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Translate.vc / Português → Russo / Knockin

Knockin tradutor Russo

4 parallel translation
Gente louca batendo à porta Porque querem mais
Crazy people knockin''Cause they want some more
yeah, I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl the three little piggies sure had it wrong when the wolf came a-knockin'in that old song if he's huffin'and puffin'and saying'
и да, я никогда не встречала волка, который бы не любил выть три маленьких поросенка точно проиграли игру когда волк постучался со своей старой песней если он дуется, пыхтит и говорит Есть, Мэрилин
"Naufragando na ressaca" "Nunca sabendo onde ir" "Ou como encontrar algo mais"
# Sinkin'in the undertow # never knowin'where to go # or how to find something more # lookin'for a kinder one # only then the dreams will come # knockin'at my door # life doesn't wait

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