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Translate.vc / Russo → Português / [ W ] / Wrong

Wrong tradutor Português

112 parallel translation
If I answer right or wrong
Se eu disser que sim ou que não
That's wrong.
Essa está errada.
I took a wrong turn and I just can't go home.
"Virei no sitío errado e não consigo voltar a casa."
Don't get me wrong.
"Não me entendas mal"
И я дoлжeн сказать Чтo всe спeл нeвeрнo
Present tense l'm singing this whole thing wrong
I guess I was wrong.
Pelos vistos, enganei-me.
И тут он понимает, что не так.
Then he realises what's wrong.
С нашим бравым героем?
Com o "Dudley Do Wrong"?
- And we would go on as though nothing was wrong
Continuando Como estando tudo bem
It felt wrong that you two are out here and I was in there all alone with Alex.
Pareceu-me errado vocês estarem cá fora e eu sozinho lá dentro com a Alex.
- But you were wrong about one thing.
Estavas errada sobre uma coisa. - Qual?
Why's something gotta be wrong?
- Porque é que tem de haver algum problema?
There's nothing wrong withbeing in denial, my friend.Ourwhole careers were built on it.
Não faz mal estar em negação, amigo. Construímos a carreira assim.
* Девайте вылечим причину, осталось мало времени * * Не могу выпустить её из головы * * скучаю, целую, люблю её * * неверный шаг и ты мёртв * * эта девушка * * отрава * * воууу, воууу, воу, воу * * никогда не доверяйте её большой попе и улыбке *
* can't get her out of my head * * miss her, kiss her, love her * * wrong move, you're dead * * that girl is * * poison * * whoa, whoa, whoa *
* Ошибаться на счет того парня *
All wrong for the guy
Now, don't get me wrong.
Não me entendas mal.
На что-то, что звучало бы более профессионально. Ты знаешь, я не думаю I got the wrong impression of you at all.
Sabe, acho que não fiquei nada com uma imagem errada de si.
"Whoops, wrong dad."
"Ops", pai errado.
We've done everything wrong!
Fizemos tudo mal!
I know it was wrong to run, but I was afraid to go to the cops.
Sei que foi errado fugir, mas tinha medo de ir à polícia.
* И какие проблемы? *
And what's wrong with that?
Hey, what- - what's wrong, Ray?
Que se passa Ray?
Something's wrong.
Há algo de errado.
I took him in, got him clean, taught him right from wrong.
Eu acolhi-o, desintoxiquei-o, e ensinei-lhe o bem e o mal.
What's wrong with him?
Qual é o problema dele?
Uh, before you come at me with both barrels, let me just say, I have been thinking about it, and you were right. I was wrong.
Antes que venhas com pedras, deixa-me dizer, estive a pensar e tu estavas certo, eu estava errada, não deveria ter te subestimado daquela maneira com a Emma.
и да, я никогда не встречала волка, который бы не любил выть три маленьких поросенка точно проиграли игру когда волк постучался со своей старой песней если он дуется, пыхтит и говорит Есть, Мэрилин
yeah, I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl the three little piggies sure had it wrong when the wolf came a-knockin'in that old song if he's huffin'and puffin'and saying'
I'm happy, is that wrong?
Estou feliz. Isso é mau?
He wasn't wrong. I bribed a guy.
Ele tinha razão, subornei o tipo.
[Telephone thuds] What's wrong with you?
O que há de errado consigo?
Но в худшем случае, мы проиграли пытаясь сделать правильную вещь. as opposed to succeeding in doing the wrong.
Mas no pior dos casos, falhámos ao fazer a coisa certa, em vez de termos tido êxito ao fazer a coisa errada.
That's just wrong... A man so romantic and generous.
Um homem tão romântico e generoso.
Y-You got the wrong guy.
Apanharam o homem errado.
What you're asking meto do is wrong.
O que me pede para fazer é errado.
Whoever the man, whatever the motive, it's wrong.
Quem quer que seja o homem ou o motivo, é errado.
Is something wrong?
- Há algum problema?
Sometimes, it's better to, you know, take a risk than to go down the wrong path - that's all.
Por vezes, é melhor arriscar, percebe do que ir pelo caminho errado.
Of course, I should sing and danceto hear you say that but you seem to have gotthe wrong end of the stickwith Charles.
Claro, eu deveria estar a saltar de contente por ouvir isso mas parece-me que não está a ver bem o Charles.
I'd kiss him if it wouldn't give himthe wrong idea. Upset?
Eu podia beijá-lo se ele não ficasse com ideias erradas.
- What's wrong?
Que se passa?
Your thinking could not be more wrong in this matter.
Não podia estar mais enganado.
- What did I do wrong?
O que foi que eu fiz de mal?
♪ Иисус, держи меня от всего неправильно ♪
♪ Jesus, keep me from all wrong ♪
Well, actually, I did the old knock-on-the-wrong-door routine one time.
Na verdade, fiz uma vez aquele truque de bati-na-porta-errada.
- # I was wrong...
- # I was wrong... #
Благослови мою душу!
Well, bless my soul What's wrong with me
But the words would come out wrong, and there is no... Мы все равно можем двигать наши отношения вперед.
Ainda podemos avançar no nosso relacionamento.
What's wrong?
Qual é o problema?
* Хотелось бы знать, * * поскольку - вот он я * * Я люблю тебя *
- What's wrong with that? - I'd like to know I'd like to know
What if we're looking at this all wrong?
E se estamos a procurar no sítio errado?
That's wrong, sir.
Está enganado, Sr.

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