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Remains tradutor Português

9 parallel translation
Ну, если приглядеться получше, например, в клипе на эту песню, он одет как гангстер, и он все нафиг взрывает, верно?
Se pensares bem, no The Song Remains The Same, por exemplo, ele está vestido de gangster e depois leva um tiro na cabeça, certo?
Well, most of what he was buried in and what I found around the remains was tile : прозрачной, керамической, стекловидной датированной примерно 1920-ми.
A maioria dos materiais em que ele estava enterrado era azulejo translúcido, cerâmico, vidrado, datado de antes de 1920.
Supernatural S05E13 - The Song Remains The Same - Sincronia :
Черт, когда я влюблен, я... Пью мартини и смотрю "остаток дня",
Jesus, quando estou apaixonado, Eu, uh, bebo rosé e vejo Remains o dia todo.
Но мы выживем. И оставим свой след.
But we'll reanimate and our core remains the same
"The Memory Remains" Reload - 1997
The Memory Remains
Which is why we have to look at another set of remains.
É por isso que devemos analisar outro corpo.
But these are the only remains we have.
Mas este é o único que temos.
S12E18 "The Memory Remains"

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