Lunshine tradutor Inglês
19 parallel translation
Переводчики : rose _ madder, Lunshine, Ffennec, Janaalmann irver, Ira1986
Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.
Кэтрин... Переводчики : Iti, Lunshine, Seniora, AmfiTrina
Catherine... ♪ I don't have a choice
Luizot, BENDERivec, Chantefleur, AmandaAngels dreaMaker7, tabushechka, Lunshine, marianna13 rysha, RecruiTTiger, zigg _ girl
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : bakT3RiO, Lunshine, Lirna, galmarina hope1939, AmfiTrina, Seniora, iriskis Yalochka, Ljelyka, BeautyMe
♪ A love like this
Переводчики : k _ o _ s _ t _ i _ n _ a, zigg _ girl, Luizot, Irachka lucky _ ann, Mahjong, BENDERivec, Lunshine tabushechka, exluvi, aya _ tsy, AmandaAngels He60, RecruiTTiger
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
AmandaAngels, Lunshine, Luizot, Feelmyname zigg _ girl, BENDERivec, mdv Переводчики :
Переводчики : rose _ madder, pfqrf, irver, Lunshine
Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.
Переводчики : rose _ madder, pfqrf, irver, Igor911 Lunshine
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : rose _ madder, irver, Lunshine
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : pfqrf, rose _ madder, irver, Igor911 Lunshine
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : dikosya _ 777, grow _ row, Lunshine, hope1939 Ljelyka, martishka0603, Damon132, Lirna y _ s, ma6uly, trangle
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : bakT3RiO, Lirna, galmarina, hope1939 Lunshine, Noro4ka, dikosya _ 777, vienna Translater123, Nana _ 19, Slastena _ _ pups, anastalex
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : bakT3RiO, Lirna, galmarina, anastasia91 Lunshine, ashkzpro, alinja, Valerka _ 93
♪ I will find my way back
Переводчики : Wanderer2112, bakT3RiO, Lunshine, hope1939 Lirna, Vitamin2810, dikosya _ 777, vienna rackyoursoul, asdfghjkl44ghh, hilily, erunda
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : Luizot, lucky _ ann, BENDERivec, tabushechka Lunshine
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : Luizot, lucky _ ann, tabushechka, Pok _ L BENDERivec, Lunshine
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : Jerry _ Springle, lucky _ ann, dreaMaker7, Luizot Pok _ L, BENDERivec, tabushechka, Lunshine
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : lucky _ ann, Pok _ L, dreaMaker7, Luizot tabushechka, Lunshine, BENDERivec, Narek12345
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
Переводчики : sdjobo, Nataly _ 1, Lunshine
♪'Cause you are the only one.