Лш tradutor Inglês
208 parallel translation
х лш сбепемш, врн бш я щрхл янцкюяхреяэ.
We're sure that you'll agree.
йнцдю ъ ярюк бгпнякшл, ъ ондслюк, врн ме асдер мхйюйнцн асдсыецн дкъ мюя еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ б оюкеярхмс еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ, ъ пюярпювс бяч лнч фхгмэ... йюй аефемеж кхьеммши бяеу опюб векнбейю.
When I was growing up, I thought there was no future for us unless we returned to Palestine. If we didn't return, I would spend my whole life as a refugee deprived of any kind of human rights.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] лш фхкх мю яебепе хгпюхкъ, мю цпюмхже я кхбюмнл, бнйпсц - мхвецн, осяршмъ.
We lived in the northern border between Lebanon and Israel and it was way out in nowhere.
фхгмэ ашкю мек ╗ цйни, мн ъ гюонлмхкю рнр цнд, врн лш опнфхкх рюл... йюй яюлши опейпюямши цнд б лнеи фхгмх.
It was very tough living there, but I remember that year we lived there as the most beautiful and most wonderful year of my life.
лме йюферяъ, врн лш онксвюкх яоежхюкэмсч ондцнрнбйс.
It seemed to me we were getting special training.
гю меяйнкэйн кер дн рнцн йюй лш онгмюйнлхкхяэ, нм цнбнпхк, врн леврюер оноюярэ мю нкхлохюдс унръ аш ндмюфдш, онрнлс врн, щрн бепьхмю йюпэепш дкъ кчанцн яонпрялемю.
Years before, before I knew him he said that he was thinking about to get to the Olympics once... 1972 Israeli Olympic Squad because, I think, for every athlete, that's the climax of your career.
лш опхькх б нрекэ, юдпея йнрнпнцн мюл дюкн псйнбндярбн.
We went to a hotel which the leadership had given us the address of.
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я нярюкэмни вюярэч цпсоош - дпсцюъ цпсоою хг рпеу х дбсу кхдепнб мюундхкюяэ б лчмуеме б ревемхе мейнрнпнцн бпелемх.
There we met up with the rest of the team another group of three and two leaders who had been in Munich for some time.
лш бяе еые ме ашкх нябеднлкемш на назейре мюьеи юйжхх.
We still had not been told what the target of our operation was to be.
х йнцдю лш опхеуюкх мю бнйгюк, онегд сфе сь ╗ к.
We got to the train station, and the train had left.
х лш онлвюкхяэ й дпсцни ярюмжхх, х б щимдунбеме лш сяоекх мю дпсцни онегд.
So we raced to the next station and in Eindhoven in Holland, that's where he jumped on the train.
б мнвэ ноепюжхх... лш онькх оннаедюрэ б пеярнпюм мю фекегмнднпнфмни ярюмжхх..
The night of the operation we went to the restaurant in the railway station for dinner.
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я псйнбндхрекел нпцюмхгюжхх... йнрнпши боепбше мюгбюк мюл назейр мюьеи юйжхх.
There we met with the chief of the organization who for the first time told us what the target of our operation was.
мюьх оюяонпрю х беых гюапюкх с мюя... врнаш ме ашкн мхйюйху мюлейнб мю рн, йрн лш.
Our passports and belongings were taken from us so there wouldn't be any clue as to who we were.
гюрел лш бяе опнькх б депебмч.
Then we all went to the village.
йнцдю лш оепеахпюкхяэ вепег нцпюфдемхе... лш бярперхкх цпсоос юлепхйюмяйху юркернб... йнрнпше бнгбпюыюкхяэ оняке мнвх.
As we were climbing over the fence we ran into a group of American athletes who were sneaking in after a night out.
лш оньсрхкх дпсц я дпсцнл, ю онрнл онлнцкх дпсц дпсцс оепекегрэ вепег гюанп.
The funny thing is that we actually helped each other to climb over.
ъ ондярюбхк ябнч псйс... х лш ондмъкх ндмнцн хг мху б депебмч.
I held my hand out and we lifted one of them into the village.
лш яйюгюкх "яоюяхан" х "дн ябхдюмхъ".
We said thank you and good-bye.
[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] лш онднькх й гдюмхч.
We headed towards the building.
лш ашкх бшмсфдемш ядекюрэ щрн рнкэйн йнцдю янашрхъ пюгбхбюкхяэ ме он окюмс.
We were forced to only when things went wrong.
х, йюгюкняэ, врн лш цкъдхл мю оюмекэ сопюбкемхъ лхпнбшлх янашрхълх.
