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Called tradutor Português

77 parallel translation
Loving that old black magic called love
E adoro aquela magia negra a que chamam amor.
Он ведь сделал перерыв, правильно?
Ele called roll, right?
"A crazy little thing called love". ( Эта шальная штука - любовь )
"Uma Coisinha Maluca Chamada Amor".
Этот певец, он из наших!
"I just called to say I love you" O cantor é daqui!
Tribe Called Quest.
Gosto do "A Tribe Called Quest".
Ты мне сейчас говоришь, что Голливуд более не нуждается в чем-то еще от раскаявшегося мудилы, Который принес им эту маленькую штучку под названием любовь, часть первая... Хэнк.
Então, Hollywood não quer mais nada do sacana impenitente que lhes deu "Crazy Little Thing Called Love 1 e 2"?
Ты только глянь, Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, и Biggie.
Olha, Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul e Biggie. Que foi?
Она позвонила мне поздно ночью
She called me up late that night
It's called "niche casting."
- Chama-se "elenco apropriado".
* Алло, алло, малыш, Ты мне звонишь, но тебя плохо слышно. *
Hello, hello, baby, you called, I can't hear a thing
That's what you called my sister when they let you walk away!
Foi o que chamaste à minha irmã quando te libertaram!
It's called Re-grestic now.
Chama-se Re-grestic agora.
I went to thank Sarah in person, because my agent had called me that evening to tell her that she had agreed to let me out.
Queria agradecer a Sarah, porque o meu agente ligou-me e disse que ela concordou em deixar-me sair.
So I called the security company, and they said that the only guard that was stationed at the loading bay that night was some guy named Reggie Walsh.
Então liguei para a companhia de segurança e disseram que o único guarda que estava na plataforma naquela noite era um homem chamado Reggie Walsh.
Oh, but, uh, when they were walking away, the black guy called the other guy Ganz.
- Não. Mas, quando estavam a sair, o negro chamou o outro de Ganz.
Well, Ganz's phone is a burner, and so are most of the numbers he called.
O telemóvel do Ganz é um pré-pago, os números ligados também.
We did manage to trace one of the burners he called to New York City.
Procurámos um dos pré-pagos a Nova Iorque.
"Шальная штучка любовь".
A Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
Сумасшедшая штучка под названием "Любовь".
A crazy little thing called love
When emergency services were called in response to a reported robbery at Nimmo's Costume Emporium owned and managed by Stanley Nimmo a well-known and popular figure in the area
Uma urgência foi chamada em resposta a uma denúncia de roubo na loja de máscaras Nimmo, criada e administrada por Stanley Nimmo, uma figura muito conhecida e popular na área.
Eleggua is called to find justice.
Eleggua foi chamado para fazer justiça.
You called me a zit.
Chamaste-me borbulha.
They're called "neuticals." Look it up.
Chamam de "Neuticles". Pesquise.
The hours killed me, so I invented an iPhone app that I sold to Russia called "Words with Comrades."
Muitas horas. Então, fiz um aplicativo para o Iphone, que vendi na Rússia chamado "Palavras com camaradas"
In the corporate world, that's called re-branding.
No mundo corporativo, isso é chamado de re-marcar.
Пожалуйста, сэр, нас выкинули из места, которое мы всегда считали своим домом.
Por favor, sr., fomos expulsos de um lugar we've always called home.
Когда рожден ты сексуальным в лесу, чтои имя носит Голливуд готовься встретить волков ты больше позади себя чем красная шапочка на своем пути в наши дни она и ее милая бабушка могли бы научиться у мужчин, с которыми я встречалась, тому
When you are born with sex appeal in the forest called Hollywood you'll find more wolves at your back door than that little red riding hood now she and her little old grandma could have learned from the men I've dated
It's called tumor Lysis syndrome.
É o que se chama de síndrome da lise tumoral.
It looks like Barb got into a fight over coupons. with someone who called herself the Deal Diva.
Parece que a Barb discutiu sobre cupons com alguém chamado de Diva do Desconto.
They called her : "Mama".
Chamam-lhe "Mama".
I called her this morning.
Liguei para ela hoje de manhã.
Well, she called me from aunt's house, said you told her to go home.
Bom, ela ligou-me e disse que a mandaste ir para casa.
"Эта сумасшедшая штучка под названием любовь"
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Сумашедшая маленькая штучка под названием любовь.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
You called at the last moment and we couldn't get out of it, right?
Ligaste em cima da hora, não podíamos cancelar.
Чарли, Эли Эндрюс была исполнительным продюсером "Безумной штучки под названием любовь".
Charlie, a Ali Andrews foi a produtora no Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
Working an execution's like being called up to the show.
Trabalhar numa execução é como ser chamado a representar.
Now, what they're doing right now, that's called the tango.
O que eles estão a dançar agora, chama-se tango.
We called.
Nós ligamos.
A place called the Albert Memorial, but er... will I know itwhen I see it?
- Num lugar chamado Albert Memorial, mas... irei reconhecê-lo quando o vir?
No? You were in troubleand you called on me.
A Mary estava com um problema e chamou-me.
- I never called them.
- Não liguei para eles.
Salt-N-Pepa, Tribe Called Quest, The Roots,
Os Salt-N-Pepa, os Tribe Called Quest, os The Roots, os Public Enemy,
# There was a girl called Animal X
# There was a girl called Animal X
And then they called me a monster.
E depois chamaram-me monstro.
Perhaps a little doubt in me is called for.
Talvez seja preciso duvidarem um pouco de mim.
- And did you? - No. In fact, nobody called Manning back.
O bar chama-se "The Windover", entre a Lex e a Park na 57ª.
It turns out, each time you called someone at Gino's turn right around and called a cellphone of this guy...
De acordo com o Stanton, os primeiros encontros dão-se todos lá. Digo-te, este sujeito nunca tinha ficado assim, sem reacção, desde a Administração Dinkins.
я просто позвонил сказать привет я спать не мог всю ночь и знаю - поздно но я не мог ждать
Just called to say Hello I couldn't sleep
We called the restaurants.
Ligamos para os restaurantes.
Место, бывшее домом.
SERIE FINALE The Place I Called My Home

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