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Alphahff tradutor Inglês

154 parallel translation
И там { \ alphaHFF } встретила вас. И там встретила вас.
That's when I met you.
Что мне теперь делать?
What am I... { \ alphaHFF } supposed to do now? What am I... supposed to do now?
Но так получилось, что я не в курсах, где она сейчас.
it's gotten a little complicated... { \ alphaHFF } and even I don't know where it is at the moment. it's gotten a little complicated... and even I don't know where it is at the moment.
Ниар - преемник L. Без сомнений, он
Near is L's successor... { \ alphaHFF } there's no doubt about it.
Преемник L... Похоже, схватка с L продолжается.
L's successor... { \ alphaHFF } am I fighting L still?
Его продолжительность жизни я видеть не могу!
{ \ alphaHFF } Someone whose lifespan I can't see! I've found one! Someone whose lifespan I can't see!
Сейчас владелец - Снайдер. Сначала он должен коснуться тетради.
Snydar... { \ alphaHFF } I'll start by getting him to touch the notebook.
Whee... { \ alphaHFF } plonk.
Он новенький?
! dirty costume... { \ alphaHFF } is he a new recruit? !
Если да - знал ли он, что это ложь?
{ \ alphaHFF } whether they know these rules are fake. whether they know these rules are fake.
Если знал, то мог использовать это правило, как доказательство своей невиновности.
{ \ alphaHFF } then they could use these rules... especially this "13 days" rule... it could be used to prove someones innocence. then they could use these rules... { \ alphaHFF } especially this "13 days" rule... it could be used to prove someones innocence. then they could use these rules... especially this "13 days" rule... { \ alphaHFF } it could be used to prove someones innocence.
Шидо, проверь снаружи.
Sidoh! { \ alphaHFF } Keep watch outside. Sidoh!
Хотя он лишь человек, он страшен.
he sure is... { \ alphaHFF } scary!
Так как тетрадь теперь в чужих руках, даже убив кого-то, я не докажу, что я
{ \ alphaHFF } committing an announced murder will no longer prove that I am Kira. committing an announced murder will no longer prove that I am Kira.
Слушайте внимательно.
Li - { \ alphaHFF } st-en care-fully... Li-st - { \ alphaHFF } en care-fully... Li-st-en { \ alphaHFF } care-fully...
Таким образом, 10 ноября, 23 : 59 - лучший шанс вернуть тетрадь.
will be your greatest chance to retrieve your notebook. will be your greatest chance to retrieve your notebook. { \ alphaHFF } will be your greatest chance to retrieve your notebook.
Если Кира сказал правду, тогда у нас действительно есть неплохой шанс.
{ \ alphaHFF } it would definitely be a big chance for us.
Я использую тетрадь, чтобы убить преступников, и через 13 дней умру сам.
I'll die myself. { \ alphaHFF } I'll die myself.
Тогда, заместитель директора Ягами, совершите сделку.
go ahead and exchange your eyes with the Shinigami. { \ alphaHFF } go ahead and exchange your eyes with the Shinigami. go ahead and exchange your eyes with the Shinigami.
Даже в такой ситуации, его план безупречен.
They've already gotten this far... { \ alphaHFF } we haven't perfected our plans yet...
Нет. Еще нет.
No... { \ alphaHFF } it's not over.
Не двигаться!
Don't move. { \ alphaHFF } I've sealed off both exits with that one blast.
M - { \ alphaHFF } I-H-A-E-L K-E-E-H-L M-I - { \ alphaHFF } H-A-E-L K-E-E-H-L M-I-H - { \ alphaHFF } A-E-L K-E-E-H-L
Веди себя тихо, и я не убью тебя.
{ \ alphaHFF } we won't kill you. we won't kill you.
Не двигайся!
Don't move! { \ alphaHFF } All I need to write now is your family name.
Idiot! { \ alphaHFF } Just write it!
Ягами, ты ведь никогда не убивал, так?
Yagami... { \ alphaHFF } I bet you've never killed anyone before. Yagami... I bet you've never killed anyone before.
Father? { \ alphaHFF } Father? !
Я в порядке, пап.
You're glad? { \ alphaHFF } Father?
Глаза Шинигами все еще со мной.
I still... { \ alphaHFF } have the eyes of a Shinigami. I still... have the eyes of a Shinigami.
Согласно словам Рюука, я не могу видеть срок жизни того, кто владеет тетрадью.
I can't see the lifespan of anyone who owns a Death Note. { \ alphaHFF } I can't see the lifespan of anyone who owns a Death Note. I can't see the lifespan of anyone who owns a Death Note.
Лайт, ты не Кира.
Light... { \ alphaHFF } you aren't Kira... Light... you aren't Kira...
В итоге, я не смог убить его.
I couldn't kill him. { \ alphaHFF } I couldn't kill him. I couldn't kill him.
В вне зависимости от моего мнения, достаточно одной тетради.
{ \ alphaHFF } we only need one notebook.
Сойширо, не использовавший ее, умер счастливым, зная, что его сын - не Кира.
so I guess he was happy. so I guess he was happy. { \ alphaHFF } so I guess he was happy.
Да? { \ alphaHFF } Да? !
{ \ alphaHFF } Да. Да? Да?
Это было { \ alphaHFF } здорово. Это было здорово.
That felt... good.
{ \ alphaHFF } Афро Самурай. Афро Самурай.
Long time, no see, Afro Samurai.
вы всё слышали... Хигучи
as you can all hear... { \ alphaHFF } Higuchi is Kira!
422 ) } * Наводка * обладает силой Киры. что она зайдёт настолько далеко.
338 ) } Guidance { \ alphaHFF } there would be no doubt that Higuchi has Kira's power. there would be no doubt that Higuchi has Kira's power.
и заниматься этим... \ fscx160 \ fscy160 \ alphaHFF \ fsp6 ) }... что в этом плохого? !
Something I want to do!
А ты-то тут откуда?
{ \ alphaHFF } What are you doing here? Sidoh! What are you doing here?
Ч-что ты имеешь в виду?
W - { \ alphaHFF } What do you mean? !
Зам. директора Ягами. взгляните на фото преступников.
{ \ alphaHFF } can you see the names and lifespans of the criminals in the photos I passed you?
M-I-H-A-E-L { \ alphaHFF } K-E-E-H-L M-I-H-A-E-L K - { \ alphaHFF } E-E-H-L M-I-H-A-E-L K-E - { \ alphaHFF } E-H-L
Не глупи!
W - { \ alphaHFF } Why are you saying such idiotic things? ! W-Why are you saying such idiotic things?
{ \ alphaHFF } Write it down now! Idiot! Just write it!
Умоляю, не умирай!
! { \ alphaHFF } I'm begging you! Please don't die!
Его имя.... впиши его!
{ \ alphaHFF } Use the last of your strength and write that bastards name down! Father!
Она рискнула и остановила убийства... как именно убивает Кира.
However... { \ alphaHFF } although I've always thought that Amane would go a long way to help Yagami Light out I never realized she'd go this far. Now that she's gone this far and stopped the killings... { \ alphaHFF } it'll become even more difficult to witness the actual method they use to kill. Now that she's gone this far and stopped the killings... it'll become even more difficult to witness the actual method they use to kill.
alphah 329

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