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Йнлмюре tradutor Inglês

7 parallel translation
реппнпхярш сфе депфюкх онд опхжекнл цюдю гюаюпх х ецн 5-У рнбюпхыеи он йнлмюре, йнцдю ръфекнюркер дюбхд аепцеп опедкнфхк юрюйнбюрэ реппнпхярнб,
The terrorists were already holding all five of Gad Zabari's roommates. Now, weight lifter David Berger, suggests they attack the terrorists saying, "We have nothing to lose."
[дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] лсфвхмш б йнлмюре :
The men in the room : Josef Romano is 31 years old...
щкхщигеп уюктхм, 24 кер, анпеж бнкэмнцн ярхкъ, рнфе б щрни йнлмюре.
Eliezer Halfin, 24 years old, a freestyle wrestler, is in that room.
онгфе лш намюпсфхкх, врн б йюфдни йнлмюре яонпрялемнб ашк рекебхгнп... х реппнпхярш лнцкх... мюакчдюрэ гю мюлх мю щйпюме.
Later we discovered that there was a TVin every athlete's room and the terrorists had been able to watch us preparing live on screen.
дслюч, нм с яеаъ б йнлмюре.
He's in his Zimmer, in his room, in the chambre.
я реу онп, йюй рэ ╡ опхб ╗ г лемъ ячдю, лэ ╡ опюйрхвеяйх фхб ╗ л б ндмни йнлмюре.
Since you brought me here, we practically live in the same room.
б щрни йнлмюре опнхяундър яепэ ╗ гмше беых.
There's crucial things happening here every day.

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