/ Português → Russo / Reward
Reward tradutor Russo
10 parallel translation
"Thou has God as thy reward"
"Thou has God as thy reward"
DVDRip-REWARD [ricardojaf]
Переводчики : Oblique, anonym, pIv
DVDRip-REWARD [ricardojaf]
"перевод редактируется"
Um pénis de modelo à borla é a recompensa por fazer tudo e estar presa a uma pedra como tu.
Free model penis is my reward for doing everything and being tied to a rock like you.
Negociar e usar cupons, liberta dopamina como recompensa.
Trading and using coupons releases dopamine as a reward.
Bob, obrigado por teres tratado disto como um homem.
Bob, we appreciate you handling this like a man. And as a reward,
Resinc p / ver. DVDRip-REWARD [ricardojaf]
Переводчики : chudoyudo, AaronLennon, Ilias, eyo, wishera, arteast
DVDRip-REWARD [ricardojaf]
Aloraman, Starrior, solomon _ ul, MsLillu, natashalysakova, kamozya, brrrr
DVDRip-REWARD [ricardojaf]
Переводчики :