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Йрн tradutor Inglês

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Как будто все рекламные ролики Леви'с, Ригли, Пепси и Айрн-Брю запустили разом.
Sort of like a Levi's, Wrigley's, Pepsi and Irn-Bru advert all rolled into one.
Эм... – Айрн Бру. – Кто?
Erm... – Irn Bru.
мн мхйрн ме лнц опедбхдерэ рнцн, врн яксвхряъ онгфе.
Well, nobody could foresee what later on happened.
нм ашк едхмярбеммшл, йрн нярюкяъ фхб.
He was the only one who survived.
мюьх оюяонпрю х беых гюапюкх с мюя... врнаш ме ашкн мхйюйху мюлейнб мю рн, йрн лш.
Our passports and belongings were taken from us so there wouldn't be any clue as to who we were.
х рнцдю ъ ондслюк, врн мю мюя йрн-рн мюоюк.
This was when I thought that we were attacked by somebody.
еярэ дебърэ гюкнфмхйнб мхйрн ме лнц лме яйюгюрэ, еярэ кх япедх мху юмдпе, ашк кх нм ндмхл хг гюкнфмхйнб, хкх яслек яйпшрэяъ.
There are nine hostages. Nobody could tell me if Andre was a part of this if he was one of the hostages, if he escaped.
мхйрн ме лнц лме яйюгюрэ.
Nobody could tell me.
йрн-рн гюундхр бмсрпэ.
Somebody's going inside.
ре, йрн б ╗ к оепецнбнпш, ме гмюкх мхвецн н реппнпхярюу... йпнле рнцн, врн нмх бхдекх.
The negotiators knew nothing about the terrorists except what they saw.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] нмх нярюбхкх хняхтю пнлюмн слхпюрэ, хярейюъ йпнбэч, к ╗ фю япедх ябнху дпсгеи, йюй опедсопефдемхе, врн еякх йрн-мхасдэ онопнасер бшпбюрэ нпсфхе с оюкеярхмжю, ецн нфхдюер рюйюъ фе ясдэаю.
They letJosef Romano die, bleeding to death, lying between all his friends as a warning if anybody tried to grab a weapon from one of the Palestinians this would be their lot.
мхйрн ме хлеер опюбн онярсоюрэ рюй.
Nobody has the right to do that.
йрн-рн рюл опълн яеивюя... х лш бхдхл, врн щрн опнхяундхр пюг гю пюгнл... нрйпшбюеряъ дбепэ, бшянбшбюеряъ вэъ-рн цнкнбю, врнаш сбхдерэ, врн опнхяундхр.
There's someone right now. And this has happened time and time and time again. The door opening, the head coming out to see what is going on.
ю рн, врн лнфер ашрэ, ндхм хг мюя яслеер бнирх б йнлмюрс, онрнлс врн, б рн бпелъ мхйрн ме гмюк рнвмнцн йнкхвеярбю реппнпхярнб.
The idea was that someone of us could enter the room because at that time nobody knew about the number of the terrorists.
наыее лмемхе ашкн рюйхл, врн мележйюъ юплхъ, онкхжхъ, йрн-мхасдэ - бнгэл ╗ р бшонкмемхе щрни гюдювх мю яеаъ, нмх яслечр бшонкмхрэ е ╗ унпньн, х онщрнлс мер менаундхлнярх оняшкюрэ хгпюхкэяйсч цпсоос.
Zvi Zamir, Chief of Mossad 1968-74 And the general feeling was that if the German defense... Army, whoever will take it upon itself they are capable of doing it well in Germany and there is no necessity to send an Israeli team.
йнцдю мелжш яопняхкх : "йрн щрн х врн я мхл яксвхкняэ?"
When the Germans asked, "Who is the one and what happened to him?"
ноърэ йюйюъ-рн декецюжхъ с бундю б гдюмхе, х нупюммхйю-юпюаю мер мю аюкйнме, мн б нйме всрэ мхфе йрн-рн бед ╗ р оепецнбнпш я мхл.
Once again there is a delegation directly under the building and the Arab guard, not on the balcony but in the window slightly down below him, is negotiating with him.
мхйрн ме ондслюк н рнл, врнаш яннаыхрэ хл, врн реппнпхярнб 8.
Nobody from the village thought to inform them that there were now known to be eight.
Рн - как Хрюша.
He's like Piggy.
Уровень рН упал до 7, 03.
PH is down to 7.03.
Прoверял урoвень рН, напoлнял стаканчики.
Checking the pH levels, refilling'the cups.
нм цнбнпхк он-цнккюмдяйх, мн я к ╗ цйхл юйжемрнл, онщрнлс ъ дслюкю, врн нм нрйсдю-рн хг бнярнвмни ебпнош.
He spoke Dutch, but with a slight accent so I thought he maybe is from Eastern Europe or something.
ашкн б м ╗ л врн-рн рюйне, врн лме япюгс онмпюбхкняэ.
Ankie Spitzer... He had something about him which really appealed to me.
с реаъ б псйюу нпсфхе х рш янахпюеьэяъ йнцн-рн юрюйнбюрэ.
You have a weapon in your hand. You're going to attack somebody.
еякх рш юрюйсеьэ ецн опюбхкэмн, рн гюпюанрюеьэ нвйх.
If you attack him right, then you score a point.
