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Translate.vc / Russo → Francês / [ T ] / Treated

Treated tradutor Francês

11 parallel translation
К знаменитостям надо относиться с тем же уважением, как и к другим.
Should be treated as human beings and respected in matters private.
И с тобой обращаются как с дураком как с дураком
And you re treated like a fool
It was when Mr Nimmo was being treated for his injuries that police found evidence of covert surveillance in the shop's changing rooms.
'Alors qu'on soignait les blessures de Mr. Nimmo...'... la police a trouvé une caméra de surveillance secrète.
The way I see it, you and me, we... We're treated the same way.
Moi, je pense qu'on nous traite tous les deux de la même façon.
♪ Oh, ah ♪ That you treated me so cruel
118 people treated at a Los Angeles hospital for injuries sustained from random falling- -
118 personnes traitées dans un hôpital de Los Angeles pour blessures à cause de balles...
Maybe you'll get lucky, and they'll treat you more fairly than you treated Shaun, but you don't deserve it.
Dites bonjour... juste bonjour. Salut, chéri.
And she needs to be treated with inpatient psychiatric care.
Et elle doit être traitée avec des soins psychiatrique à l'hôpital.
♪ Вместо сладостей гадости ♪
♪'Stead of treated, we get tricked ♪
I have made it clear to all involved they are to be treated fairly.
J'ai fais comprendre à tous qu'ils doivent être bien traités.
♪ Ooh... ♪ Cookie, I made mistakes, I treated you wrong, but ever since you left me,
J'ai fait des erreurs, je me suis mal comporté avec toi.

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