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Translate.vc / Russo → Português / [ W ] / Wounds

Wounds tradutor Português

7 parallel translation
But we've determined that the wounds were made from something aluminum, something with a sharp edge.
Determinamos que as feridas foram feitas com alguma coisa de alumínio, e de ponta afiada.
He's just off licking his wounds.
Ele anda por aí a lamber as feridas.
You're forgetting about the stab wounds.
Estás a esquecer-te das facadas.
We didn't see any stab wounds.
Não vimos facadas.
There actually are two small stab wounds to Dan McLane's abdomen.
Há duas facadas pequenas no abdómen do Dan MClane.
Stab wounds couldn't have been reported because I hadn't examined the body before he was snatched away.
As facadas não foram relacionadas porque não tinha examinado o corpo antes de mo roubarem.
Two wounds to the midsection followed by a Ripper-like throat-slashing.
Duas feridas no meio, seguidas pela garganta rasgada.

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