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Юбрнлюрнл tradutor Inglês

4 parallel translation
"мюл мевецн репърэ", - яйюгюк нм ябнхл рнбюпхыюл, мн аюмдхр бя ╗ онмък, сдюпхк ецн юбрнлюрнл, х опхйюгюк бширх х мюопюбхрэяъ б юоюпрлемр # 1.
But a gunman understands and jabs a machine gun into Zabari's waist ordering him towards the exit and back to apartment number one.
х лш онькх рсдю. ндхм хг реппнпхярнб ягюдх лемъ, я юбрнлюрнл. б щрн бпелъ мейнрнпше хг ярпекйнб мележйни онкхжхх... кефюкх мю опхкецючыху скхжюу.
So we walked there with one of the terrorists behind me with a machine gun in my back and at that time, some of the gunmen of the German police were lying in the side streets and when we approached, they were crawling away.
бя ╗ щрн бпелъ ндхм хг реппнпхярнб ярнък оепед юбрнасянл я юбрнлюрнл б псйюу, мюэкчдюъ гю щрхл.
During this, there was one fellow standing in front of the bus with a machine gun, watching all of it.
лш оношрюкхяэ опхакхгхрэяъ, мн ашкх нярюмнбкемш ндмхл хг нупюммхйнб я юбрнлюрнл. нм яйюгюк : " ксвье ме ондундхре акхфе.
We tried to approach, were stopped by one of the guards with a machine gun and he said, " Do not come closer.

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