5 пюг - щрн врн-рн нянаеммне.
Five times is a special thing.
нм ме унрек нярюбюрэяъ рюл, онрнлс врн нм анъкяъ, врн я мхлх врн-рн яксвхряъ.
He didn't want to stay because he was afraid something will happen to them.
щрн ашкн рн, н в ╗ л ъ леврюк "
This is what I was dreaming about. "
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] лш бйкчвхкх бяе реке - х пюдхн - йюмюкш, врнаш сгмюрэ унрэ йюйсч-рн хмтнплюжхч.
We opened up all the radios and television stations to get some information.
б рн бпелъ ъ ашк онлнымхйнл лхмхярпю цемьепю.
At this time I was the aide-de-camp of Minister Genscher.
GALGENVOGEL. рнр, йрн гюяксфхбюер ашрэ онбеьеммшл.
нкхлохияйхи йнлхрер б рн бпелъ ашк нвемэ мюдлеммшл.
The Olympic Committee at that time was very arrogant.
нмх всбярбнбюкх, врн опнхгнькн врн-рн сфюямне, мн ме унрекх хлерэ мхвецн наыецн я щрхл.
They felt something terrible happened, but they have nothing to do with it.
х щрн рн, врн нмх декючр опълн яеивюя, гюцнпючр.
That's what they're doing right now, sunning themselves.
ашкн врн-рн щцнхярхвмне, якецйю бшгшбючыее... б юрлнятепе нярюкэмни вюярх нкхлохияйни депебмх.
There was something selfish, slightly obscene about the atmosphere in the rest of the village.
брнпюъ мюдефдю ашкю мю рн, врн дбю нтхжхюмрю ялнцср бнирх бмсрпэ гдюмхъ х янявхрюрэ йнкхвеярбн юпюанб.
A second hope was the chefs could gain access and count the Arabs inside.
б рн бпелъ ъ ашк цкюбни лняяюдю.
At the time, I was the head of the Mossad.
опнькн онврх 11 вюянб я мювюкю йпхгхяю, нкхлохияйхи йнлхрер мюйнмеж-рн сярсохк лефдсмюпндмнлс дюбкемхч х опхнярюмнбхк хцпш.
Almost 11 hours after the start of the crisis the Olympic Committee finally bowed to intense international pressure and suspended the Games.
врн-рн днкфмн опнхгнирх.
Something has to happen.
нмх унрекх опхирх й йюйнлс-рн пеьемхч, врн яоюя ╗ р ху фхгмх, мн мюдефдш мю щрн с мху ашкн люкн.
They wished to come to a conclusion which might save their lives but they were not very hopeful in that respect.
ъ ме унвс декюрэ хг щрнцн мхйюйни дпюлш, мн бя ╗ щрн бшцкъдхр йюй мювюкн йюйни-рн ноепюжхх.
I don't want to instigate any false drama here but it looks, at this point, like the beginnings of some kind of deployment.
еярэ йюйхе-рн мнбнярх, охреп?
Anything to report at all, Peter?
[дФЕММХМЦЯ] йнллюмдня бшцкъдър яеивюя мепбмхвючыхлх мюлмнцн анкэье, вел пюмэье, х бхд с мху мепеьхрекэмши, йюй асдрн нмх всбярбсчр, врн опнхгнид ╗ р врн-рн мехгаефмне.
The commando looks very much more nervous than he did a while ago and he certainly has an apprehensive darting-about look from here almost as if they do sense that something is very imminent.
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] ашкн пеьемн... опхбегрх ху б лчмуемяйхи ющпнонпр... дкъ рнцн, врнаш унрэ врн-рн онопнанбюрэ.
The staff group decided to bring them to the public airport of Munich in order to try something.
нм нрберхк, врн нфхдюер опхашрхъ апнмхпнбюммшу люьхм... нрйсдю-рн, медюкейн нр лчмуемю.
Then he said that he is waiting for armored cars to arrive from somewhere near Munich.
б рн бпелъ йюй реппнпхяр аефюк елс мюбярпевс, ямюиоеп # 5 опнхгб ╗ к ябнх оепбше бшярпекш б щрни мнвх... б сонп, опълн б кхжн реппнпхярс.
As the terrorist ran towards him, Sniper Number Five fired his only shots of the night point-blank into the fleeing man's face.
" оняксьюире, еякх бш гмюере, врн врн-рн яксвхкняэ, яйюфхре лме опълн яеивюя, онрнлс врн ъ ме цепюйк.
" If you know that something happened, then you tell me now because I'm not Hercules.
ъ ондньек й йюохрюмс онкхжхх х яопняхк : " бш янахпюереяэ врн-рн декюрэ?
And then I went to the captain of the police company there and said, " Are you going to do something?
бшрюыхре гюкнфмхйнб, декюире врн-рн "
You pull out the hostages or whatever, you know and do something. "
б рн бпелъ ашкн рюйне нрмньемхе й рюйхл бнопняюл... ъ унпньн онлмч, врн бхккх апюмдр бяецдю декюк рюйни феяр -
At this time, the mentality was so, you know. Really. Hans Jochen Vogel Mayor of Munich 1960-1972
рш ярпекък б йнцн-рн хг хгпюхкэяйху гюкнфмхйнб?
29th October 1972 Terrorists arrive in Libya... Did you shoot any of the Israeli hostages?

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