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Translate.vc / Russo → Português / [ T ] / Trying

Trying tradutor Português

105 parallel translation
Think about what you're trying to do to me
Pensares no que estás a tentar fazer comigo
Think about what you're trying to do to me
Pensares no que está a tentar fazer comigo
Think about what you're trying to do to me
Pensa no que estás a tentar fazer comigo
- What you trying to do to me
- No que estás a tentar fazer
- Think about it, baby - What you're trying to do to me
- No que estás a tentar fazer comigo
Я пытаюсь держать эту семью на плову, проходя все круги бюрократического ада.
I'm trying to keep this family afloat.
Нет, вы пытаетесь свести меня с ума, твое художество и твоя мать с оперой
You're trying to drive me mad, your art and your mother's opera.
You two are trying out for the footbaII team?
Vocês vão prestar prova para a equipa de futebol?
I guarantee you'll be trying to win me back
* Garanto que você vai tentar me ganhar de volta *
I'm trying to lock this job down.
Estou a tentar agarrar este emprego.
So I'm trying to understand.
Portanto estou a tentar compreender.
Буду пытаться держать руки на столе
Trying to keep my hands on the table
* Бежа прочь, пробую всё новое *
Running around, trying everything new
* Не буду отрицать * * Я не пытаюсь это скрыть *
I won't deny it I'm not trying to hide it
* Я не пытаюсь это скрыть *
I'm not trying to hide it
* Я против болтуна, который пытается спеть *
I'm up against the speaker trying to take on the music
* Попробуй поймать его, шик-а-та *
Trying to hit it chic-a-tah in the middle
* Стараюсь не отстать от тебя * * Не знаю, смогу ли сделать это *
Trying to keep up with you and I don't know if I can do it.
Лентяем, как один из нас Просто незнакомцем в автобусе добирающимся до дома
Just a stranger on the bus trying to make His way home?
* Совершенны, хотя она не особо не старается *
Falls perfectly without her trying
I am just trying to get through this holiday without a fight.
Clark... Só estou a tentar ultrapassar este feriado sem uma discussão.
What I am trying to say is that you haven't had to deal with a family for a really long time.
O que quero dizer é que tu não tiveste de lidar com uma família durante muito tempo.
I'm just trying to get used to all the changes around here, okay?
Sabes que mais? Estou a tentar habituar-me a todas estas mudanças, sim?
And I'm not trying to take her place, Oliver.
Está bem. E não estou a tentar ocupar o lugar dela, Oliver.
Lois, can you stop running damage control long enough to see that we are just trying to protect you?
Lois, podes parar de tentar desculpá-los e perceber que estamos a tentar proteger-te?
I do get trying to protect dad.
Percebo o facto de quereres proteger o pai.
I think we were so busy trying to be the perfect daughter that...
Acho que estávamos tão ocupadas a tentar ser a filha perfeita que...
You end up breaking your neck trying to get a little liquid comfort.
E acaba com o pescoço partido ao tentar encontrar conforto na bebida.
She was just trying to be the best mom in the world.
Ela só queria ser a melhor mãe do mundo.
Ты пытаешься убить нас раньше времени? Are you trying to kill us sooner?
Está tentando nos matar mais rápido?
- Yeah, we're trying.
- Estamos a tentar.
Yo. Look who got caught Trying to buy a ticket to the Bahamas at J.F.K.
Vejam quem foi apanhada a comprar uma passagem para as Bahamas no JFK.
Sarah didn't tell me that, But whoever he was, they must have just split up, because he was trying to win her over.
- A Sarah não me disse, mas seja quem for, devem ter acabado há pouco, porque ele tentava fazer as pazes outra vez.
Just trying to keep you on your toes.
Só a tentar mantê-la com os pés no chão.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out this heist.
Sim, estou a tentar perceber este roubo.
Okay, so if Ganz is doing business poolside, he's probably trying to find a buyer for those bullets.
Se o Ganz está a negociar na piscina, deve estar a tentar encontrar um comprador para as balas.
You know, I'm trying to decide who is the worse liar, him or you.
Estou a tentar decidir quem é o pior mentiroso, ele ou tu.
Hey, we're trying to get a vicious criminal off of your streets.
Admito isso. Estamos a tentar tirar um criminoso das suas ruas.
* Примеряем кучу шмоток, *
Trying on all our clothes, clothes
* С желанием напиться и пошалить *
Trying to get a little bit tipsy
How many did Salk sacrifice trying to get his answers...
Quantos sacrificou o Salk ao tentar obter respostas?
♪ now, all I'm trying to do is find a peaceful place ♪
Agora, tudo o que estou a tentar é encontrar um sitio calmo
I've been trying to call her.
Tenho tentado ligar-lhe.
This whole time that I've been trying to have kids, she's been killing it off.
Todo este tempo a tentar ter filhos, e ela a evitá-lo.
I keep trying to force things and the shit don't fit. And Lyla...
Bem tento forçar as coisas, mas isto com a Lyla não dá.
Trying to guess what you do for a living.
Tentar saber o que fazes da vida.
Look at'em, they're trying on clothes.
Olha para eles. Estão a experimentar roupa.
In the middle of a procedure that could basically save your life, House is actually trying to drag people away?
No meio de um procedimento que salvava a sua vida, o House estava a tentar tirar as pessoas de lá?
* Я просто пытаюсь понять, почему *
Well, I'm just trying to find out why
Добирающимся до дома Лишь добирающимся до дома Ищущим путь домой
Just trying to make His way home.
Анатомия Грей 7х07
Temporada 7 Episódio 07 "That's Me Trying"

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