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Translate.vc / Português → Russo / Dealing

Dealing tradutor Russo

7 parallel translation
Começa com um pouco de marijuana, mas depois aumenta cada vez mais.
It starts with low-level pot dealing, and then it builds, fast.
Não, quero saber o que pensaste quando o Lance me acusou de traficar no clube.
No, I meant the thing that you were thinking when Lance accused me of dealing out of the club.
Aquele problema já foi resolvido.
I was dealing with that time before, it's no longer an issue.
Onde está o Booth? Com o Ronnie, a banda de um homem só.
Oh, he's dealing with Ronnie the one-man band.
Pessoal, muito obrigado por terem aguentado tudo o que se passou hoje.
Hey, everybody, um, thank you so much for, uh, for dealing with all this today.
Diabos, mesmo quando eu traficava, não movimentei assim tanto dinheiro.
Hell, even when I was dealing, I never moved that much money.
Legendas - Cuesta
d I call you on the telephone d d My voice too rough with cigarettes d d I sometimes feel I should just go home d d But I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets d d I love to hear you say my name d

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