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Eu ía para a escola até que encontrei alguém.
I was going to school'til I met somebody.
Ía ser muito divertido.
We'd have a wonderful time.
Sabia ou suspeitou que ele a ía trazer aqui na Sexta à noite?
Did you know or did you suspect he was going to bring her here Friday night? How could I?
Se eu não estivesse aqui, tê-la-ía beijado.
You'd have had your kiss if I hadn't been here.
Fá-lo-ía, pai.
I would if the other children
Se tivesse chegado... ao farol ter-se-ía salvo,
If she had reached the lighthouse, she might have been savede.
Com certeza, ía gostar muito de si.
I'm sure he'd be quite taken with you.
Quando eu ía buscar as coisas do Elwood ao táxi, este homem horrível apareceu, um escravo branco, eu sei que o era.
As I was going down to the taxi cab to get Elwood's things this awful man stepped out. He was a white slaver, I know he was.
Eu nem sequer ía querer saber o nome dela.
I wouldn't even want to know her name.
- Eu disse que ía buscar uma bebida.
- I said I was going for liquor.
Eu... estou pronto, mas isto não é como disseste que ía ser.
I... I'm ready now, but this ain't like what you said it was gonna be.
I would wait.
- Como não ía ouvir?
- Can I help but hear?
Hilliard, ía la!
Hilliard, come on!
Quem é que ía fazer mal a uma coisinha linda como tu?
Who could ever harm a cute little trick like you?
Ía ao Acampamento MacDonald. - Ah, és recruta?
I was on my way to Camp MacDonald.
Só lhe disse que ía fazê-lo.
I just told him I was going to.
" Enquanto eu cruzava a ponte de madeira, e ía entrando no portão...
"As I crossed the wooden bridge, and entered the gateway..."
Você sabia que Jonathan ía casar-se com a minha irmã Lucy.
You must know that Jonathan was going to marry my sister Lucy.
Naquele carro funerário ía um caixão.
In that hearse was a coffin.
Ele ía a levar-me para casa quando insistiu em parar para bebermos.
He was taking me home and insisted on a drink.
Bem, nós... nós sabiamos que este dia ía chegar.
Well, we- - we all knew this day had to come.
Ía voltar e tentar outra vez.
I was going to come back, and try again.
Ele não se ía embora e deixava a firma a mim.
He wouldn't leave this business with someone like me.
Ele disse que eu ía gostar.
He said I'd enjoy it.
- Nada. Me perguntava aonde ía.
Just wondered where you was going.
Ou antes, onde você ía.
Or rather, where you were.
Berlin ía preferir que ficasse nas mãos do 3º Reich.
I feel Berlin would prefer it in the hands of the Third Reich.
- Era o que ía propôr.
- I was going to propose that.
Ía me ensinar a lutar
You were gonna teach me how to fight.
Você não me ía matar.
I'd always be there to haunt you.
Porque é que ele lhe ía dar tanta bebida?
Why would he give you that much booze?
Ía à igreja.
I've gone to church.
Disse à polícia que ía buscar seu marido ao aeroporto.
You told the police you were going to the airport to pick up your husband.
Mas ele não ía fazer isso.
Oh, Virge, no. He couldn't have.
Eu também ía dizer isso.
I was gonna say that anyway.
Disse ao Jesse que se ía ver comigo se tentasse algo.
I told Jesse he was gonna have to settle with me if he started things up.
- Disse-me que ía funcionar.
You said it would work.
Ela comê-lo-ía vivo.
She'd eat him alive.
O bando ía matar-nos.
The flock was gonna kill us.
Sabe, acho que não me ía dar bem numa grande cidade.
I don't think I'd get along in a big city.
Ele sabia que o Caminho-de-Ferro ía passar por Flagstone e que seguia para o Oeste.
He knew that railroad coming through Flagstone would continue on west.
Mas como é que ele tinha a certeza que o comboio ía passar na sua propriedade?
But how could he be sure the railroad would pass through his property?
Ele ía vender este pedaço de deserto pelo preço do ouro.
He was going to sell this piece of desert for its weight in gold.
Se eu fosse a ti, ía ali levar um bocado de água àqueles rapazes.
If I was you, I'd go down there and give those boys a drink.
Não ía acreditar numa carta falsificada entregue por um símio mascarado.
Did you think I would believe a forged letter delivered by a masked ape?
" Onde ía?
Where was I?
- Sabia que ía haver sarilhos!
- I knew we were in trouble!
- Vi que ía fazer uma viagem muito longa.
I can read your eyes and tell your fortune.
- Disséste que não me ía doer nada. - Vais sobreviver.
- Good-morning Corporal.
Se não me trouxesses de volta o cavalo, eu o ía procurar por mar e terra...
Thank goodness.

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