Gerald Seymour ITN News Reporter... And in a sense, you were looking down into the cockpit of world events.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] лш бйкчвхкх бяе реке - х пюдхн - йюмюкш, врнаш сгмюрэ унрэ йюйсч-рн хмтнплюжхч.
We opened up all the radios and television stations to get some information.
[цНКДЮ лЕХП, ОПЕЛЭЕП хГПЮХКЪ] еякх лш сярсохл унрэ пюг, рнцдю мх ндхм хгпюхкэръмхм, цде аш б лхпе нм мх мюундхкяъ, ме асдер всбярбнбюрэ яеаъ б аегноюямнярх.
Golda Meir Prime Minister of Israel 1969-1974 If we should give in, then no Israeli anywhere in the world can feel that his life is safe.
лш - тедепюкэмне цнясдюпярбн.
We are a federal state.
лш, ъ дслюч, ашкх мелмнцн мюхбмш рнцдю, мн лхмхярп... мележйне опюбхрекэярбн рнцдю дслюкн, врн нмх лнцср беярх оепецнбнпш я реппнпхярюлх.
We were, I think, a little bit naive. Also the minister. The German government at this time thought they could negotiate with terrorists.
йюл лш цнбнпхл он-мележйх?
They were like... What do we say in German?
лш ме рнкэйн днцнбюпхбюкхяэ, йюй пеьхрэ щрс опнакелс.
We were not only negotiating on how to handle this.
лш рюйфе, ъ ме мюгнбс щрн тхкнянтяйхл, ярюпюкхяэ днйноюрэяъ дн йнпмеи бяецн, врн опнхяундхр.
We also were... I wouldn't call it philosophical but we were also going into the grounds of the whole thing.
мн бш опедкнфхкх мюл яжемс, х лш днкфмш ашкх хяонкэгнбюрэ щрс яжемс, врнаш онйюгюрэ мюьх бнглнфмнярх... лхккхнмюл хкх дюфе лхккхюпдюл кчдеи бн бя ╗ л лхпе, йнрнпше ялнрпър бюьх нкхлохияйхе хцпш "
But you offered us a showcase and we have to use this showcase in order to show our possibility to so many millions or even billions of people in the world who are watching your Olympic Games. "
лш онйюфел яеивюя нймю, гю йнрнпшлх, яеивюя 8 хкх 9, онпюфеммшу сфюянл кчдеи... мюундъряъ б окемс.
And we're moving in now on the windows behind which, at this moment, eight or nine terrified living human beings are being held prisoner.
йрн-рн рюл опълн яеивюя... х лш бхдхл, врн щрн опнхяундхр пюг гю пюгнл... нрйпшбюеряъ дбепэ, бшянбшбюеряъ вэъ-рн цнкнбю, врнаш сбхдерэ, врн опнхяундхр.
There's someone right now. And this has happened time and time and time again. The door opening, the head coming out to see what is going on.
лш мювюкх пюгцнбюпхбюрэ я хгпюхкэръмюлх... х пюяяйюгшбюкх дпсц дпсцс пюгмше хярнпхх х ьсрйх.
We began to chat with the Israelis and told each other stories and jokes.
нм ме унрек, врнаш лш я мхлх "ондпсфхкхяэ"... ноюяюъяэ, врн нмх оношрючряъ щлнжхнмюкэмн бнгдеиярбнбюрэ мю мюя... х оношрючряъ саефюрэ.
He didn't want us to talk to them too much in case they tried to emotionally exploit us and tried to escape.
яхрсюжхъ ашкю мепеюкэмюъ, ячппеюкхярхвмюъ, б йнрнпни лш, фспмюкхярш, ян бяебнглнфмшлх тнрнйюлепюлх.
It was a kind of... Dan Shilon Israeli Television a bizarre, surrealistic situation in which we journalists surrounded the event with every possible camera.
лш ме пюгпеьюел бюл бнирх. "
You are not allowed to enter. "
х лш онькх. бхд ашк сфюямши, ъ днкфем яйюгюрэ.
Then it's me. " So we went up there and it was a terrible impression, I must say.
рюй лш окюмхпнбюкх нябнандхрэ гюкнфмхйнб.
That's how we would free the hostages.
[уюимж унуемяхм] лш фдюкх х фдюкх, мн йнднбне якнбн'янкмевмши ябер'ме онярсоюкн... ю лш ашкх йюй оепянмюфх тхкэлю мю гдюмхх бнярнвмни цеплюмхх мюопнрхб мюя... мю йнрнпнл б опълнл щтхпе яннаыюкх нан бя ╗ л, врн опнхяундхкн мю йпшье.
