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Цюкэ tradutor Inglês

9 parallel translation
ъ мюгбюк хлемел "цюкэ" хяйсяярбеммсч йнфс, мюд йнрнпни пюанрюк... б онякедмхе цндэ ╡.
I have given the name "Gal"... to the artificial skin I've been working on... in recent years.
врн нгмювюер хлъ "цюкэ"?
What does the name Gal mean?
цюкэ оюумер хмюве х нросцхбюер ху.
Gal smells different and repels it.
"цюкэ" аэ ╡ кю вюярмни юбюмрчпни.
Gal was a personal adventure.
нм яосрюк реаъ я цюкэ, фемни пнаепрю.
He mistook you for Gal, Robert's wife.
ъ яопърюкю ецн б яюпюе, мн цюкэ ецн мюькю. нм еи онмпюбхкяъ, х, б пегскэрюре, нмх блеяре яаефюкх.
I hid him in an outhouse, but Gal found him... she took a fancy to him... and they ended up running away together.
йн бяенаыелс сдхбкемхч, вепег меяйнкэйн леяъжеб цюкэ мювюкю онопюбкърэяъ.
To everyone's surprise... after several endless months, Gal started to improve.
цюкэ сякэ ╡ ьюкю бдюкейе цнкня мнплхрэ ╡, ончысч оеямч, йнрнпни нмю е ╗ насвхкю.
Gal heard Norma's voice in the distance... singing a song that she had taught her.
рэ ╡ цнбнпхк бяел мюл, врн реярхпнбюк цюкэ, мнбсч йнфс, мю аеярхлсямэ ╡ у лэ ╡ ьюу.
You told us... you'd tested your new skin on athymic mice.

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