/ Português → Russo / Must
Must tradutor Russo
127 parallel translation
"The show must go on", quer chova, faça sol, caia neve ou saraiva! "
"Действие должно продолжаться, будь дождь, солнце, снег или гололед!"
" Melhor ainda para um hippie Se ele está no Mississippi...
Must be just as zippy If we were in Mississippi. ( Было бы так же хорошо и в Миссисипи )
Agora eles devem aprender
Now they must learn
"Tens que entender que o toque da tua mão" "faz o meu pulso reagir."
You must understand through the touch of your hand makes my pulse react.
"Tens que tentar ingnorar que significa mais do que isso."
You must try to ignore that it means more than that.
How grateful you must be for the safety my sacrifice assured our father... e você.
Как вы, должно быть, благодарны за безопасность, которую обеспечила моя жертва нашему отцу... И вам.
O Coronel Must...
Полковник Гор -
"Depois de usar o Bust Must Plus, passei a ter estes grandes seios..."
"После использования Бюст-Плюс-Плюс, у меня такие большие груди..."
Gossip Girl - 1ª Temporada 9º Episódio - Blair Waldorf Must Pie!
Вы знаете, что любите меня.
"Conheço-te no Outono" "E tenho de estar lá."
o / ~ I know you in autumn o / ~ Осенью ты прекрасна, o / ~ And I must be there. o / ~ И я должен быть с тобой.
Must have landed in the junglewhen the hatch exploded. Deve ter caído na selva quando a escotilha explodiu.
Он должен был где-то упасть после того, как люк взорвался.
O frigorífico deve estar outra vez avariado.
It's no good. Damn fridge must be on the fritz again.
Deve sentir falta de um anjo
Must be missing an angel
Deviam precisar do senhor aqui.
Они необходимы must've вы здесь.
Alguma coisa grande, aqui, estava a mover o corpo do homem, quando a estante se mexeu.
Здоровяк тут передвигал тело этого парня, when the stack must have shifted.
Sim, deve ter sido, quê?
Yeah, that must have been what, uh, two years ago?
Deve adorar o'Must Love Dogs'porque está sempre a dar.
Он должен любить Должен Любить Собак Потому что это играет постоянно.
E tirem aquele maldito "Must Love Dogs" da televisão.
И уберите этих чёртовых собак с телевизора!
Well, someone must like this stuff.
Ну, кому-то ведь нравятся такие вещи.
To my heart I must be true
Сердце выбрало тебя Так зачем...
That's how it must be
* Как же я люблю тебя *
* * aw, yeah, break it down * * girl * * girl, i must * * warn you * * i sense something strange in my mind * * the situation is * * serious * * let's cure it'cause we're running out of time *
* * о, да теряю самообладание * * Девушка * * Девушка, я должен * * Предупредить тебя * * Я ощущаю что-то у себя в голове * * ситуация действительно * * серьёзна *
"Nos must amitto vivo en."
"nos must amitto vivo en."
John... Nos must amitto vivo en.
Джон... nos must amitto vivo en.
Eu preciso ir-me e viver, ou ficar e morrer...
I must be gone and live, or stay and die...
Mister, subo com Roxette, "It Must Have Been Love".
Роксетт - "Это наверно любовь".
I must confess I still believe
* Я должна признаться, что все еще верю *
Oh, pretty baby, I shouldn't have let you go I must confess
* О симпатяшка Мне не следовало отпускать тебя *
A loja deve ter feito uma venda escaldante e os produtos arderam, não, Clark?
The store must've had a fire sale, huh, Clark?
Acho que estás cansado do voo.
I imagine you must be tired after your flight.
O que queres que eu toque?
- Чтo мне сыгpать? - "This Must Bе Thе PIасе" Arсаdе Firе.
"This Must Be The Place", dos "Arcade Fire". Asneira, "This Must Be The Place" é dos "Talking Heads".
Глупoсти, "This Must Bе Thе PIасе" пели TаIking Hеаds.
"This Must Be The Place" é dos "Talking Heads". Os "Arcade Fire" só fizeram um "cover".
"This Must Bе Thе PIасе" пели TаIking Hеаds, Arсаdе Firе пpoстo сделали ее кавеp.
Com a carga horária da Sarah, era importante conseguir tempo.
With Sarah's workload, It must have been important for her to make time.
- A Sarah não me disse, mas seja quem for, devem ter acabado há pouco, porque ele tentava fazer as pazes outra vez.
Sarah didn't tell me that, But whoever he was, they must have just split up, because he was trying to win her over.
Deve haver algum engano.
There must be some mistake.
- Deve ter sido quando os ladrões roubaram as munições de alta tecnologia. 365 quilos, e tinham de levar para a plataforma de carga.
Well, that must be when our thieves stole the high-tech ammo. 800 pounds worth, and they would've had to take it out the loading dock.
Deve ter sido por isso que ele foi marcado como alvo, mas nunca descobrimos o que eles andavam a tramar.
I mean, that must have been why he was targeted, but, I mean, we never figured out what they were up to.
- You Must Remember This -
Дата выхода 14 февраля, 2011 год
- Heaven Must Have Sent You " * d I cried through many endless nights d d Just holding my pillow tight d d Then you came into my lonely days d d With your tender love and sweet ways d * The Elgins
Satã, o teu reino tem que acabar
Ханна Уэар # Satan, your kingdom must come down # # Дьявол, твое царствие падёт #
Satã, o teu reino tem que acabar
Джефф Хефнер # Satan, your kingdom must come down # # Дьявол, твое царствие падёт #
Satã, o teu reino tem que acabar
Продюсер : Питер Джулиано # Satan, your kingdom must come down # # Дьявол, твое царствие падёт #
Albergi otanaris Netto Legenda : ShyS alkmin
Robert Plant "Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down"
"Cada poder deve interpretar a Constituição..."
Please - - Each branch must initially interpret the constitution...
- Senhor, tenho de o... por favor... - Do 177...
Sir, I must have you - -... A-a-at 177.
ShyS alkmin Feliz aniversário, Derek!
Robert Plant "Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down"
O problema deve ser noutro sítio.
Problem must, быть где-нибудь еще.
How I Met Your Mother S03E19 "Everything Must Go"
Сезон 3, серия 19 "Все должно уйти" Перевод : mokena
* i must admit it helped a little bit * * to think of how you felt when you saw it * * i didn't know that i had that much strength * * but i'm glad you see what happens when *
* Я рада, что сделала это, тебе нужно извлечь урок... * * Должна признаться, мне немного полегчало * * От мысли, что ты почувствуешь, когда увидишь это *
Deve estar a consumir novamente.
He must be using again.