We waited and waited, but the code word "sunshine" never came because there was a film crew on the East German building opposite us which broadcast live everything that was happening on the roof.
онгфе лш намюпсфхкх, врн б йюфдни йнлмюре яонпрялемнб ашк рекебхгнп... х реппнпхярш лнцкх... мюакчдюрэ гю мюлх мю щйпюме.
Later we discovered that there was a TVin every athlete's room and the terrorists had been able to watch us preparing live on screen.
[дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] 14 лхмср дн 6 вюянб бевепю мюл ме яннаыхкх, врн, бнглнфмн, яхрсюжхъ опндкхряъ анкее 24 вюянб... врнаш лш "ме пюяякюакъкхяэ".
Fourteen minutes to 6 : 00, Munich time, in the evening. We were told not to let the situation go on for more than 24 hours because psychologically that was the most we could take.
еякх хгпюхкэяйне опюбхрекэярбн нрйюферяъ нябнандхрэ гюйкчвеммшу... лш асдел рпеанбюрэ яюлнкер... врнаш лш лнцкх бшкерерэ я гюкнфмхйюлх б кчасч юпюаяйсч ярпюмс.
If the Israeli government still refused to release the prisoners we had been told to demand an airplane to take us, with the hostages, to any Arab country we could.
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] мн мележйне опюбхрекэярбн х нпцюмхгюжхнммши йнлхрер... пеьхкх, врн лш ме онгбнкхл... хмнярпюмжюл бшбнгхрэ цняреи мюьеи ярпюмш, йнрнпше опхашкх ячдю, йюй цнярх мю нкхлохюдс.
But the German government and the organizing committee decided that we were not allowed at all to let foreigners bring out guests of our country who came as guests to the Olympic Games.
рюй ашкн опхмърн нйнмвюрекэмне пеьемхе, врн лш дюдхл онмърэ реппнпхярюл, врн лш онгбнкхл хл скерерэ, мн ядекюел бя ╗ бнглнфмне, врнаш ху смхврнфхрэ... хкх юпеярнбюрэ... дн рнцн, йюй нмх онйхмср ярпюмс.
That led to the final conclusion that we give the impression to the terrorists that we'll let them fly out but try everything to then kill them or bring them into prison before they could leave the country.
лш днкфмш пеьхрэ опнакелс рел хкх хмшл осрел.
We had to find a resolution one way or another.
[цНБЮПД йНЯЕКК] б онякедмхе 25-30 лхмср гдеяэ опнхяундхр гюлермне сбекхвемхе юйрхбмнярх. люьхмш опнегфючр. лш хлеел яеивюя йнппхднп, янгдюммши дкъ бшбнгю юпюанб, еякх днцнбнп ╗ ммнярэ асдер днярхцмсрю х еякх нмх бшидср нррсдю, врн бонкме бнглнфмн.
Over the recent 25 to 30 minutes there was a flurry of activity, cars were speeding off and we now have a corridor or avenue of departure available to the Arabs should a deal have been made and should they be coming out as now seems likely.
х лш онькх рсдю. ндхм хг реппнпхярнб ягюдх лемъ, я юбрнлюрнл. б щрн бпелъ мейнрнпше хг ярпекйнб мележйни онкхжхх... кефюкх мю опхкецючыху скхжюу.
So we walked there with one of the terrorists behind me with a machine gun in my back and at that time, some of the gunmen of the German police were lying in the side streets and when we approached, they were crawling away.
лш ярнъкх мюбепус с нймю... йнцдю мюьху рнбюпхыеи опнбекх б мюпсвмхйюу нр юбрнасяю дн бепрнкерю реппнпхярш ярнъкх рюл я юбрнлюрюлх.
We were standing at a window directly above as our friends were led handcuffed from the bus to the helicopters. The terrorists stood there with rifles.
щрн ме йхмнтхкэл щрн - мюьх кчдх, н йнрнпшу лш цнбнпхл!
It's not a movie. It's our people we're talking about!
брнпни бепрнк ╗ р якедсер гю мхл х керхр дюкэье, бнйпсц бшянйни цкюбмни нкхлохияйни аюьмх... й йнмевмнлс осмйрс, йнрнпнцн лш еы ╗ ме гмюел.
The second helicopter is now following it and moving out around this tremendously high major Olympic tower as they depart to a destination we, of course, as yet do not know.
[жБХ гЮЛХП] лш я мележйни цпсоони мюопюбхкхяэ й рперэелс бепрнк ╗ рс.
And we, with the German team we moved to the third helicopter.