Цеплюмхх tradutor Inglês
8 parallel translation
вепег 27 кер оняке нйнмвюмхъ бнимш, лчмуем ашк хдеюкэмни бнглнфмнярэч онйюгюрэ лхпс мнбне, делнйпюрхвеяйне кхжн цеплюмхх.
Twenty-seven years after the end of the war... Munich was the ideal opportunity to show the world the new democratic face of Germany.
╚ декюи, декюи, цняондх ╩ дкъ рнцн, врнаш онйюгюрэ щрнр мнбши ме бнемхгхпнбюммши напюг цеплюмхх, яейэчпхрх янгмюрекэмн ашкю някюакемю.
To help promote this new non-militaristic image of Germany security was kept deliberately lax.
ю ецн нреж пндхкяъ б цеплюмхх, х нм дслюк, врн, еякх нм цнбнпхр он-мележйх, я мхлх мхвецн ме яксвхряъ.
His father was from Germany originally and thought that because he's speaking German, nothing would happen to them.
я онлныэч вкемнб йнлюмдш бнярнвмни цеплюмхх, кхдепш реппнпхярнб опнмхйкх гюпюмее мю реппхрнпхч нкхлохияйни депебмх х хгсвхкх е ╗ пюяонкнфемхе.
With the help of members of the East German team the terrorist leaders had entered and studied the Olympic village in the days prior to the attack.
нм ашк нвемэ ункндем х пеьхрекем.... реппнпхярш оепедюкх онкхжхх ябн ╗ гюъбкемхе, б йнрнпнл нмх онрпеанбюкх нябнанфдемхъ анкее 200 гюйкчвеммшу хг рчпел б хгпюхке, цеплюмхх, х дпсцху ярпюмюу.
He was very cool and very determined clearly fanatical in his convictions. The terrorists handed a communique to the police. In it they demanded the release of more than 200 revolutionary prisoners from jails in Israel, Germany and elsewhere.
"бш гмюере мюьс медюбмчч хярнпхч... бш днкфмш онмхлюрэ, щрн декюер гдеьмчч яхрсюжхч нянаеммн якнфмни". [дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] охреп дфеммхмця мюундхряъ мю реппхрнпхх депебмх... йюй онярсохкх я ебпеълх б цеплюмхх.
" You know our recent history what was done to thejews by the Germans.
[уюимж унуемяхм] лш фдюкх х фдюкх, мн йнднбне якнбн'янкмевмши ябер'ме онярсоюкн... ю лш ашкх йюй оепянмюфх тхкэлю мю гдюмхх бнярнвмни цеплюмхх мюопнрхб мюя... мю йнрнпнл б опълнл щтхпе яннаыюкх нан бя ╗ л, врн опнхяундхкн мю йпшье.
We waited and waited, but the code word "sunshine" never came because there was a film crew on the East German building opposite us which broadcast live everything that was happening on the roof.
рр-рш всднбхые. рш йюй цхркеп, мн дюфе цхркеп гюанрхкяъ н цеплюмхх хкх рхою рнцн.
Y-y-you're a monster. Y-you're like Hitler, but but even Hitler cared about Germany or something.