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Translate.vc / Russo → Espanhol / [ A ] / Attacked

Attacked tradutor Espanhol

13 parallel translation
- 2-ого августа... - On August 2nd эсминец Мэддокс сообщил что подвергся нападению... ... the destroyer Maddox reported it was attacked со стороны Северо-Вьетнамского патрульного катера.
El 2 de agosto el destructor Maddox reportó que fue atacado por un bote patrullero de Vietnam del Norte.
Два дня спустя Мэддокс и Тёрнер Джой, два эсминца... Two days later the Maddox and the Turner Joy, two destroyers сообщили что они подверглись нападению. ... reported they were attacked.
Dos días después, el Maddox y el Turner Joy, dos destructores reportaron ataques.
А вывод, что мы были атакованы 2-ого августа... And the judgment that we'd been attacked on August 2nd который мы заключили, - был верен. Это было.
Y la conclusión de que nos habían atacado el 2 de agosto estaba bien.
огда едешь на велосипеде, разве вас ни разу не атаковали водители автобусов?
You cycle, have you not been attacked by a bus driver?
She was being attacked.
Le estaban agrediendo.
She died because she was hiding from you because you attacked her.
Murió porque estaba escondiéndose de ti porque la atacaste.
Some files contained a virus that attacked the cooling system of propsylox...
Algunos archivos contenían un virus que atacó al sistema de enfriamiento del...
I think he's the man who attacked you in the park that night.
Para entonces estare en casa.
Well, they're saying the flight attendant attacked you.
Dicen que la azafata te atacó.
You attacked two NYPD detectives.
Ha atacado a dos detectives de la policía de Nueva York.
... that our judgment that we'd been attacked that day was wrong.
No sucedió.
It's like we're being attacked all over again.
Es como ser atacados nuevamente.
It think... he wanted to see if she could identify the man who really attacked her.
Lo siento, interrumpo algo aqui, chicos?

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