- How about Gale Weathers?
GaIe Weathers, autora de "Os Crimes de Woodsboro".
- Gale Weathers, author of The Woodsboro Murders. - Who?
- Primeiro, esquece a gale ;
First of all, forget Gale Weathers.
Isto é mais alguma... Das brilhantes actuações da gale Weathers?
Is this just another... brilliant Gale Weathers performance?
É Gale Weathers, na Universidade de Windsor.
You're Gale Weathers... at Windsor College.
Logo acima do acampamento elevado, um alpinista chamado Beck Weathers, ficou inconsciente na tempestade, durante 22 horas.
[Narrator] Just above the High Camp, a climber named Beck Weathers had been out in the storm for over 22 hours.
Enquanto voávamos, as lágrimas começaram a correr e eu estava grato por estar vivo.
[Weathers] As we flew away, the tears began to flow, and I was just so grateful to be alive.
Quem, a Karla Weather ou a galinha?
- Who, Karla Weathers, or the chicken?
Gale Weathers, âncora do "Total Entertainment".
Gale Weathers, anchor woman for Total Entertainment.
Gale Weathers!
- Gale Weathers! Oh, my God! - Shit.
Afinal, você é uma personagem complexa!
After all, Gale Weathers, you're such a complex character.
- Que diabo é isto?
- It's like perfume. - Gale Weathers?
Miss Weathers!
Uh, Miss Weathers? Hi. I'm Joel.
onde está a dificuldade?
You point and I shoot. I'm there! Excuse me, Miss Weathers?
Então adeus, miss Weathers.
- Take care, Miss Weathers. - All right.
- Srta.
- Well, tell me, Miss Weathers.
Weathers, valeu a pena?
- Was it worth it?
- É a Gale Weathers legítima!
It's the real Gale Weathers.

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