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Translate.vc / Russo → Francês / [ I ] / I know

I know tradutor Francês

1,127 parallel translation
? Но теперь у меня заканчивается заседание В лучший способ, что я знаю?
But now my ends are meeting in the best way that I know
* Это всё что мне суждено узнать *
♪ Is all that I know ♪
* И я знаю как ты пах, пока был живой *
♪ And I know how you smelled when you were alive ♪
* Кто-то на кухне, кого я знаю-аю-аю.. * ( амер. нар. песня I've Been Working on the Railroad )
Someone's in the kitchen I know-ow-ow-ow
Hey, Bree, I know what you can make for the wake- - that flaky-breaded-shrimp thing.
Je sais ce que tu peux faire pour la veillée... tes crevettes panées.
Thanks, but I know exactly what I'm gonna make.
Merci, mais je sais exactement ce que je vais faire.
I know, but mommy's still planning Eli's memorial.
Je sais, mais je suis encore sur la cérémonie pour Eli.
Jeff Cuevas is fantastic, but I know I could take his department to a whole new level.
Jeff Cuevas est fantastique, mais je sais que je peux faire encore mieux.
I know.
Les gens disent qu'on... ne peut pas tout avoir, mais moi je sais que c'est possible. Je sais.
I know.
Je sais.
I've just been doing some thinking about the people I know, the ones who've walked into my life and made it better than it was before...
J'ai réfléchi ces derniers temps, aux gens que je connais, ceux qui sont entrés dans ma vie, et qui l'ont rendue meilleure. Des gens comme vous.
- Monsters Under The Bed Я знаю, есть мне чем заняться, но эй
I know l've got work to do But hey
У вас ведь нет души. Пустышки вы, пустышки.
You think you ve got soul but I know you have to fake it
Теперь я понял.
~ Now that I know ~
Зато в коктейлях знаю толк.
But I know it don t come in a shot glass
Не знаю.
I don t know.
Я не знаю. Я теряю разум.
I don t know... l've lost my senses.
Когда я открою глаза... Я не знаю.
When did i open my eyes... i don t know.
Где небо, а где земля? Не знаю.
Where is the sky and where is the earth... i don t know.
Я не знаю.
I don t know what this is.
Не знаю почему Не знаю, почему..
I don t know why... i don t know why.
Не знаю, почему.. Но сердце знает, если ты рядом...
I don t know why... my heart knows that if you re around, l'll be all right.
Не знаю, почему..
I don t know why... my heart knows that if you re around, l'll be all right. I don t know why.
Блин, не знаю, что на меня нашло.
Oh, man, I don t know what came over me.
Я теперь уже и не знаю когда ты говоришь мне правду.
I don t know when you re telling the truth anymore.
He likes to know where i'm going.
Il aime bien savoir où je vais.
I know I wasn't flat. - Держись
Je n'étais pas molle.
Даже если это сценарий. # two flies in my high # # I don't know how to get them out #
Même si elle est scénarisée.
# I don t really know what l'm doing # #
Очень, очень высокие ноты. Нереально.
- # And mohair shoes # - # You know I read it in a magazine #
Автор - Малкольм Дойл.
# You know I read it in a magazine #
? Я не знаю, что Я бы сделал? ?
I don t know what I would have done without you, honey
* Я не знаю что с тобой делать *
♪ I don t know what to do about you ♪
* Я не знаю почему я с тобой остаюсь *
♪ I don t know why l'm staying with you ♪
* Я не знаю *
♪ I don t know ♪
* I don't know *
♪ I don t know ♪
А хрен их знает!
Fuck me if I know
# I know you know # # They just don't have any proof #
Synch :
EARL : I don't know.
J'ai pas réfléchi.
I don't know, get a job?
Trouver un boulot?
You know, I-I was ribbing you the other day about getting a job, but you took it seriously.
Je te taquinais l'autre jour au sujet de ton travail, mais tu m'as pris au sérieux.
I know this is a rough time for you.
Je sais que vous traversez un moment difficile.
I don't know.
Je n'en sais rien.
Dave, it was a nice trip, but I gotta tell you, I don't know why we spent all that money going to the Bahamas.
C'était un beau voyage, mais je dois te dire que je me demande pourquoi on a tant dépensé pour aller aux Bahamas.
You know exactly what I'm doing.
Vous savez exactement ce que je fais.
I don't know much about love.
Je ne suis pas un expert en amour.
But just so you know, it'll be the last thing I ever fix for you.
Mais attention, c'est ma dernière réparation. Je prends ma retraite. - Quoi?
Which is funny, because I don't really know anything about you.
C'est drôle d'ailleurs, car je ne sais rien de vous.
- I don't know.
- Je ne sais pas...
I don't know what she was thinking.
Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé.
You know, I was just going totake the "reverie" out for aspin.You guys want to join me?
Je partais faire un tour sur La Rêverie. Vous vous joignez à moi?

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