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Try tradutor Russo

100 parallel translation
"Tens que tentar ingnorar que significa mais do que isso."
You must try to ignore that it means more than that.
Estamos tentando curtir o paraíso aqui.
Try in'to enjoy paradise over here.
Vamos tentar de novo.
Let's try again.
Boa tentativa, Pai.
Nice try, Dad.
But if you try sometimes you might find
But if you try sometimes you might find
Tento comer apenas uma, mas não me consigo conter, tenho que comer uma tonelada.
Try to eat just one, but it can't be done Попробовав раз - ем и сейчас. I've got to eat a ton
( But I'm willing to give it another try )
Но я хочу попробовать снова...
O pânico da indústria cinematográfica e fonográfica é que as pessoas poderiam começar a produzir e redes de compartilhamento - tecnologias de compartilhamento as permitem produzir coisas.
now people stayin colder so don'try n tell me your older you could be roller or be more music mix tapes promos and everythings out there, so don't try tell me I don't Киноиндустрия паникует, и музыкальная индустрия тоже - люди могут фактически начать производить, а эти файлообменные сети, файлообменная технология позволяет им производить всякое.
Há uma oportunidade. E ai está um try facílimo de se fazer
Зaщитник Хaйленд, Квентин Оуенс, с легкoстью делaет pезультaтивную пoпытку.
E Highland faz o try!
oн иx всеx пеpеxитpил, и дoшел дo oчкoвoй зoны.
Este é o quarto try para a equipe do Arizona e o segundo para Lars Murphy.
Этo 3 пoпыткa Аpизoны, и втopaя Лapсв Мёpфи в этoй игpе.
Este try pode inverter o jogo todo.
Этo пoпыткa мoжет все пoменять в этoй игpе.
- Podem tentar de novo daqui a uns meses.
You can try again in a couple of months.
Tenta manter as aparências.
Try to hold it together here.
como você se tem esforçado, como... como se tem magoado, mas mesmo assim... continua a recompor-se, sacode a poeira, e depois tenta de novo.
how hard you've tried, how... how hurt you've been, but you still... keep getting back up, you dust yourself off, then you try again.
Just wanna try you on
* Просто захотелось попробовать *
He'll try to make me go to rehab
Мне не нужны все его клиники, знайте.
He'll try to make me go to rehab
Мне не нужны все ваши клиники, знайте.
# You can't always get what you want # # But if you try sometimes #
Ты не можешь всегда получать то, что хочешь.
- But if you try sometimes # # Well, you just might find # #
Но если ты однажды попытаешься,
# But if you try sometimes # # Well, you just might find #
Но если ты однажды попытаешься,
* It's time to try defying gravity *
Пришло время бросить вызов притяжению
* I think I'll try * * defying gravity... *
Я попытаюсь бросить вызов притяжению
* But till I try I'll never know... *
Но, не попробовав, я не узнаю...
* I'd sooner buy defying gravity... * * Kiss me good-bye, I'm defying gravity... * * I think I'll try defying gravity *
Я скорей куплю силу притяжения...
Farei o meu melhor Para te impressionar
I'll try to do my best To impress
Farei o meu melhor Para te impressionar
¶ I'll try to do my best To impress ¶
When I try to explain how I feel
* Когда я попытаюсь объяснить, что я чувствую *
Papa, please forgive me, try to understand me.
* Папа, пожалуйста, прости меня и попытайся понять *
I think I thought I saw you try.
* Мне кажется, я видел, как ты стараешься *
E quando os vigilantes tentarem tomar o poder deste país pela anarquia, ele vai estar ao lado eles.
And when the vigilantes try and take over this country with Anarchy, he's gonna go down with them. So come on, now.
O Flag tentaria recrutar-te antes de tentar matar-te, Clark.
Flag would try to recruit you before he'd try and kill you, Clark.
Bom temos de tentar.
Well, we need to try.
Tentamos na próxima primavera.
We'll try again in the spring.
Lembrei-me como ela sabia o que queria e de como não tinha medo de falhar e tentar de novo e como encontrou o momento certo para dar um passo atrás e aprender.
I remembered how she knew what she wanted, And how she wasn't afraid to fail and try again, And how she'd-she'd taken
Ela descobriu como dar energia ao planeta a partir do material do qual nos tentamos livrar.
I mean, she's figured out how to power the planet out of stuff that we try to get rid of.
Pedi-te para matar um idiota inútil, e tu tentas me enganar?
I asked you to kill one worthless idiot, and you try to deceive me?
Uma coisa invisível a olho nu, mas que não importa as vezes que lave, está lá.
Some of it invisible to the naked eye, But it doesn't matter how much you try to wash it, It's still there.
Tenta escrever um roteiro com tudo isso a passar-se.
No vacation. You try writing a script with all of that going on.
Criamo-las para tentar conseguir um contrato em munições ultraleves.
We created them to try to land a defense contract in ultralight ammunition.
Bom. Vou tentar arranjar um mandado.
I'll try and get a warrant.
Eu sabia que a Anna ia tentar manipular a entrevista de algum modo, mas isto...
I knew Anna would try and manipulate my interview somehow, but this...
E se a pressionar ela vai usar uma distracção sexual para que mude de assunto.
And if you press her, she's probably gonna try and use sexual distraction to get you to change the subject.
Bem, escolheste os dois inadaptados certos para tentar.
Well, you picked the right two misfits to try.
O Klein tem óptima casa de férias, em East Hampton. Whit e eu, vamos dar uma festa enorme, para tentar atrair grandes investidores.
Well, Klein left this awesome vacation house in East Hampton, and whit and I are gonna throw this big, fancy party, try to bring in some heavy hitters into the fund.
Tudo bem, vou experimentar.
All right. Let me try.
Devias experimentar um dia destes.
- Oh, yeah, you should try it some time.
- Por que não experimentas um?
- Why don't you try one on?
Deixa-me tentar explicar, Michelle.
What choice did he have? Let me try to explain, Michelle.
# I gotta fly once I gotta try once # # Only can die once Right, sir #
Я должна полететь, я попытаюсь
- Tenta executar uma máscara de router.
You should try running a router mask.

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