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Translate.vc / Russo → Espanhol / [ W ] / Walked

Walked tradutor Espanhol

31 parallel translation
# И когда он провожал меня домой... #
Yeah, and when he walked me home...
# И когда он провожал меня домой... #
And when he walked me home
# Before you walked in through my door #
antes de que pasaras por esa puerta.
Идя по пути
Walked out the way
I walked a million miles
# Puedes apagarlo y encenderlo estuviste aquí pero ya te has ido #
# I Just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
# I Just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
Он ходил, чтобы посмотреть их, так?
He walked, didn't he, to go and see them?
Нет, его дедушка... его отец, мой дедушка, ходил пешком в Лидс.
No, his grandad... his father, my grandad, walked to Leeds.
И играли вместе "She walked home".
Y acabábamos tocando "She walked home".
У меня не было сил записывать "She walked home".
No tuve el valor de grabar "She walked home".
I've just been doing some thinking about the people I know, the ones who've walked into my life and made it better than it was before...
¿ Por qué? He estado pensando en la gente que conozco. Aquellas que entraron en mi vida y la hicieron mejor de lo que era antes...
* I walked away *
* I walked away *
Выйду на улицу, гляну на село девки гуляют и мне весело...
As I walked out On the streets of Lare...
You know, maybe I should have walked away, too, From the show, but I-I didn't.
sabes, quizás debería haberme ido también del show, pero no lo hice
You are just the idiot man-baby who walked out on us.
Eres simplemente el hombre-niño idiota que nos abandonó.
I already walked the perimeter.
Ya revisé el perímetro.
- Think She Likes Me - I walked into a strange cafe No one there's ever heard my name
Entré en un extraño café un lugar donde nadie había oído mi nombre...
Son, I once walked out of the met holding a Renoir.
Hijo, una vez salí caminando del Met con un Renoir en la mano.
And I wouldn't be much of a man if I walked out on her just because I was feeling a little pressure.
Y no sería un hombre si cortara con ella solo porque estaba sintiendo un poco de presión.
♪ I walked a thousand sorry miles ♪
# Caminé mil tristes millas #
She just walked in.
Se ha colado sin más.
I walked into a door.
Entré en una puerta.
Your uncle walked on you, Frank.
Su tío caminaba en ti, Frank.
♪ и когда начинался бы день ♪ ♪ голубое небо стало бы серым ♪
# and as we walked into the day # # skies of blue had turned to gray #
She got in Amy's perfume and walked in reeking.
Ella camino apestando al perfume de Amy.
Walked into this and didn't even blink.
Se ha metido en esto sin ni siquiera pestañear.
Like I said, she would just clam up and stare at me when I walked in.
Como dije, ella acaba de callarse y mirar a mí cuando entré
♪ When I walked away alone ♪
# Cuando me alejé solo #
Walked him through the lion's den
Lo llevó por la guarida de los leones
... walked over those grounds. Это часто посещаемые, ухоженные, красивые надгробия. They're hauntingly beautiful grounds.
Son unos jardines muy hermosos filas de cruces blancas.
Love walked in my door?
# El amor llegó a mi puerta #

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